Newsletter Summer Supplement (1999)

宣•布•事 •項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 大學成員獲殊榮 University Members Honoured • 經濟學講座教授廖柏偉副校長名列香港特區政府本年授勳名單,以其「學術 成就超卓,且積極為香港公眾服務,不遺餘力」,獲授銀紫荊星章。 • 病理解剖學講座教授李川軍教授卸任醫學院院長及榮休前,獲國際病理學 學院授予該院最高榮譽一一金章及獎狀,表揚他對國際病理學教育及研究 的傑出貢獻。國際病理學學院是國際知名組織,會員逾萬名,遍布全球八 十七個國家。 Three members of the University were recently honoured for their contributions to their respective fields and to the community. • Prof. Liu Pak Wai, pro-vice-chancellor and professor of economics, was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star of the HKSAR on 1st July 1999. • Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee, former dean of medicine and professor of morbid anatomy, was presented the Gold Medal and Certificate, the highest award of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP), for his 'outstanding contribution to international pathology education and research' at a ceremony held in June. IAP is an international organization primarily concerned with the education of pathologists. • Prof. Alexander Molassiotis, assistant professor in the Department of Nursing, was conferred the award of Eminent Scientist of the Year 1998 by the Asia- Pacific Chapter of the International Research Promotion Council (IRPC) for his work in the field of health care and nursing. IRPC is a non-profit international organization started in 1993 to promote and encourage research activities in science and medicine. 本校獲研究資助局撥款近億 RGC Research Grants for 1999—2000 本校是年度獲香港研究資助局撥款九千八百三十八萬八千元,支持逾百項 研究計劃。 香港研究資助局於一九九九至二零零零年度撥出三億二千四百四十九萬七 千元供各院校教研人員競逐;七千萬元直接資助各院校成本少於二十萬元的研 究計劃;另一千七百五十萬元用以資助集體研究計劃及加強院校之科研設施。 中大共有一百四十一項研究計劃取得競爭性撥款,數量為眾院校之冠,資 助金額共計八千一百六十八萬八千元,另獲一千六百七十萬元直接撥款。 該一百四十一項研究計劃分屬生物學及醫學(四十五項)、工程學(四十 項)、自然科學(十三項)和人文、社會科學及商科(四十三項),詳見研究及科技 事務處的網頁( h ttp://。 A total of 141 research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have been awarded earmarked grants totalling HK$81,688,000 from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. The number of proposals supported is the highest among all the tertiary institutions. The University also received a direct allocation of HK$16.7 million to finance small projects. For 1999-2000, the government has made available HK$324,497,000 for selected research proposals submitted by academic and research personnel in the UGC-funded tertiary institutions, HK$70 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects, and HK$17.5 million to support new initiatives aimed at encouraging group research and strengthening the research base of these institutions. The 141 CUHK projects selected for support fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (45); engineering (40); physical sciences (13); and the humanities, social sciences and business studies (43). For details please refer to the website: ht tp:// Research Grants Council Calls for Application Applications for earmarked research grants for 2000-2001 from the Research Grants Council are now invited. Guidelines, application forms and details about internal deadlines are available at h ttp:// UK/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 1999-2000 The British Council and the Research Grants Council are now inviting applications for grants from the captioned scheme. The quota allocated to the University is five proposals. A sum of £80,000 (HK$976,000) has been set aside for grants under this scheme in 2000 and the allocation per project w i ll not normally exceed £6,000 (HK$73,200). The invitation circular and the application form are available at h ttp:// 17 CUHK Projects Receive Research Funding The following research projects undertaken by staff of the University have received funding from different sources local and overseas: • Religious Education 一 In Search of Education for Quality Life (HK$2,133,100) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Peter T.M. Ng • Exploring Urban Geography —A Computer-assisted Learning Package for Hong Kong Students (HK$800,000) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Lam Chi-chung • Hong Kong Cyber Campus — Towards Networking All Schools in Hong Kong (HK$12,000,000) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Wong Po-choi • A Comparative Study of Modern Chinese and Cantonese in the Development of Teaching Resources (HK$998,000) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal Investigator: Prof. Dang Shu-leung • 'Into the Community' : An Exploration of Its Historical Culture by Secondary Schools (HK$205,500) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Kwok Siu-tong • The Jump Rope for Heart Project: An Education Programme for Hong Kong School Children (HK$580,000) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Amy Sau-ching Ha • Enhancing Problem Solving Skills to Improve School Performance (HK$478,000) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Jack Lam • Education Towards Biliteracy and Trilingualism: An Internet Support Project (HK$ 1,999,000) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Kwan Tze-wan • Association of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI-1) Gene Polymorphism with Diabetic Nephropathy Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Chinese (HK$30,000) Sponsor: Hong Kong Society of Nephrology Ltd. Principal investigator: Prof. Philip K.T. L i • To Investigate the Feasibility of Blocking Epididymal Anion Channels as a Novel Method for Male Fertility Regulation (US$106,000) Sponsor: The Rockefeller Foundation Principal investigator: Prof. Patrick Wong • Capacity Building for Environmental Education in Primary and Middle Schools Through the Production of Interactive Teaching Materials (US$5,807) Sponsor: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Principal investigator: Prof. Lee Chi-kin 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 暑 期 特 刊 一 九 九 九 年 八 月 十 九 日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1999 1