Newsletter No. 149

CUHK Newsletter No. 149 4th September 1999 5 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 講座教授 Professorial Appointments 中醫學講座教授 Professor of Chinese Medicine 大學委任江潤祥 教授為中醫學講座教 授,任期由一九九九 年八月一日起生效。 江教授為中山大學理學士,其後負笈比利時布 魯塞爾自由大學,一九六五年獲授博士學位。 江教授曾在丹麥哥本哈根大學生物化學研究所 和法國巴黎法蘭西學院實驗胚胎學研究所從事研究 工作,一九六八年加入中大生物系服務,一九七四 年出任生物化學系高級講師,七九年升任教授,八 九年獲委任為生物化學講座教授。 江教授並曾在英、美和內地著名大學講學,是多個國際學術團體成員, 另持有數項發明專利權。 Prof. Kong Yun Cheung was appointed professor of Chinese medicine on 1s t August 1999. Prof. Kong obtained his doctoral degree from The Free University o f Brussel s in 1965 , an d has hel d variou s researc h fellowship s an d visiting professorship s in institution s i n Europe , th e US , an d mainland China . H e joined Th e Chines e University a s lecturer in biology i n 1968 , becoming senior lecturer in biochemistr y in 1974 , reader in 1979 , an d professor o f biochemistry i n 1989 . He was appointe d Director o f Studie s o f the Bachelor o f Chines e Medicine Programm e f r o m 199 7 to 199 8 an d director o f th e Schoo l o f Chines e Medicin e i n Februar y 1999 . Prof. Kong has been a member o f the International Society o f Developmenta l Biologists sinc e 1974 , an d o f th e Endocrin e Societ y o f th e US sinc e 1977 . Hi s cu r r ent researc h interest s ar e activ e p r i n c i p l e s i n Chines e med i c i nes , endocrinology o f reproduction , natura l produc t immunomodulators , protei n growth factors , an d the histor y o f Chines e scienc e an d medicine . 解剖學講座教授 Professor of Anatomy 大學委任姚大衞教授為解剖學講座教授,任期由一九九九年八月一日起 生效。 姚教授一九六九年畢業於本校生物系,後赴美 國密西根州威恩州立大學醫學院深造,一九七四年 獲授解剖學哲學博士學位。姚教授並先後於一九八 八及九五年獲德國羅斯托克大學頒授理學博士及醫 學博士學位。 姚教授一九七四至七六年任本校生物系講師, 七六至八零年任港大解剖學系講師,八一年再度加 入本校服務,任解剖學系高級講師,九零年升任教 授。 姚教授為多個國際學術團體成員,並為英國生物研究院院士和多份學術 期刊的編委。 Prof. Davi d T . Yew wa s appointe d professor o f anatom y o n 1s t August 1999 . Prof. Ye w obtaine d hi s B.Sc . fro m Th e Chines e Universit y i n 196 9 an d hi s Ph.D. f r o m Wayn e Stat e Universit y i n 1974 . H e als o obtaine d a D.Sc . an d a Dr.Med.(habil) fro m Universit ä t de r Rostoc k i n 198 8 an d 199 5 respectively . H e joined th e University a s senior lecture r i n anatomy i n 1981 , and became reader i n 1990. Prof. Ye w ha s helpe d promot e anatomica l science s i n Chin a an d i s on e o f four peopl e i n Hon g Kon g t o hav e bee n admitte d a s a fellow o f th e Institut e o f Biology ( UK ) fo r significan t contribution s t o biologica l an d medica l research . His researc h interest s includ e th e visua l system , laser-biologica l investigations , and the developmen t an d ageing o f th e human centra l nervous system . 二零零零至二零零一年度教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 2000-2001 二零零零至二零零一年度可供申請之教職員進修資助計劃如下: (一)英聯邦大學協會泰晤士報高等教育副刊交流資助計劃 (二)日本聖公會威廉斯會督紀念基金「訪問研究員/培訓學員」計劃# (三)日本國際交流基金會研究資助計劃 (四)圖書管理員日本語研修資助計劃 (五)研究員日本語研修資助計劃 (六)關祖堯教職員發展基金* (七)利希慎教職員發展基金* 上列資助計劃之詳情,已於九月初送呈各 學院院長、系主任及部門主管,以供教職員參 考。有意申請者,請與所屬部門負責人聯絡。查 詢可電人事處(內線七一九一或七二八八)。 # 截止申請日期為一九九九年十月卅一日,資助詳 情見《中大通訊》一九九九年八月之暑期特刊。 * 現已接受申請,截止日期為一九九九年十月十六日。 The f o l l ow i n g staf f developmen t grants/programme s ar e availabl e fo r th e academic yea r 2000-2001 : 1. A C U Time s Highe r Educatio n Supplemen t Exchang e Fellowshi p 2. Bisho p Williams Memoria l Fun d ( NSKK ) Visitin g Researcher/Traine e Programmes# 3. Th e Japa n Foundation Fellowshi p Programm e 4. Japanese-Languag e Programm e fo r Librarian s 5. Japanese-Languag e Programm e fo r Researcher s 6. C.Y . Kwa n Endowmen t Fun d fo r Staf f Development * 7. Le e Hysa n Foundatio n Endowmen t Fun d fo r Staf f Development* Staff members intereste d in applyin g fo r th e above grants/programmes ma y consult thei r department/uni t head s o r facult y deans , who shoul d have receive d detailed information o n these programmes i n earl y September . Furthe r enquire s may b e directed t o th e Personne l Offic e (Ext . 719 1 o r 7288) . # Details published in the CUHK Newsletter Summer Supplement (19th August 1999); application dealine: 31st October 1999 * Now open for application (internal deadline: 16th October 1999) 教學人員評審事宜及教職員進修資助申請/提名 Annual Academic Staf f Review and Staff Development Grant s Applications/Nominations 大學現接受二零零零至二零零一年度有關教學人員晉升、職稱評審、退 休/延任,以及教職員進修資助等事宜的申請或提名,截止日期表列如下: 審議事宜 截止日期 遞交申請或提名/查詢 教學人員晉升 (導師職級或以上) 一九九九年九月三十日 有關提名或申請須於截止日期前 送交人事處助理處長阮健驄先生 (大學行政樓南座三樓人事處)。 查詢請電內線七二八五或七二八零。 教師職稱評審 一九九九年九月三十日 教學人員退休/延任 (導師職級或以上) 一九九九年十月十六日 教職員與導師進修資助 一九九九年十月十六日 資助計劃項目詳見本期《中大通訊》。 查詢請電內線七二八八或七一九一。 有關詳情可向學系辦公室索閱,或於人事處網頁 ( h t t p : / / www . c uh k . edu . h k/ personnel/) 'Personne l Announcements ' 一欄查閱。 至於「甲」、「乙」及「丙」類服務條例非教學人員之評審事宜,容後通告。 The annua l academic staf f review exercis e for the academic yea r 2000-2001 w i l l commence shortl y an d th e f o l l o w i n g ar e th e deadline s f o r applications / nominations: Applications/Nominations for Deadline Submissions to be forwarded to/ Enquiries Promotion (full-time teaching staff at Instructor grade or above) 30th September 1999 Mr. K.C. Yuen, assistant director of personnel, 2nd Floor, South Wing, University Administration Building Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7285/7280. Review of academic titles (serving teachers) 30th September 1999 Retirement/extension of service (full-time teaching staff at Instructor grade or above) 16th October 1999 Staff development grants/programmes (full-time teaching staff, and non- teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) or equivalent) 16th October 1999 Details of the Staff Development Grants/ Programmes are announced in the same issue of the CUHK Newsletter. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7288/7191. Details concernin g th e abov e w i l l b e summarize d i n a general circula r fro m the Personne l Of f i c e t o i nd i v i dua l departmen t chairpersons , wh i c h w i l l b e obtainable f r o m departmenta l office s o r f r o m th e 'Personne l Announcements ' section on the Internet at f ro m early September . The schedule for staff review matter s of non-teaching staff on Terms of Servic e (A), (B ) an d (C) w i l l b e announced i n du e course .