Newsletter No. 154

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS University-wide Virus Protection Programme From CSC/ITSU: Vims protection is the key to the reliability of our computer systems where most of our daily work takes place. The University has provided a budget for a central antivirus site license — Trend Enterprise Solution. The license includes protection for all micro- computers and servers at the University, as well as for the home computers of staff and students. Software installation and configuration in various departments and units have begun since 8th September. Every staff member and student (undergraduate and postgraduate) is also entitled to one license of Trend PC-cillin for his/her computer at home/in the hostel. Trend PC-cillin running on Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT provides vims protection for stand-alone PCs. Users can download the PC-cillin from the web or borrow the CD-ROM from the department/library starting from mid-November. Details can be read online at For enquiries, please contact Ms. Christina Keing (e-mail: o r tel: 2609 8861) or Mr. Brian Yung (e-mail: o r tel: 2609 8504). Staff Ball 1999 The 1999 CUHK Staff Ball, organized jointly by the Staff Common Room Club and the Staff Club/Associations of the four colleges, will be held on Sunday, 12th December 1999, at 7.00 p.m. in the ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Central. The event will feature a lavish four-course dinner, a dance performance, a lucky draw, and lots of dancing till midnight. A l l participants will enjoy a subsidized fee of HK$500 per head. Tables of 10 can be booked at the special price of HK$4,800 each. Dress code for the evening will be black tie or lounge suit. Bus coupons between campus and Central are sold at $35 per return trip per person. Departments/units are cordially invited to organize their own table and take advantage of the evening to promote fellowship. Please ring the SCR Membership Office at 2609 7871 to book your tickets before all 220 places are sold. 「千禧獻萃:文物館藏品集珍」展覽 文物館將於本月廿六日至明年二月廿七日在該館舉辦「千禧獻萃:文物館藏品 集珍」展覽,重點介紹該館館藏的內容和其側重學術研究的特色,以迎接千禧年的 來臨,並藉此表彰各界人士對該館的熱心捐贈和贊助。歡迎參觀。 展品精選自該館各方面的珍藏,包括名家書畫、歷代陶瓷、金石銘刻、秦漢簡 牘、各式工藝及石刻造像等。文物館的書畫藏品向以明清至現代廣東名家作品為 主,近年陸續入藏宋元名家書畫,更現筆情墨韻;碑帖有漢唐名碑、晉王羲之契帖 等宋代善拓;陶瓷有外銷瓷、明清堂名款瓷器、宜興紫砂、廣東石灣陶器等,該館 曾就此進行不少專題研究;金石銘刻除商周青銅彝器外,還有殷墟甲骨,秦漢簡 牘,璽印逾千方;其他工藝如漆器、玉器及石刻造像等,亦各有精品。 學生及教職員健身課程 Fitness Training Courses for Staff and Students 體育部將由本月至明年四月為學生及教職員舉辦多個健身訓練課程及「個人健 體計劃」,以灌輸正確的健身器材使用辦法和重量訓練的概念 與方法。修畢課程之學員可獲發「大學健身室使用證」乙張。 上課地點為中大健身室。每班名額二十人,按報名先後取 錄。有意者請於報名期間,盡早攜同報名費十元及近照乙張, 親臨大學體育中心收借處辦理報名手續。 In order to introduce correct weight training concepts and methods, and the proper way of using weight training equipment, the Physical Education Unit is organizing several fitness training courses for University staff and students from November 1999 to April 2000. Please refer to the table below for details. A l l courses will be held in the University Weight Training Room. Interested parties should register in person at the reception counter of the University Sports Centre, bringing with them a registration fee of HK$10 and a recent photo. Enrolment is limited to 20 persons per course and will be on a first-come-first-served basis. A Weight Training Room User Card will be issued to those who have successfully completed the courses. 課程編號 Course No. 上課日期及時間 Date & Time 對象 Target 報名日期 Date of Registration 6/99 26.11.99 (5.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m.) 教職員及學生 staff and students 19 - 25.11.99 F2/99* 29.11- 6.12.99 (5.30 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.) (逢一、三、五) (Every Mon., Wed., and Fri.) 教職員及學生 staff and students 19 - 25.11.99 7/99 30.11.99 (6.30 p.m. - 8 . 3 0 p.m.) 學生 students 1 9 - 2 5 . 1 1 . 99 8/99 9/99 2.12.99 (6.30 p . m . - 8 . 30 p.m.) 8.12.99 (5.30 p . m . - 7 . 30 p.m.) 學生 students 教職員 s t a ff 1 9 - 3 0 . 1 1 . 99 2 9 . 1 1 - 6 . 1 2 . 99 1/00 20.1.2000 (5.30 p . m . - 7 . 30 p.m.) 教職員及學生 staff and students 30.12.1999- 13.1.2000 2/00 1.2.2000 (6.30 p.m. — 8.30 p.m.) 學生 students 11 - 2 5 . 1 . 2 0 00 3/00 15.3.2000 (6.30 p . m . - 8 . 30 p.m.) 學生 students 2 3 . 2 - 8 . 3 . 2 0 00 4/00 7.4.2000 (5.30 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.) 學生 students 1 7 - 3 1 . 3 . 2 0 00 * 「 個 人 健 體 計 劃 」 課 程 共 四 堂 , 內 容 包 括 運 動 的 正 確 程 序 及 安 全 守 則 , 心 肺 耐 力 、 柔 軟 度、肌力及肌耐力之練習方法及其測試,以及體重控制及皮脂測試。 * Contains four sessions on topics including correct exercise procedures, exercise safety, practice and fitness testing of cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, as well as the concepts of weight control and fat measurement. 暗瘡講座 保健處將於本月廿九日(星期一)下午一至二時假邵逸夫堂舉辦「暗瘡的成因及 治療」講座,由內科及藥物治療學系陳衍里教授以粵語主講,歡迎參加。講座獲藥 廠贊助,供應免費午餐,惟名額有限,先到先得。 訃告 Obituary 大學圖書館系統主任黎慧儀女士於一九九九年十月三十日辭世。黎女士於一 九九二年加入本校服務。 Miss Lai Wai-yee, Assistant Librarian I of the University Library System, passed away on 30th October 1999. Miss Lai first joined the University in 1992. P e r s o n a l i a • 人 事 動 態 • P e r s o n a l i a • 人 事 動 態 • P e r s o n a l i a • 人 事 動 態 • P e r s o n a l i a • 人 事 動 態 • P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態 中大通訊 第一五四期 一九九九年十一月十九日 4