Newsletter No. 167

與別不同的學生交換計劃 丁思敏(右二)與周欣怡(左一) 在三地學習和研討 Tilip 國際交流計劃由中文大學、香 港大學、北京大學和美國達夫大學合 辦,今年續辦第三屆,並已舉行面試甄 選參加者。 九九年 Tilip 的交流計劃共有三名中 大同學參加,規模只算是小型,但 Tilip 精采之處在於可讓參加者在香港、北京 和美國波士頓三地學習和研討,以及到 一些大型企業實習。 Tilip 計劃分三部分,參加者首先要 在暑假期間在香港多間公司實習六週。 過去兩年,香港匯豐銀行、香港電訊、 時代雜誌和政府運輸署等十多個機構提 供了實習培訓崗位,讓參加者按自己的 興趣自由選擇。實習安排為每兩人一 組,由一名美國學生和一名香港或北京 學生組成。實習期間,他們須完成一項 計劃和提交報告,並要每星期到港大的 專業進修學院上課一次。 了解外地學生強弱 去年參加 Tilip 計劃的丁思敏同學(中大會計四)說,在實習過程中,能體會到三地 學生的不同特色。「美國人真的很富創意,他們的構思可以完全不受限制,天馬行空, 只是有些建議不大可行。不過,他們仍會花很多時間在無謂的爭辯上。香港學生就比較 務實,提出的意見未必很創新,卻有較高的可行性。至於北京的學生,學問好得沒話 說,無論對本科認識的深度和其他知識的廣度,都勝於港美學生。」 實習結束後, Tilip 的參加者便到北京大學參加一連串研討會,互相交流在各大機 構工作的心得。至此,為期八星期的交流計劃暫告一段落,要到九九年底才在達夫大學 作最後聚會,發表報告和參與研討會。 機會難得 Tilip 計劃是一個有明顯主題的交換生計劃,旨在讓中美學生接觸更緊密,培訓他們 的領袖才能,並使他們在學術交流之餘取得實質的工作經驗。 曾經分別到日本和美國做交換生的周欣怡(中大工管碩士二)和丁思敏都不約而同 指出,他們參加 Tilip 計劃所得的見識比參與其他交換計劃的多,因為 Tilip 計劃提供極為 難得的機會,使他們大開眼界。例如參觀香港電訊行政總裁張永霖的家,以及與大學的 校長共進晚宴等。 檢討成效 這個計劃首兩屆是免費的。不過,今年的參加者或許要繳付二千五百美元的費用。 學術交流處(國際部)處長兼國際交換計劃處處長吳偉岸先生表示,過往兩年的經 費都由達夫大學全盤負責,學生的學費、宿費和機票都靠機構贊助,例如中大提供宿 舍,而港大提供課室等。可是,經費始終高昂,故此主辦單位打算在今年開始收回部分 成本。不過,他們也體諒到有些合資格的同學未必能負擔,而他們也不想學生因此而不 能參加,所以會盡量酌情處理。 吳先生說:「這計劃畢竟只舉辦了兩年,有很多地方我們仍在摸索階段,例如內部 工作分配方面,一個只有三名學生參與的計劃,未必需要動用校內兩個部門共四、五名 職員來負責,我們會盡量想辦法提高效率。」 學生記者容凱珊 (傳播學哲學碩士課程) 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS Call for Applications from CERG and ITF The 2001-2002 Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) and the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) are now calling for applications. Application forms, guidelines, and all pertinent information about the two grants are available at the Research and Technology Administration Office (RATO) website: CERG: h ttp:// ITF (guide): h ttp:// ITF (internal notes): h ttp:// Declaration form: h ttp:// Internal deadlines for applications under the CERG ranges from 12th July to 11th September. Applicants should check details at the relevant website. The external deadline for applications under the Innovation and Technology Support Programme and the General Support Programme of the ITF is 31st July 2000. Applications and relevant declaration forms should reach RTAO on or before 14th July 2000. Applications under the University-Industry Collaboration Programme and the Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme can be submitted throughout the year. For enquiries, please contact Mrs. Anna Lam of RTAO at 2609 8886. Renaming of CSC/ITSU As announced previously, the Computer Services Centre (CSC) and the Information Technology Service Unit (ITSU) will be merged and renamed the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) from 1st July 2000. While services to be rendered will remain unchanged, modifications need to be made to webpages, server names, and documents etc. to reflect the name change. To help users adjust to the name change, aliases for all computer systems have been set up so that they can still use the old names to access ITSC servers and websites. Computer accounts and passwords obtained from the CSC will also remain unchanged. However, i f users want to access the ITSC webpage or remotely access its computer systems, they should use the new names starting from 1 st July. Please visit h ttp:// for the summary of the changes and a list of the old and new names of the servers and websites. Revised Rates for Housing Benefit Schemes Home Financing Allowance (HFA) The University has approved the new rates of HFA with retroactive effect from 1st April 2000. The new scale of rates, reduced by 14.4 per cent, is only applicable to staff members who began receiving the allowances on or after 1st April 2000. Private Tenancy Allowance (PTA) The University has approved the new rates of PTA with retroactive effect from 1st April 2000. The new rates of PTA have been reduced by 4.7 per cent for lower segments and 5.4 per cent for higher segments. For details of the new rates, please call the Payroll and Superannuation Unit (Ext. 7240) or visit the Bursary's website: ht tp:// 健康講座 UHS Activities 保健處將於八月十四日下午一至二時在保健醫療中心一樓會議室舉行健康講座, 婦產科學系張麗冰醫生以粵語主講「更年期與荷爾蒙補充療法」。歡迎參加。 A lecture entitled 'Practical Management of Menopause' w i ll be delivered by Prof. Christopher Haines of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in English on 21 St June 2000 from 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. in the first-floor conference room of the University Health Centre. A ll are welcome. 逸夫飯堂如常營業 逸夫書院飯堂決定更改維修工程的日期,並於六月十九至廿四日如常營業。 大學游泳池延長開放時間 University Swimming Pool Notice 大學游泳池由六月十二日至九月三日延長開放時間如下: 第一節:上午八時至下午一時四十分 第二節:下午二時三十分至晚上九時 星期日及公眾假期照常開放。 From 12th June (Monday) to 3rd September (Sunday) 2000, the opening hours of the University Swimming Pool will be extended as follows: 1st session: 8.00 a.m. - 1.40 p.m. 2nd session: 2.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. The pool is open seven days a week including public holidays. 訃告 Obituaries 護理學系一級教學助理梁美清女士於二零零零年五月十三日辭世。梁女士於一九九 七年加入本校服務。 保安組保安員吳樹清先生於二零零零年五月三十日辭世。吳先生於一九八六年加入 本校服務。 Miss Asther Leung Mei-ching, Teaching Assistant I of the Department of Nursing, passed away on 13th May 2000. Miss Leung first joined the University in 1997. Mr. Ng Shu Ching, Security Guard of the Security Unit, passed away on 30th May 2000. Mr. Ng first joined the University in 1986. 中大通訊 第一六七期 二 零 零 零 年 六 月 十 九 日 4