Newsletter No. 189

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 公積金及強積金計劃投資成續 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes and MPFS 財 務 處 公 布 公 積 金 及 強 積 金 計 劃 內 各 項 投 資 基 金 於 二 零 零 一 年 八 月 之 回 報如 下: From the Bursary The investment returns o f Au g u st 2001 in the Designated Investment Funds o f the 1995 and 1983 Schemes and the Ma n d a t o ry P r ov i dent F u nd Scheme ( MPFS) are as f o l l ows: 二零零一年八月 August 2001 基金 Fund 計劃 S c h eme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 強積金計劃 MPFS* (只供參考 for reference only ) 1995 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -4.53% — -5.29% -3.73% 平衡 Balanced -2.51% -1.24% -3.11% -2.36% 穩定 Stable 0.52% — 0.74% 0.42% 平穩增長 Stable Growth — 一 — -0.89% 香港股票 HK Equity -5.53% — -9.72% -6.77% 香港指數 HK Index-linked -9.29% — -9.72% — 保本 Capital Preservation — — — 0.16% 港元銀行 存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.30% (年息 Annualized 3.53%) 0.29% (年息 Annualized 3.37%) 0.18% (年息 Annualized 2.14%) — 美元銀行 存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.31% (年息 Annualized 3.62%) 0.31% (年息 Annualized 3.54%) 0.20% (年息 Annualized 2.31%) — *強積金數據乃根據二零零一年七月底與八月底之單位價格及標準投資管理費計算,未包括 管理費回扣。 Based on the unit price as at the end of July and August 2001 and using standard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. 富達發放強積金紅利 From Fidelity Investments Management (HK) Ltd。 參 加 富 達 退 休 集 成 信 託 的 中 大 同 人 請 注 意: 富 達 已 發 放 本 年 度 第 一 期 強 積 金 紅 利 , 並 將 有 關 款 項 撥 入 各 成 員 的 賬 戶 內。 同 人 可 登 入 富 達 網 頁 ( w w w . f i d e l i t y . c o m . h k ) , 在 主 頁 按 「 退 休 投 資 服 務 」 ,選 取 「 僱 員 」 圖 示 , 再 按 「 我 的 賬 戶 」 圖 示 , 然 後 輸 入 客 戶 編 號 及 密 碼 。 接 著 在 「賬 戶 資 料 」 部 分 選 擇 「 交 易 紀 錄 」 , 之 後 選 擇 交 易 類 別 「 紅 利/ 回 贈 ( 供 款 ) 」 ,便 可 查 閱 所 得 紅 利 的 詳 情。 查 詢 請 致 電 富 達 退 休 投 資 熱 線 ( 電 話 二 五 零 零 一 六 六 六 )。 The first h a l f - y e a r ly l o y a l ty bonus o f the Ma n d a t o ry Provident Fund has already been pa id and a l l oca t ed to the accounts o f membe rs o f the F i d e l i ty Re t i r eme nt Master Trust. B onus entitlement can be accessed by v i s i t i ng F i d e l i t y 's website at www . f i d e l i t y . c om . h k. A f t er logging on to the Fidelity website, click 'Retirement Investing' on the first screen, select the 'Employees' icon, click 'My Account', and log on w i th your member user I D and PIN, then select 'Transaction History' under the 'Account Details' section, and choose ' Lo y a l ty Bonus/Rebate (Contribution )' for transaction type. Please direct enquiries to the Fidelity Retirement Hotline at 2500 1666. 2001 international Bone Research Instructional Course and Hands-on Workshop The Mu s c u l o s k e l e t al Research L a b o r a t o ry and Or t hopaed ic L e a r n i ng Centre o f the Department o f Orthopaedics and T r auma t o l ogy w i l l organize the above course and hands-on wo r k s hop f r om 30th October to 2nd No v emb er 2001 at the Prince o f Wales Hospital. The co-organizers include International Chinese Hard Tissue Society, Chinese- speaking Orthopaedic Society, the Ho ng K o ng Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control, and the Healthstar Osteoporosis Research Awa r d i ng Fund o f China. A l l are welcome. 中文大學出版社新書 CU Press New Books 大學同人在富爾敦樓大學書店購買下列書籍,可獲八折優待。 The following books are available to staff of the University at a 20 per cent discount at the University Bookstore, John Fulton Centre. 《中國近代史》(上冊) 此書由美國聖巴巴拉加州大學歷史系榮休教授徐中約著,南京大學歷史系茅家埼、錢乘 旦、計秋楓、朱慶葆校譯。原書名為 The Rise of Modern China ,一九七零年初版,先後修訂 六次,銷售數十萬冊,為美國大學中國硏究的權威著作。 中文版據英文原著第六版翻譯而成,分上下兩冊出版。內容自清朝立國起,以迄二十一世 紀初,縷述中國近四百年歷史之演變。上冊論及清帝國之建立、興盛,以至衰亡;西方宗教、 帝國主義及商業活動衝擊中國;鴉片戰爭、八國聯軍及列強瓜分中國;維新變法、立憲運動、 辛亥革命及新文化運動。下冊探討中國共產黨的成立、國共分裂及內戰、抗日戰爭;中華人民 共和國的成立、文化大革命、中美關係及四人幫事件;中國八十年代改革、四個現代化、八九 天安門事件、香港回歸及中國邁向二十一世紀。 作者不囿於任何一家學說或一種主義,而是採取一種折衷調和的史觀,公平公正、客觀冷 靜地看歷史事件的發生;作者並曾參考大量西方及日本學者的研究及檔案資料,在章末附列最 新的重點參考書籍文獻,極有助於教研進修。 徐中約教授一九二三年生於上海,為哈佛大學哲學博 士,是中國近代史研究的權威,著作嚴謹,專長中國近代 外交史。 國際統一書號 962-201-987-0 ,平裝本,五百六十八 頁,一百四十八港元。 Soul of Chaos: Critical Perspectives on Gao Xingjian Gao Xingjian, Nobel Laureate in Literature 2000, is a writer of many talents. He is at once a novelist, playwright, director, painter, translator, and critic. Educated in China and now residing in France, Gao Xingjian writes in between two traditions, the Chinese and the Western. He started his literary career in the early 1980s, and has been noted for his experimentation with the dramatic form and his innovation in the use of narrative voice. In his works, he explores subjectivity beyond the limits of language by examining the self in relation to gender, culture, location, and politics. Soul of Chaos: Critical Perspectives on Gao Xingjian, edited by Tam K w o k - k a n, is the second book published by the CU Press to introduce Gao's works to the western world. It presents a collection of critical studies on various aspects of Gao Xingjian's novels and plays. Contributors include distinguished scholars in the fields of comparative literature, theatre, and Chinese studies, whose views form a critical dialogue on the writer's achievements in literature and the theatre. The book will be a useful addition to readers interested in world literature and Chinese studies. ISBN 962-201-993-5, hardcover, 356 pages, HK$300 中大通訊 CUHK NEWSLETTER 網址 website 1 . 本刊逢四日及十九日出版。 2 . 來函或投稿請寄沙田香港中文大學秘書處出版事務處《中大通訊》 編輯部(電話 2609 8584 ,圖文傳真 2603 6864, 電郵 pub2@uab. )。 3. 投稿者須附真實姓名、地址及聯絡電話,文章則可用筆名發表。 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿,不欲稿件被刪者請預先聲明。 5. 本刊所載文章只反映作者之觀點和意見,並不代表校方或本刊立場。 6 . 所有內容未經編者書面准許,不得轉載。 7. 本刊每期發行三千八百份,免費供校內教職員索閱,部分郵寄本地教 育機構及與大學有關人士。私人索閱,請致函本刊查詢。 1. The Newsletter is published on the 4th and 19th of each month. 2. All contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail ). 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles without notice for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not want to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. The views expressed in the CUHK Newsletter are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the University or the Editor. 6. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 7. This publication has a circulation of 3,800 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. 截 稿 日 期 Deadlines for Contributions 期數 Issue no. 出版日期 Issue date 截稿日期 Deadline for c o n t r i b u t i o n s 190 19.10.2001 4.10.2001 191 4.11.2001 19.10.2001 192 19.11.2001 2.11.2001 193 4.12.2001 19.11.2001 194 19.12.2001 3.12.2001 195 4.1.2002 14.12.2001 196 19.1.2002 4.1.2002 197 4.2.2002 21.1.2002 198 4.3.2002 19.2.2002 香港中文大學出版事務處出版 編輯:梁其汝 助理編輯:蔡世彬 李琪 陳偉珠 製作:梅潔媚 Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K.Y. Leung Assistant Editors: Piera Chen, Lawrence Choi Graphic Designer: May Mui 印刷:鮑思高印刷有限公司 Printing: Don Bosco Printing Co. Ltd. 中大通訊 3 第一八九期 二 零 零 一 年 十 月 四 日