Newsletter No. 190

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 崇基金禧展覽 Exhibition of Historical Articles and Rare Books in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Chung Chi College 崇基學院與大學圖書館系統合辦「崇基學院金禧校慶展覽:歷史文物及善本 書」,於十月廿二日至十一月廿二日在牟路思怡圖書館展出崇基學院的歷史文物及 崇基圖書館的善本書等,十一月廿六日至十二月十日則移師大學圖書館展出。歡迎 參觀。 開幕典禮訂於本月廿二日在牟路思怡圖書館舉行,由崇基學院校董會主席熊翰 章先生、大學副校長廖柏偉教授、崇基學院院長李沛良教授及大學圖書館館長施達 理博士主持。 To mark the golden jubilee of Chung Chi College, Chung Chi College and the University Library System will jointly present 'An Exhibition of Historical Articles and Rare Books in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Chung Chi College'. The opening ceremony will be held at 11.00 a.m. on 22nd October 2001, in the Elisabeth Luce Moore Library of Chung Chi College. Mr. George Hung, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the college, Prof. Liu Pak Wai, pro-vice-chancellor, Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, head of Chung Chi College, and Dr. Colin Storey, University Librarian, will officiate at the ceremony. The exhibition will be held from 22nd October to 22nd November in the Elisabeth Luce Moore Library, and from 26th November to 10th December in the University Library. Exhibits will include historical artifacts of the college and rare books from the Elisabeth Luce Moore Library. All are welcome. 保健醫療中心重新開放 UHS Back on Clinic Road 大學保健處將於十月二十九日遷回保健路保健醫療中心舊址,繼續為員生提供 服務,查詢請電二六零九六四一六。 The newly renovated clinic of the University Health Service will begin operation at its original site on Clinic Road, next to the Yali Guest House, on Monday, 29th October 2001. Please direct enquiries to 2609 6416. 戒煙運動 UHS Quit Smoking Campaign 保健處將於十一月十九至三十日舉辦戒煙運動,活動包括展覽、講座和個別輔 導。 The University Health Service will hold a Quit Smoking Campaign in the month of November for members of the University community. The campaign will include a seminar entitled 'Strategy for Quitting Smoking' to be delivered by Dr. David C. Anderson from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. on Thursday, 22nd November 2001, at the University Health Centre. There will also be an exhibition on the subject from 19th to 30th November 2001. Individual counselling is available by appointment (2609 6436). 大學游泳池特別通吿 University Swimming Pool Notice 大學游泳池將於十月二十一日暫停開放,以供舉行兩大體育節水運會。 The Intervarsity Swimming Gala wi ll be held on Sunday, 21st October 2001. The pool wi ll be closed to the public for the event. 善用網上資料庫處理個人服務資料 It's YOUR Database Use It Now to Record the Services You Render! 為紀錄同人的社會及校內服務資料,校方已設立了一個網上資料庫,供所有高 級導師,副講師職級或以上的教師,以及甲類(或相類)服務條款的職員隨時輸入 及查閱各自的服務資料。 資料庫方便易用,可同時紀錄和顯示中英文資料。同人只需以職員號碼及校園 電子郵件系統密碼(註:此密碼有別於 MS Ma i l 密碼)登入資料庫,便可輸入、查 閱及整理自己的服務資料。教學人員更可於年終列印該學年輸入的資料,呈交學系 主管,作編纂學系周年紀錄( Annual Departmental Records) 之用。 資料庫現時供教職員本人,所屬的學系系主任、學院/書院院長、部門主管,以 及校長查閱,日後並可能開放予校外人士查看。 各系主任、學院/書院院長和部門主管均已獲發給其學系/學院/書院的專用登 入密碼,如有新任系主任仍未知悉密碼,請向前任系主任查詢,或致電行政資料處 理組黃燕 容女士(內線八九三一)或出版事務處陳偉珠女士(內線八五 八六),要 求重新設定密碼。 資料庫網址為。 有關資料庫詳情 及介紹單張已於九九年中分發各系主任/部門 主管,同人請向各所屬學系/部門查 詢,也可翻閱第一百四十九期《中大通訊》。 This is the website of a database to capture data on staff service to the community and to The Chinese University. You have been given your own account to record and manage your data i f you are a teacher of assistant lecturer rank or above, or if you are a Terms A staff member. Try log in to your account, the access to which is controlled by your staff ID number and your campus-wide e-mail password. (Important note: this password is NOT the same as your MS Mail password.) If in doubt, call Ms. Florence Wong of the Information Management Unit (Ext. 8931) or Ms. Florence Chan of the Publication Office (Ext. 8586). Try input some data, and you will find the database extremely user-friendly. Press FAQ (i.e., frequently asked questions) if you don't know how to proceed. More than 1,500 entries have been recorded since September 1999 but we are waiting for YOUR input. At this stage, the data you enter can only be viewed by yourself, your department chair/unit head/faculty dean/college head and the vice-chancellor. Supervisory accounts and associated passwords were alloted to these section heads in 1999 to enable them to view data relevant to their section. If you have newly been appointed department chair/ section head, you should obtain the password from your predecessor. You can also contact Ms. Florence Wong or Ms. Florence Chan if you want to reset the password. Run a printout of your service record from the database at the end of the academic year, and it can serve as part of your submission for the annual departmental records. When the database is eventually open to the public, more will be able to browse the significant contributions you have beenmaking to the community and to The Chinese University. Use it now if you haven't used the system yet. 節約能源 更新照明系統 人類踏入廿一世紀之際,地球資源日 漸減少,環境日益惡化,必須從速節約能 源和保護環境。是以大學決定致力建立綠 色的校園,向外界示範良性循環的生態環 境,並成為環境保護和可持續發展的教育 基地。 大學去年獲得中電用電需求管理計劃 提供回扣,於今年初開展了第一期「節能 照明裝置更新工程」,謀求更大的能源效 益。一般同類工程只會更新鎮流器(俗稱 「火牛」),而大學為取得更佳的節能效 果,率先使用 T5 慳電光管,比只更換鎮 流器可再節省一成用電。第一期工程估計 每年可為大學節省電費七十萬港元,而第 二期工程將於本年底進行,為十八幢大樓 更新照明系統。它們包括: •科學館北座 •科學館南座 •科學館中座 •李卓敏樓 •大學溫室 •大學行政樓 •樂群館 •逸夫大講堂 •眾志堂 •上海總會科研技術中心 •鄭棟材樓 •蒙民偉樓 •嶺南體育館 •方潤華堂 •方樹泉樓 •牟路思怡圖書館 •胡忠圖書館 •錢穆圖書館 照明器具節能原則 室內照明一般以燈泡和光管為主。燈 泡色溫度低,屬於暖色光源,優點是演色 性(即色彩的還原性)較好,缺點是效率 不高,較耗電,其中七成電力給轉化為不 可見光,兩成為電力損失,本身的壽命也 只約為光管的六分之一。燈泡多設於短時 間照明或空間有限而需要高照度的地方。 光管原屬色溫度高的冷色光源,由於 製造技術進步,市面已有暖色的光管發 售,優點是效率佳,比燈泡省電約七成, 演色性亦佳。學校和住宅近年已多選用燈 泡型光管(慳電膽)。以下為一些節能原 則: (一)養成不用時或離開房間時順手關燈 的習慣,日間應盡可能利用自然 光。 (二)需長時問照明的地方,應選用高效 率燈具,如電子式光管、 PL 燈及燈 泡型光管等。 (三)局部照明與整體照明配合使用,可 減少用電。 (四)選購具有多段開關的燈具系統,依 所需亮度開關燈具數目。 (五)選用容易保養的燈具,每月擦拭保 持清潔,維持高效率照明。 (六)選用一支三十六瓦的光管,會比使 用兩支各十八瓦的光管省電。 (七)光管兩端變黑應即更換,以維持燈 具效率。 (八)天花板和牆壁選用反射率高的白色 或乳白色。 (九)使用調光開關調整光源輸出,可減 少耗電。 (十)照度太低容易使眼睛疲勞,照度太 高則容易使眼睛剌痛,一般辦公室 的 照 度 應 為 三 百 至 五 百 勒 克司 ( L u x ) ,走廊為五十至一百五十勒 克司。 節省能源工作小組 第一九零期 二 零 零 一 年 十 月 十 九 日 4 中大通訊