Newsletter No. 192

Water Management Expert Speaks on Environmental Justice P rof. William Bruce Mitchell, associate vice-president (academic) and professor o f geography a t the University o f Waterloo i n Canada, delivered a public lecture entitled 'Environmental Justice: Issues, Responses, Strategies, and Initiatives' on 30th October i n L i Koon Chun Hall, in his capacity as Wei Lun Visiting Professor to the University. I n hi s lecture, Pr o f. M i t c h e l l ou t l i ned th e concept o f environmental justice and it s implementation and implications i n Canada. The concept o f environmental justice emerged i n the US i n the early 1980s, with regard t o concerns about toxic waste disposal, public facility siting, species and wilderness preservation, nuclear power an d weapons, an d th e po l i t i cal positions an d g r ow i ng professional orientation of mainstream environmentalism. Core ideas related t o environmental justice include that pollution should b e controlled rather than redistributed, that empowerment o f citizens i s an end in itself, and that decision-making should be open, transparent, and accessible. Ill Canada, environmental justice issues that have emerged are related t o substantive and procedural rights. Substantive rights involve th e right o f citizens t o a safe, healthy, productive, and sustainable environment, while procedural rights involve the right t o complete and accurate information, fair hearings, and meaningful participation. Bom i n Canada, Prof. Mitchell received his B A and M A from the University o f British Columbia, and his Ph.D. from the University of Liverpool. He has studied water management for over 30 years, with particular attention to integrated management. He i s the recipient of the Award for Scholarly Distinction i n Geography from the Canadian Association o f Geographers, the Service t o Ontario Geography Award from the Canadian Association o f Geographers (Ontario Division), and the Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Water Resources Association. Cheer ing t he EMBA Programme O n A reception hosted b y the vice-chancellor i n celebration o f the high rankings achieved b y the University's Executive M B A programme ( EMBA) was held o n 6th November i n the Hong Kong Bankers Club i n Central. Guests of honour included Dr. the Hon. Donald Tsang, chief secretary fo r administration o f the H K S AR Government, Dr . A l i ce Lam, chair o f th e University Grants Committee, and Dr. Lee Hon-chiu, chairman o f the University Council. Attending the reception were also alumni and students o f the programme and members o f the education and business sectors i n Hong Kong. Prof. K.C. Mun (middle, front row) with students and alumni ofthe EMBA programme The E M B A programme wa s recently ranked No . 3 3 wo r l dw i de b y BusinessWeek, No. 18 b y Financial Times, an d No. 1 in Asia b y both. The celebration began wi th a welcoming speech b y Prof. Arthur K.C. L i , followed b y speeches b y Prof. Mun Kin-chok, founder and director of the programme, and Ms. Caroline Keung, representative of the programme's alumni. The vice-chancellor congratulated the teachers, students, and supporting staff on their excellent performance an d thanked th e a l umni an d their employers for their support and contribution. He also urged al l parties concerned t o keep u p w i th the good wo rk and aspire after even greater achievements. Prof. Mun told the audience he was much encouraged by the good results, stressing that team work and devotion were the key to the success of the EMBA programme over the past nine years. There was then a toast, and al l th e participants posed fo r a group photo t o mark the joyous event. New Chung Chi Gat e Open s T he New Chung Chi Gate was officially opened fo r use o n 26th October 2001 i n celebration o f the 50th anniversary of the college's Founders' Day. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Mr. George H.C. Hung, chairman o f the Chung Chi College Board o f Trustees, Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, head o f Chung Chi College, Mr. Stanley H.C. Hui, president of the Chung Chi College Alumni Association, and Mr. Mak Kwan Wing, president o f the Cluing Chi College Student Union. About 20 0 guests, colleagues, Chung Ch i trustees, alumni, and students attended the ceremony. In order t o improve the safety o f the Chung Chi entrance on Tai Po Road, the College embarked on a project to dismantle the original gate, which was erected i n 1959, and t o construct a new one i n May 2001. Larger than the old gate, the new gate nonetheless retains th e look and design o f the original. Th e couplets on the original gate w i ll be re-erected by Weiyuan Lake on Chung Chi campus. Diabetes Care Under the Spotlight I n Hong Kong, one out o f 10 people have diabetes; each year three t o 1 0 per cent o f them w i l l di e o f kidney failure. The Diabetes Care and Research Group a t the Prince o f Wales Hospital calls f o r early detection o f k i dney damage using a simple urine lab test and a proper management plan s o that the deterioration o f kidney function can be delayed as much as possible. The management of diabetic kidney disease was a major topic for discussion at the Third Diabetes and Cardiovascular R i s k F a c t o r s—Ea st Mee ts West S ymp o s i um he ld o n 3 r d an d 4 t h November 2001 a t th e Hong Ko ng Convention an d Ex h i b i t i on Centre. O r g a n i z ed b y t h e U n i v e r s i t y ' s D e p a r t m e n t o f M e d i c i n e a n d The r apeu t i cs an d he l d under th e auspices of the Hong Kong Foundation o f Research an d De v e l o pme nt i n Diabetes, the aim of the meeting was t o benchmark the quality o f diabetes care in Hong Kong through innovation and development o f human resources. Over 20 overseas and local experts shared the latest findings o n diabetes and related diseases w i t h 80 0 health care an d research workers. FirstEver Conference Dubbing and Subtitling S cholars and practitioners from Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Japan, Korea, th e Philippines, Sweden, th e UK , mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong assembled a t th e International Conference o n Dubbing an d Subtitling i n a World Context organized b y the Department o f Translation from 18th to 20th October. The first o f its kind in the world, th e conference took place o n campus and a t the Hong Kong Film Archive i n Sai Wan Ho. A total o f 20 papers were presented i n three days, covering the history, technology, translation, an d th e cultural an d theoretical aspects o f dubbing and subtitling. Delegates also exchanged information on f i lm and television translation i n their home countries a t a round-table discussion. Disney Character Voices International, Phoenix Television, SDI Media International, and other professional companies also gave talks on their dubbing and subtitling operations. Participants of the conference voted unanimously to establish an International Conference o f Dubbing and Subtitling, with it s headquarters at the University's Department of Translation. The next conference w i l l b e held i n Rome i n association w i th th e Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters.