Newsletter No. 202

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She has also been appointed as a council member and the secretary of the College of Nursing for two years from January 2002, and the vice-president of the Hong Kong College of Mental Health Nursing for three years from October 2001. • Prof. Albert Lee, associate professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been appointed as an honorary professor of general practice of Guangzhou Medical College. He has also been appointed as a co- ordinator of the Pearl River Liaison Office of the International Union of Health Promotion and Education. (Information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 中大校友慈善電影籌款 首映法國巨片《狙魔特攻》 由香港中文大學全體畢業生組成的「中大評議會」,將於本月二十三日(星期四)晩上八時十五 分,假香港會議展覽中心劇院舉行慈善電影首映,為中大「中醫中藥研究所」臨床研究中心籌款,購置 針灸及醫療儀器,協助該中心透過科學的臨床研究,建立中醫藥實證理論基礎,加強中醫藥治病的可靠 性和認受性,並就多類疾病提供有效治療及預防保健措施,造福社會。籌款目標為八十萬港元。 慈善電影首映的影片是法國電影史上製作費最昂貴的《狙魔特攻》。影片根據法王路易十五在位 時一個駭人傳説改篇,故事描述一頭行蹤神秘的兇獸經常在古雲頓四出肆虐,其後國王派遣兩名高手 到古雲頓降魔,並揭發了一項重大陰謀。該片製作費高達兩億法國法郎,在法國古都古雲頓實地取 景,再配上逾十七萬個電腦特技鏡頭拍攝,把古法國情懷充分顯露出來。演員有法國首席猛男森美利 比漢、《西西里的美麗傳説》蒙妮貝露琪、《雷霆戰警》馬達卡高斯、《血腥洪流》雲遜卡素及康 城影后艾美莉狄金。片長兩小時二十分,首映票價分五百元及一千元兩種,歡迎中大師生訂購,支持 中大校友這項極具意義的籌款活動。 購票及査詢請聯絡校友事務處(電話二六零九七八七二及二六零九七八七零;傳真二六零三六二二六 及二六零三六九七九;電郵 a l umn i@cuhk . edu . hk ) ,或瀏覽網頁 h t t p : / / www . a l umn . cuhk . ed . hk / h tml / movie.html。 Charity Movie Premiere for Institute of Chinese Medicine The CUHK Convocation will stage a charity movie premiere on 23rd May at 8.15 p.m. at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre to raise funds for the purchase of acupunctural and medical equipment for the Institute of Chinese Medicine in support of the projects of the Clinical Trials Centre. It is hoped that through extensive clinical trials and scientific research, the centre will provide more ev i dence - based data to support the continuous de v e l opment of Chinese medicine for effective therapeutic and prophylactic treatment of a wide range of diseases. The target of the fund-raising exercise is HK$800,000. The film, Brotherhood of the Wolf, is a French production and the most expensively invested production in the history of French cinema. Inspired by actual events during the reign of King Louis XV, the movie revisits one of the rare French myths, that of the Beast of Gevaudan which killed a number of persons before being vanquished under mysterious circumstances. This highly entertaining action-adventure is visually stunning with its SFX sequences. The cast features five bright y oung stars: Samuel le Bihan, Vincent Cassel (Crimson River) , Mon i ca Bellucci (Malena), Jeremie Renier, and Emilie Dequenne (Best Actress, Cannes '99). The running time is two hours and 20 minutes. Tickets for the premiere are sold at HK$500 or $1 , 000 to staff and students of the University. For tickets and enquires, please contact the A l umni Affairs Office (Tel:2609 7872/2609 7870; Fax: 2603 6226/2603 6979) or visit the website at http://www.alumni.