Newsletter No. 205

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 大學規程修訂 Amendment to University Statute 《香港中文大學條例》(第 1109 章)附表 1 內的《香港中文大學規程》規程 26 最 近經修訂,使大學可頒授新設的專業會計學碩士( M.P.Acc.) 學位。 Statute 26 of the Statutes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Schedule 1 to The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109) has recently been amended to provide for the conferring of a new master's degree 一 the Master of Professional Accountancy (M.P.Acc.) degree — by the University. 新任校董 New Council Members •熊翰章博士出任大學校董的任期將於二零零二年十月十七日屆滿,郭志樑先生 獲崇基學院校董會依據《香港中文大學規程》(大學規程) 11 第 1 ( e ) 段、第 4 段及第 5 段規定推選,出任大學校董,任期三年,由二零零二年十月十八日起 生效。 •鄭潔賢女士獲逸夫書院校董會依據大學規程 11 第 1 ( e ) 段、第 4 段及第 5 段規定 推選,出任大學校董,任期三年,由二零零二年五月十八日起生效。 • Mr. Kwok Chi-leung, Karl has been elected by the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College, in accordance with Statute 11.1 (e), 11.4 and 11.5 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (the Ordinance), as Member of the Council for a period of three years from 18th October 2002, succeeding Dr. Hung Hon- cheung, George, whose period o f Council membership w i l l expire on 17th October 2002. • Ms. Cheng Kit-yin, Kelly has been elected by the Board of Trustees of Shaw College, in accordance with Statute 11.1 (e), 11.4 and 11.5 of the Ordinance, as Member of the Council for a period of three years from 18th May 2002. 副校長續任 Reappointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor 楊綱凱教授再度獲委任為副校長,任期兩年,由二零零二年八月一日起生 效。 Prof. Kenneth Young has been reappointed as pro-vice-chancellor of the University for a term of two years from 1st August 2002. 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任 Prof. David Robert Thompson 為護理 學(臨床護理)講座教授,任期由二零零二年六月三 日起生效。 Prof. Thompson 七十年代取得英國多項護士資 格後,仍不斷進修,先後獲授護理學理學士學位、 心理學哲學博士學位、社會政策文科碩士學位、醫 療社會人類學學士後文憑,以及行政人員工商管理 碩士學位。 Prof. Thompson 曾在英國多家醫院從事護理工 作,一九八八年受聘為利物浦大學護理學講師,八 九年任萊斯特醫院臨床護理專家,九二年任牛津大 學全國護理學研究所教授,九五年任赫爾大學護理學講座教授,九八年任約克大學 護理學講座教授。他曾於一九九八至二零零零年出任英國衛生部護理學研究及發展 兼任講座教授。 他是多個專業學會的成員,以及多種護理學期刊的編輯或編委。 Prof. David Robert Thompson was appointed professor of nursing (clinical nursing) at the Nethersole School of Nursing on 3rd June 2002. Prof. Thompson has an M A in social policy and a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Loughborough. He was a lecturer in nursing at the University of Liverpool f r om 1988 to 1989, a clinical nurse specialist at Leicester General Hospital from 1989 to 1992, and a reader at the National Institute for Nursing in Oxford for two years after that. From 1995 to 1998, he was a professor of nursing at the University of Hull. Prior to joining the University, he was professor of nursing at the University of York, and part-time professor of nursing and development at the UK Department of Health between 1998 and 2000. Prof. Thompson's research focus is cardiac care and rehabilitation. He is a member o f the Royal College o f Nu r s i ng Research Society, the B r i t i sh Psychological Society, the British Cardiac Society, the British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation, and the American Association o f Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. 公積金及強積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes and MPFS 財務處公布公積金及強積金計劃內各項投資基金之回報如下︰ The Bursary announces the f o l l ow i ng investment returns in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 and 1983 Schemes and the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (MPFS). 二零零二年四月 April 2002 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 強積金計劃 MP F S * ( 只 供 參考 forreference only) 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 u n a u d i t e d) 增長 Growth 0.14% — -0.18% 1.17% 平衡 Balanced 0.61% 0.52% 0.39% 1 .46% 穩定 Stable 2.44% — 2.32% 1.90% 平穩增長 Stable Growth — — — 1.74% 香港股票 HK Equity 5.80% — 4.54% 5.22% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 4.03% — 4.54% — 保本 Capital Preservation — — — 0.01% 港元銀行 存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.22% (年息 Annualized 2.62%) 0.15% (年息 Annualized 1.87%) 0.05% (年息 Annualized 0.60%) 一 美元銀行 存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.20% (年息 Annualized 2.46%) 0.14% (年息 Annualized 1.70%) 0.05% (年息 Annualized 0.57%) — * 強 積 金 數 據 乃 根 據 有 關 期 間 之 單 位 價 格 及 標 準 投 資 管 理 費 計 算 , 未 包 括 管 理 費 回 扣。 Based on the changes in unit price during the period concerned and using standard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. 非教學僱員考績報告 Appraisal Reports on Non-Teaching Staff 非教學僱員二零零一至二零零二年度(即二零零一年七月一日至二零零二年六 月三十日)的考 績程序即將開始,人事處將通函各單位主管有關安排, 俾便考核員 和受考核僱員早作準備。人事處訂於六月二十五日為新任的考核員舉辦簡布會,有 興趣參加而仍未報名者,可與人事處培訓事務經理周偉榮先生(電話二六零九八六 零七)聯絡。人事處網頁( 載有《考核員手冊》, 並將增載受考核僱員的有關指引,供大學同人參考。查詢可聯絡人事主任利順琼女 士(電話二六零九七一八三,「甲」類服務條例僱員)或張燕儀女士(電話二六零 九七二八七,「乙」、「丙」類服務條例僱員)。 The 2001-2 appraisal cycle for non-teaching staff covering the period 1st July 2001 to 30th June 2002 w i l l soon begin. A l l unit heads w i l l receive a General Circular announcing the relevant arrangements. Meanwhile, appraisers and appraisees concerned are encouraged to prepare themselves for the appraisal. A briefing session to help familiarize the new supervisors (i.e. those j o i n i ng the Univeri sty or becoming supervisors in th e past year) with the appraisal scheme has been scheduled for 25th June 2002. Those who are interested to j o in and have not yet enrolled may contact Mr. Daniel Chow, training manager, of the Personnel Office at 2609 8607 for details. AnAppraisers 'Manual is available at the Personnel Office website ( , and an Appraisees' Guide w i ll be added soon. Enquiries pertaining to the appraisal scheme can be directed to Ms. Corinna Lee, personnel manager, at 2609 7183 (for Terms A staff) or Ms. I vy Cheung, personnel manager, at 2609 7287 (for Terms B and C staff). 哈佛燕京學社進修資助計劃 Scholarships/Fellowships at the Harvard-Yenching Institute 哈佛燕京學社現接受本校人文學科及社會科學教員申請二零零三至二零零四 年度進修資助計劃: (一)訪問學人資助計劃 此計劃資助教員前往哈佛大學進修或從事研究工作,為期一年。學位課 程及實用學科如工商管理、圖書館學、實用法學等不在資助之列。申請人必 須有四年教學經驗,操流利英語,並於二零零二年九月一日時未滿四十二 歲。 資助項目包括單人來回機票、生活津貼(以十一個月為限)、醫療及保 險。 (二)博士研究獎學金計劃 此計劃資助資歷較淺之教員前往哈佛大學或其他海外大學進修博士學位 課程。實用學科如工商管理、圖書館學、大眾傳播、英語教學、社會工作等 中大通訊 5 第二零五期 二零零二年六月十九日