Newsletter No. 205

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 不在資助之列。 受資助教員進修完畢,須返回原來所屬大學任教。申請者須於本年十月 或以前參加托福考試 ( TOEFL ) 及報考美國大學畢業生試 ( GRE ) ,並獲哈佛或其 他海外大學錄取為博士研究生(錄取通知書可於稍後呈交)。 獎學金為期一學年,期滿可申請延續。資助項目包括交通、學費、醫療 及生活津貼。 (三)訪問研究員資助計劃 此計劃資助博士研究生前往哈佛大學從事研究工作,為期一年。從事有 關東亞研究之申請人將獲優先考慮;自然科學學科及實用學科如工商管理、 圖書館學、英語教學等不在資助之列。 受資助教員進修完畢,須返回原來所屬大學任教。申請者須於本年十月 或以前參加托福考試 ( TOEFL )。 資助項目包括交通、訪問研究員津貼及生活津貼。 申請人須把申請表格、假期申請表,以及有關文件,於二零零二年七月二十 日或以前經有關學系系主任及學院院長送交人事主任盧杜燕萍女士,俾轉呈校內有 關委員會考慮。計劃詳情及申請表格可於網上(網址為h t t p : / / www . c u h k . e d u . h k/ personnel/res/webtrinf/external.htm) 下載。 哈佛燕京學社之代表將於本年秋季來港面見經大學推薦之申請人。查詢詳情 可致電人事處(內線七一九一或七二八八)。 Applications/nominations are now invited f r om faculty members in the humanities and social sciences for the f o l l ow i ng three Harvard-Yenching Programmes tenable in 2003-4: 1. Visiting Scholars Programme This programme offers one-year fellowships to regular faculty members in the humanities or social sciences to study and conduct research at Ha r v a rd University, USA . Ap p l i ed fields o f studies such as business management, library science, and the more practical aspects o f law, etc. are excluded. The study or research should not lead to a degree. Candidates must — b e aged 42 or under on 1st September 2002; 一 have been teaching for four years p r i or to the year for wh i ch they are applying for the fellowship; and — s p e a k fluent English. The award covers round-trip airfare for the successful applicant, a mon t h ly stipend for up to 11 months, fees for health insurance, and the use o f the Harvard clinic. 2. Doctoral Scholarship Programme This programme supports j un i or faculty members to pursue Ph.D. studies in the humanities or social sciences. App l i ed fields o f studies such as business management, library science, mass communications, teaching English as a foreign language, social wo r k, etc. are excluded. Candidates must — b e regular f a c u l ty membe rs who w i l l r e t u rn to teach at their home universities upon completion o f their studies; 一 have sat f or the Test o f Eng l i sh as a Fo r e i gn Language ( TOE F L) by October 2002 as we ll as the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE); and 一 be/have been admitted for Ph.D. studies at Harvard University or other major universities. The scholarship is tenable for one academic year (usually f r om September through the following June) and the recipient may apply for renewal thereafter. It covers transportation to and f r om the university wh i ch the applicant w i l l attend, tuition, health fees, and a living stipend adequate for a single scholar to be determined w i t h reference to the local cost o f l i v i ng and other sources o f support. 3. Visiting Fellows Programme This programme provides j un i or faculty members in the humanities or social sciences who are Ph.D. candidates in their own universities w i th an opportunity to do dissertation research at Harvard University. Preference w i l l be given to scholars wo r k i ng in East Asian Studies. The natural sciences and applied fields such as business management, library science, teaching English as a second language, etc. are excluded. Candidates must — b e regular faculty members who w i l l return to their home universities to teach immediately after the fellowship; and — have sat for TOEFL by October 2002. The fellowship is given for one academic year ( f r om September through the f o l l ow i ng July). Fellows may be invited to go to Harvard the previous July to take an intensive course in English. The fellowship covers transportation to and f r om Cambridge, Massachusetts; payment o f the Ha r va rd Un i ve r s i ty Visiting Fellows fee; and a stipend adequate for a single scholar. Detailed programme information and application forms can be obtained at the f o l l ow i ng website o f the Personnel Office: Nominees should submit a Summary o f Submission (PO/SR3) obtainable f r om the above website, together w i th the completed application forms, requisite supporting documents and application for leave, w i t h the endorsement o f the department chairman/unit head and the faculty dean, as appropriate, to Mrs. Betty L o , personnel manager, on or before 20th July 2002 for consideration by the Ac adem ic S t a ff Re v i ew Comm i t t ee. A f t e r the Un i v e r s i ty has submi t t ed its nominations to the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the nominated applicants w i l l be interviewed by a representative o f the Institute in Hong Ko ng in the autumn o f 2002. For enquires, please contact the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191/7288). 理髮店暫停營業 Barbershop Temporarily Closed 位於富爾敦樓地下的理髮店,將於七月二至九日暫停營業,以便進行維修工 程。該店將於七月十日恢復營業。 The barbershop at G/F, John Fulton Centre w i l l be closed for renovation f r om 2nd to 9th July 2002 and w i l l re-open on 10th July 2002. 產前講座 大學保健處將免費為已懷孕及決定製造小生命的教職員及家屬舉辦產前講座, 內容包括常見的產科疾病、一般分娩常識、產前及產後運動、產前營養及餵哺母乳 的產前準備。講座訂於七月十八及十九日下午二時至四時四十五分,在大學保健醫 療中心一樓健教室舉行。名額有限,請早報名。查詢請電內線六四三六(簡太)。 第九屆世界會計教授大會十一月舉行 Invitation to Participate in the Ninth IAAER World Congress of Accounting Educators 由世界會計教育與研究聯會及香港會計學會聯合籌辦的「第九屆會計教授世界 大會」,訂於本年十一月十四至十六日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,預計會有八百多 名來自六十個國家的會計教授、會計師和政府官員出席。 該五年一度國際盛會首次在中國舉行,會議主題為「新世紀下會計教育及研究 面臨之挑戰」。大會歡迎各界人士出席,如欲提交論文或出任論壇講者、評論人或 贊助人,請直接與籌委會主席、中大會計學院何順文教授聯絡(電話二六零九七七 四二,傳真二六零三六六零四,電郵 s i mo n@b a f . msma i l . c u h k . e d u . h k ) ,或上網 ( ) 查閱 。 The N i n th I A A ER Wo r ld Congress o f Accounting Educators 2002 w i l l take place for the very first time in Ho ng K o ng f r om 14th to 16th November at the Ho ng Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event, held every five years, is j o i n t ly organized by the International Association for Accounting Education and Research ( I AAER) and the Hong Ko ng Academic Accounting Association ( H K A A A ) . The focus o f this year's congress w i l l be ' A c c o u n t i ng Educa t i on and Research Challenges in the New Mi l l e nn i um'. Over 800 accounting professionals and policy- makers f r om 60 countries w i l l attend. Local accounting professionals and financial executives are most welcome to attend this conference and serve as panel speakers, moderators, and/or sponsors. For more information, please visit h tml or contact Prof. Simon S.M. Ho, chairman o f the organizing committee, c/o School o f Accountancy, The Chinese University, or phone 2609 7742 , fax 2603 6604, or e-mail 訃告 大學校董暨新亞書院前校董會主席陶學祁博士於二零零二年五月二十八日辭 世,本校同人深表哀悼。 陶博士為本港工程界翹楚,備受業界尊崇,曾兩任香港工程師學會會長及多 個英美工程師學會香港分會會長;一向熱心工程教育,曾在專上院校講學,又出任 多所院校的顧問及政府的機電顧問,更鼎力贊助中大成立工程學院,對香港工程界 貢獻巨大。 陶博士早於一九七一年,即已出任新亞書院校董,並於一九七六年開始擔任 大學校董,復任大學多個委員會委員;一九七八至一九九一年間更擔任新亞書院校 董會主席。數十年來,陶博士愛護大學,扶掖學子,帶領及推動大學、書院的發 展,貢獻良多。 陶博士一生致力於促進高等教育事業,成就卓著。本校同人對陶博士多年的 領導及貢獻,將永遠感謝與懷念。 中大通訊 第二零五期 二零零二年六月十九日 4