Newsletter No. 217
Upcoming Anniversary Celebrations 13th—15th (Thursday-Saturday) The Second International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies Theme: Transnational Networks: Challenges in Research and Documentation of the Chinese Overseas' Keynote speakers: • Prof. Wang Gungwu, Director of the East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore • Dr. Claudine Salmon, French National Centre for Scientific Research Venue: Cho Yiu Hall Website: occ/index.htm 22nd (Saturday) Tourism Forum Time: 9.00 a.m. — 12.45 p.m. Venue: MBA Town Centre, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, Central Language: English Organizer: School of Hotel and Tourism Management Enquiries: 2609 8590 24th- 25th (Monday-Tuesday) University Presidents' Global Forum 2003: Universities in the 21st Century Over 50 presidents and vice-chancellors of universities from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia will exchange views on the topic of 'Universities in the 21st Century' at the University Presidents' Global Forum. Venue: Cho Yiu Hall Languages: English and Putonghua Please visit fo r the latest information. Working w i t h US N I H to T r a i n Graduate Students T he U n i v e r s i t y ' s D e p a r t m e n t o f Biochemistry and the National Institute o f C h i l d Hea l th and Human De v e l opment ( N I C H D ) o f the US Na t i o n al Institutes o f Health ( N I H) are j o i n t ly offering a Graduate Partnership Programme leading to a Ph.D. to be awarded by The Chinese Un i v e r s i ty in Hong Kong. Students w i l l spend r ough ly a year at C U HK to do course wo rk and three years at N I CHD to conduct research. The N I H is the world's premier biomedical research organization. Cu r r en t ly over 200 graduate students from universities such as the Karolinska Institute of Sweden, John Hopkins University, and Oxford University are working i n N I H laboratories. I n As i a, The Chinese Un i ve r s i ty is N I H ' s first partner in training graduate students. P r o f . Wa l t e r H o , c h a i r m an o f t he Department of Biochemistry, said the selection o f candidates to j o i n the programme is very strict. A number of criteria have to be satisfied. For examp l e, candidates must have s o l id background knowledge of their research and the related experimental skills, good academic achievement and r ecommenda t i ons. The ir performance during the selection interview must also be outstanding. This year, four postgraduate students have won the opportunity to conduct research work at N I CHD. Executive Seminar for Motor Trading Industry N inety leaders in the local car industry participated in a seminar held for the car dealer and distributor industry on 17th January by the University's Centre for the Advancement of E-Commerce Technologies (AECT). The half- day seminar was the f i r st o f its Executive Seminar Series, with supply chain management as its theme. Guest speaker Mr. Michael Lee, chairman of the Motor Traders Association of Hong Kong, spoke on how marketing tactics and customer relationship management could be applied to Hong Kong's car trading industry. State-of-the-art concepts and technologies related to supply chain management were then explained by Prof. Frank Chen, Prof. Janny Leung, and Prof. Houmin Yan of the University. For demonstration purposes, a real case of IT implementation in the car dealer and distributor industry was introduced. Founded in 1999, the AECT Centre aims at providing Hong Kong's industry w i th the best management know l edge on today's g l obal economy. Its Executive Seminar Series invites guest speakers to deliver industry-specific speeches on supply chain management and operation management. The target audience group includes business leaders, CEOs, COOs, directors, and general managers. University Administrators Briefed on Latest Developments and Future Challenges in Higher Education S weeping changes are expected to take place in the local higher education sector in the next few years. Financial stringency and the budget cut, coupled w i th the government's acceptance of the University Grants Committee Higher Education Report, are expected to have enormous implications for the University. The proposed institutional integration, i f materialized, w i l l also have a significant impact on CUHK 's future development. To keep its senior non-teaching staff abreast of some of the latest developments impacting the University as well as the performance of its graduates, the University held a Management Briefing Session on 10th February in the Chung Chi College Staff Club. The function was attended by close to 180 staff members. The session began with an address by Prof. Ambrose King, vice-chancellor, which was followed by sharing sessions by the three pro-vice-chancellors: Prof. Kenneth Young, Prof. P.W. Liu, and Prof. Jack Cheng. Wrapping up the evening was a fellowship dinner featuring games and performances. From left: Prof. Jack Cheng, Prof. P.W. Liu, Prof. Ambrose King, and Prof. Kenneth Young The 'God of Wealth' from the Bursary pays a visit Dr. Colin Storey strumming a Beatles classic at the gathering 1 No. 217 4th March 2003
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