Newsletter No. 223

Anti-SARS Activities A Quick Run-through •Clinical and Scientific Work • Participatio n of Prof. David Hui and Dr. Wan Song of the Faculty of Medicine in the 'Knowing Atypical Pneumonia ' episode (4th May 2003) of the RTHK-CUHK collaboration Healthy 40. • Provisio n of online SARS course on anaesthesia and intensiv e care b y the Departmen t of Anaesthesia an d Intensiv e Car e for healthcar e professional s i n intensive car e an d anaesthesia, an d teaching materia l for those involve d i n training. • Stud y by the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging and the Department of Medicin e an d Therapeutic s o f ches t radiographi c an d hig h resolutio n compute r tomography (HRCT ) features a s an outcome predicto r fo r SAR S and settin g u p o f a website b y the two department s t o facilitate investigatio n o f suspected case s i n other regions. http://www.droid.cuhk_ •Community Care and Service • Hel p provide d b y th e Departmen t o f Medicin e an d Therapeutic s i n shootin g a n advertisement fo r Operation UNIT E in April 2003 . • Stud y by Prof. Suzanne Ho of the Department of Community and Family Medicine on the psychological burde n of SARS experienced by mid-life women during the SARS epidemic. • Stud y by Prof. Suen Wai Zhu and Mr. Chan Kam Leung of the School of Chinese Medicine on the application o f acupuncture i n SARS prevention and treatment . •Education • A n international online conference on SARS, chaired by Prof. Carmel McNaught of CUHK, was held from 19t h to 31st May 2003 to encourage reflectio n among stakeholders i n the field o f education on the recent outbreak o f SARS. • Launc h o n 15t h April o f a system develope d b y staf f of the Facult y o f Engineerin g fo r assigning an d submitting homewor k via the Hong Kon g School Ne t during suspensio n of classes; the system has been use d by over 340 schools an d kindergartens an d ha s handled some 200,000 homewor k assignment s an d submissions . •Expert Opinion • Publicatio n o f lette r b y Prof . T.W. Wong o f the Departmen t o f Communit y an d Famil y Medicine o n 'An Outbreak o f SARS Among Healt h Care Workers' i n April 2003 issue of Occupational and Environment Medicine (onlin e version) . • Publication o f lette r b y Prof . Anthon y Yi m o f the Departmen t o f Surger y i n the South China Morning Post on 28th April 2003 urging the community no t to neglect non-SAR S patients who may suffe r as a result of resourc e diversion . • Publication of views of staff of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging on the use of radiology i n the diagnosis an d follow-up o f SARS patients i n various loca l newspapers an d magazines . •Publications and Research Studies • Surve y conducted by the Department of Marketing in April and May on the psychologica l state an d behavioura l respons e o f Hon g Kong' s universit y student s an d professional s towards SARS . • Publicatio n i n The Lancet on 7th May of article 'Epidemiologica l Determinant s of Spread of Causal Agent of Severe Acute Respirator y Syndrome i n Hong Kong ' penned b y Prof. Edith La u et al. of the Departmen t o f Community an d Famil y Medicine . • Publicatio n o f article s an d letter s penne d b y staf f o f th e Departmen t o f Diagnosti c Radiology an d Organ Imagin g i n international journals : —Antonio GE, Won g KT , Hu i DSC , e t al. , 'Pictoria l Essay : Imagin g o f Sever e Acut e Respiratory Syndrom e i n Hong Kong' , American Journal of Roentgenology (origina l article, accepted ) —King AD, Ching AC, Chan PL, Cheng A, Wong PK, Ho SSY, Griffith JF, Lyon DJ, Fung KSC, Choi P, Li CK, Cheng AFB, Ahuja AT, 'SARS: Useful Tips for Re-organization of a Radiology Department' , American Journal of Roentgenology (original article , accepted ) -Griffith JF , Antonio GE, Ahuja AT, 'SARS and the Modern Day Pony Express (the World Wide Web)', American Journal of Roentgenology (letter , i n press ) —Ahuja AT , 'Severe Acut e Respirator y Syndrom e i n Hong Kong' , Clinical Radiology (letter, i n press ) - H o SSY , Chan PL , Wong PK , e t al. , 'Ey e o f th e Stor m — the Role s o f a Radiolog y Department i n the Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)', American Journal o f Roentgenology (origina l article , i n press) - Wo n g KT , Antonio GE , Hu i DSC , et al., 'Radiologica l Appearance s o f Sever e Acut e Respiratory Syndrome' , Journal of the Hong Kong College of Radiologists (origina l article, i n press) - Wo ng KT , Antonio GE , Hu i DSC , e t al., 'Hig h Resolutio n Compute d Tomograph y o f Severe Acut e Respirator y Syndrome : Evaluatio n o f 7 3 Patient s wit h the Diseas e o r Exposure', Radiology (o ri ginal article , i n press) - Wo n g KT , Antonio GE , Hu i DSC , e t al., 'Radiographi c Appearance s an d Patter n o f Progression o f Severe Acute Respirator y Syndrome (SARS): A Study of 13 8 Patients', Radiology (original article , i n press ) UC Berkele y Delegate s Vi i t CUHK P rof. Donal d A. McQuade , vice-chancellor fo r university relation s o f UC Berkele y and Prof. Arthur L . Reingold , professor and division head of epidemiology, Schoo l of Public Healt h of UC Berkeley , visited the University o n 16t h May . The two visitors met with Prof. Ambrose King , vice-chancellor , the pro-vice-chancellors, a s well as CUHK staf f an d students . Mr . Jeffrey Hui , a Yea r 1 Busines s Administration studen t who will be attending the coming UC Berkele y summer programme , share d hi s expectations o f th e programm e with th e guest s an d the audience . Prof. Sydne y Chung , dea n of medicine, presente d a n update o n SARS i n Hong Kong as well as the University's contribution s toward s comba t i ng th e disease . Prof . Reingold, an expert in tuberculosis, AIDS, an d infection control, then discussed the latest developments o f SARS with Prof . Chung an d professors fro m the CUHK Schoo l o f Public Health . The following day, UC Berkele y lifted enrolment restrictions that had been imposed due t o SARS . Student s fro m Hon g Kon g an d other affecte d region s ca n continu e t o pursue thei r studie s a t the institution a s planned. Prof. Donal d McQuad e (righ t 4) , Prof . Ambrose Kin g (left 3) and CUHK students who attended (left 1 and 2) and will be attending (righ t 1 and 2) summer school in the University of California, Berkeley CEO of HSBC on Leadership and the Future M r. Raymon d Or , genera l manage r of HSB C Ltd . spok e t o student s ana alumni of the University's EMBA an d MBA Programme s i n the CUHK-RTH K radio programme Talking to CEOs on 20th April. The cohosts of the show were Prof . Andrew Chan , directo r o f th e EMB A Programme, an d Mr . Rober t Cho w of RTHK. Mr. Or , whos e heroe s ar e Chines e leader Mr . Cho u Enlai , forme r HSB C chairman Willia m Purves , an d curren t chairman John Bond, believes that a good leader shoul d be well balanced . Hi s ow n philosophy i s to do his best without bein g obsessed w i t h perceive d returns . H e advised that networking i s also importan t not only for business development, but also for learnin g purposes a s one can stumbl e upon crucial intelligence about an industry or specifi c companie s thi s way . O f equa l importance i s continuous learning . Mr. O r predicte d tha t th e nex t fe w years wou l d b e toug h fo r smal l an d medium bank s i n Hon g Kon g a s profi t margins i n the traditiona l loan s an d mortgage busines s woul d diminis h an d they woul d nee d t o loo k fo r alternativ e sources of revenue. However, he reassured the audienc e tha t risk s wer e alway s accompanied b y opportunities . Th e current recession , fo r example , present s retail busines s w i t h unprecedente d opportunities t o secure prim e stor e locations a t very competitiv e rentals . He tol d th e student s i n th e audienc e not t o b e overl y pessimisti c abou t jo b prospects. Hi s partin g word s o f wisdo m on managemen t wer e 'striv e t o be someone accepte d and respected by bot h colleagues an d clients , b e lenien t abou t minor mistakes , buil d tea m spirit , an d always hav e a smile o n your face. ' Mr . O r bega n hi s caree r w i t h th e Ho n g k o ng an d Shangha i B a n k i n g Corporation Ltd . i n 197 2 after graduatin g from the University o f Hong Kong with a bachelor's degre e i n economics an d psychology. Architectur e Exhibitio n C a ll sfo r Interes t in Surroundings T he Un i ve r s i t y ' s Departmen t of Architecture organize d it s M.Arch . graduation exhibitio n 'Life-Architecture ' from 15t h t o 18t h Ma y 200 3 i n Pao' s Gallery, Hon g Kon g Art s Centre . Th e e x h i b i t i on se t ou t t o examine th e challenges o f and opportunitie s fo r popularizing architectura l appreciation i n Hong Kong . The openin g ceremony hel d on 16t h May wa s accompanie d b y a seminar t o discuss ho w peopl e i n Hon g Kon g ten d to accep t the environmen t the y ar e give n without question , an d ho w interes t in architecture an d one's surroundings coul d be kindled. Guest s include d Prof . Kwo k Siu-tong from the Department of History , Mr . Lawrenc e La m f r o m St . James ' Settlement, Ms . Emil y Lau , convene r o f the Frontie r an d Legislative Councillor , Mr. Leun g Man-t o o f Nga u Pan g Su e Yuen and Zuni Icosahedron, Prof. Bernar d L im from the Department of Architecture, and Mr. Rocco Yim o f Rocco Design Ltd . 2 No. 223 4th June 2003