Newsletter No. 224

PROFILES OF HONORARY FELLOWS 十位榮譽院士簡 大學上月三十日在利希慎音樂廳舉行 第二屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,頒贈院士 銜予十位與中大關係密切,並對 大學與社會有卓越貢獻的人 士。他們的簡介如下: The University's second honorary fellowship conferment ceremony was held on 30th May 2003 in the Lee Hysan Concert Hall to confer honorary fellowships on 10 distinguished persons who are closely related to CUHK and have made remarkable contributions to the University and the Hong Kong community. o u r a b le L i K a Ch e u n g, E r ic 李湯陳會計師事務所首席合夥 特別行政區立法會會計界功能 會計界表現出色,屢獲獎譽, 會計師公會會長。李議員積極參 ,歷任青年事務委員會主席、社 員會主席、香港社區服務聯合 會政府帳目委員會主席。李議 大的發展,是中大敎職員公積 受託人。他亦擔任會計學院諮 席,現更兼任敎授,為該院培育 ourble Li Ka Cheung is a senior i,Tang, Chen & Co., Certified utants, and the representative of ncy Functional Constituency of iveCouncil. Dr. Li has received s for his wo rk i n the accounting dd is actively involved i n public as been chairman of the of Youth, the Social Welfare mmission, the Hong Kong ocial Service, and the Public mmittee of the Legislative has been the Independent e Staff Superannuation Scheme rsity and currently serves as an essorto the School of y. 宋 常 康 先 生 M r . Sung Sheung H o n g 宋常康先生為本地傑出實業家,現為合眾 投資有限公司及合眾五金廠有限公司董事 長兼總經理。宋先生為註冊工程師,推動 本港工業發展不遺餘力,曾任香港總商會 理事。宋先生全力參與社會公益事務,現 為港九五旬節會主席兼監督。宋先生非常 關注本地敎育發展,出任本校崇基學院校 董廿餘載。去年港九五旬節會捐資一千五 百萬港元,為崇基改建一幢學生宿舍;宋 先生復捐助該院之金禧基金,協助成立獎 勵計劃,栽培年輕學子。 A w e l l - k n o wn industrialist i n Ho ng Kong, M r. Sung Sheung Ho ng is the chairman and managing director of Un i met Investments Ltd. and U n i on Metal Works Ltd. A chartered engineer, M r. Sung has contributed significantly to the engineering f i e ld and the advancement of industries i n Ho ng Kong. A n ardent supporter of public services, he is chairman and superintendent of the Pentecostal M i s s i on i n Ho ng Ko ng and Kow l o o n. He has also been a member of the Board of Trustees of Ch u ng Chi College for close to 20 years. Under his leadership, the Pentecostal M i s s i on i n Ho ng Ko ng and K o w l o on donated HK$15 m i l l i on to the college i n 2002 for the conversion of a student hostel. M r. Sung has also given generous support to Ch u ng Chi's Anniversary Fund, w h i ch has enabled the establishment of the Innovation Awa rd to foster creativity in students. 譚 宗 定 先 生 M r . Tam C h u n g D i n g 譚 宗 定 先 生 是 傑 出 的 技 術 工 業 家 , 現 任香 港 科 技 園 公 司 行 政 總 裁 。 他 曾 服 務 摩 托羅 拉 三 十 餘 年 , 是 首 位 出 任 該 公 司 半 導 體部 亞 太 區 總 經 理 的 華 人 , 並 協 助 公 司 在 港設 立「矽港中心」。譚先生曾參與多項公 職 , 又 獲 選 香 港 十 大 傑 出 青 年 。 譚 先 生現 為 香 港 應 用 科 技 研 究 院 有 限 公 司 科 技 委員 會 主 席 及 創 新 科 技 基 金 納 米 科 技 項 目 評審 委 員 會 委 員 , 全 身 投 入 科 技 推 廣 和 敎 育工 作 。 譚 先 生 與 中 大 聯 繫 密 切 , 尤 其 關 注工 程 學 院 之 發 展 , 更 出 任 該 學 院 諮 詢 委 員會 委員。 Mr. Tam Chung Ding, an outstanding techno-industrialist, is the chief executive officer of the Ho ng Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. A pioneer i n the local semiconductor industry w i t h a long record i n public service, Mr. Tam was elected one of Ten Outstanding Young Persons i n 1984 and awarded Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire i n 1992. He is currently chairman of the Technology Committee, Hong Kong Ap p l i ed Science and Technology Research Institute Ltd., and a member of the Innovation and Technology Fund Nanotechnology Projects Vetting Committee. Mr. Tam has had close links w i t h the University, especially the Faculty of Engineering, He is a member of the faculty's advisory board. 李 棐 先 生 M r . Lee Fei 李裴先生為本港傑出工業家,早年在 上海復旦大學畢業後,曾參與京贛鐵 路有關工程,其後投身紡織業,先後 在本港及內地發展。多年來,李世綸 堂致力推動內地及香港的紡織業,促 進香港成為國際紡織業中心,對香港 經濟的蓬勃發展,功不可沒。李先生 支持本港大專敎育,不遺餘力。他曾 代表李世綸堂家族慨捐鉅資,協助逸 夫書院的發展。 A respected industrialist, M r. Lee Fei was i n v o l v ed i n the construction of the new Beijing-Jiangxi Railway after graduating f r om Fudan University i n Shanghai. He later entered the textile industry, first i n ma i n l a nd China, and then i n Ho ng Kong. Over the years, the Lee Sh i h l un Tang is responsible for advancing the textile industry i n ma i n l a nd China and played a pivotal role i n developing Ho ng Ko ng into an international textile hub. Being someone committed to the cultivation of talent, M r. Lee has been a staunch supporter of tertiary education i n Ho ng Kong, and has donated substantially towards the development of Shaw College. 家兼傑出的敎育家,曾獲獎譽 一批醫科生,推出本科兼讀課 建逸夫書院,又襄助邵逸夫博 貢獻至鉅。 the Board of Trustees of Shaw ked w i t h brilliant he first doctoral programme, roduction of a part-time t unit system, and the nt role i n the setting up of ary and primary education, and arshipand advance knowledge. 報四十餘載,並曾出任多個 董,與聯合書院之淵源深 。 urrently chairman of the on he had served for some 40 iveparticipant i n territory- n he first j o i n ed the Board llege and a member of the i s generosity and wise 第二二四期 二零零三年六月十九日