Newsletter Summer Supplement (2003)
conducted teaching and research in the world-renowned Memorial Sloan—Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He has much experience in and a deep appreciation of various university functions. Formerly chairman of the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong and a member of the Education Commission, Dr. Cheng was responsible for mapping out the plan for and tendering advice to the Hong Kong SAR government on higher education development. He also made important contributions towards formulating policies for advancing higher education and allocating resources. Not only is Dr. Cheng familiar with higher education in Hong Kong, he can also see things from the perspective of a professor, researcher, or a management and policy decision-maker. Dr. Cheng returned to Hong Kong from the USA in the 1980s to undertake family business and engage in public service. He subsequently became chairman and managing director of The World-Wide Investment Co. Ltd. and was director on the boards of several public and private corporations. He was vice-chairman and non-executive director of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd., chairman of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, vice-president of the International Federation of Stock Exchange, chairman of the Hong Kong Securities Institute, chairman of the Steering Committee on the Feasibility Study on the Financial Services Institute, member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Ltd. and of the Conference Board's Global Advisory Council. Currently he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research. Dr. Cheng's excellent social and business connections will greatly benefit CUHK's development. Since the late 1980s, Dr. Cheng has been very active in public service. From February 1999 to December 2001, he served as the head of the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR. He is vice-chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development as well as chairman or member of several other public service committees. As a member of the CUHK Council, Dr. Cheng has contributed generously his time and advice. He was acting chairman and member of the Task Force to Advise on Institutional Integration of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Cheng is a very capable leader with excellent connections and a very good reputation in Hong Kong, mainland China and internationally. He is expected to contribute greatly to CUHK's development in the new century. 工商管理碩士課程獲評為東亞第一 CUHK MBA Programmes Ranked Top in East Asia 本校工商管理碩士課程在Asia Inc. 雜誌二零零三年院校排名評選中,再次獲得 高度評價,位列東亞區第一。東亞區第二至第五名依次為香港大學、香港科技大 學、日本國際大學和上海交通大學。 The University's M B A Programmes have again been highly rated by Asia Inc. this year. The CUHK MBA school has been ranked number one in the East Asia region, to be followed by the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the International University of Japan, and Shanghai Jiaotung University. 大學成員獲殊榮 University Members Honoured •香港特別行政區政府二零零三年授勳名單於七月一日刊憲,本校地理學講座教授 楊汝萬教授在公共及社區服務方面,表現卓越,尤就房屋、規劃及地政方面的政 策,向政府提供寶貴意見,獲頒授銀紫荊星章。理學院研究講座教授岑嘉評教授 則獲授行政長官社區服務獎狀。 •本校內科及藥物治療學系系主任沈祖堯教授和醫學院院長鍾尚志教授,以及醫學 院和威爾斯親王醫院獲得「抗 SARS 傑出獎」。在該獎項選舉中,沈教授更獲最 多市民支持,奪得四千七百票。 「抗 SARS 傑出獎」選舉由香港電台和《明報》合辦,分為「醫護科技人員 組」、「非醫護科技人員組」及「企業機構組」三個類別。第一階段由公眾提名, 大會評選團以「候選人或機構在 SARS 事件中的貢獻和對社會的影響力」、「有 關表現能力」、「推動社會積極的一面」及「受惠人士範圍」等準則選出三組的 入圍名單,再由公眾於網上投票,各組票數最高的前五名於八月十日獲頒「抗 SARS 傑出獎」。 在「醫護科技人員組」中,沈祖堯教授與鍾尚志教授聯袂當選。主辦機構指 沈教授「盡心盡力為病人服務,甚至放棄與家人相聚的時間,盡心為病人醫治, 致力為病人找出一套合適的治療方法。他同時表現出一名病房主管在危難時期應 有的能力,為病人提供最好的服務。」而鍾教授則「早在廣州爆發非典疫情時, 已到內地實地考察,比政府更早揭示 SARS 於社區爆發的消息,他又提醒政府要 及早隔離威爾斯〔親王〕醫院的 SARS 病人,以免引起社區感染。」 在「企業機構組」中,威爾斯親王醫院得票最多,本校醫學院位居第三。威 院「是首間受嚴重感染的醫院,有一百一十八名醫護人員受感染,醫院運作受到 嚴重影響,醫院的所有員工表現卓越,包括醫生,護士,前線支援人員,以至管 理層,都全心投入抗疫。」另,「中大醫學院與威爾斯〔親王〕醫院攜手,一面 拯救病患者,一面積極尋求療法,合力對抗 SARS 病毒。醫學院又製作光碟,派 發予學校,介紹學校應採取的防炎措施,配合學校的復課安排。」 本校中醫中藥研究所管理委員會主席梁秉中教授和微生物學系談兆麟教授亦 於「醫護科技人員組」的選舉中入圍。 • Prof. Yeung Yue-man and Prof. Shum Kar-ping of the University were on the Chief Executive's 2003 Honours List published in the Government Gazette on 1st July 2003. Prof. Yeung Yue-man, professor of geography, was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star in recognition of his 'distinguished public and community service, particularly in providing valuable advice to the government in the field of housing, planning, and land policies'. Prof. Shum Kar-ping, research professor of the Faculty of Science, received the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service. • Prof. Edith Lau, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, was awarded the Fonterra Brighter Innovation Award 2003 on 17th June 2003 for her excellent contribution to research in osteoporosis. 崇基學院校董會消息 Chung Chi College Board of Trustees News 崇基學院公布,歐訓權先生、熊翰章博士、郭志樑先生、林珏先生、李守慧博 士、李國星先生、魏國鴻先生、薛磐基先生及宋常康先生最近獲選連任該院校董, 任期三年,由二零零三年八月一日起生效。崇基學院校董會亦同時接納丘頌云先生 代表香港崇真會出任學院校董,任期三年,由二零零三年八月一日起生效。 The Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College re-elected the following nine members to serve on the Board for a further term of three years from 1st August 2003: Mr. Au Fun Kuen, Dr. George H.C. Hung, Mr. Karl C. Kwok, Mr. Timothy K. Lam, Dr. Lee Sau Wai, Mr. L i Kwok Sing Aubrey, Mr. Ngai Kwok Hung Peter, Mr. Simon P.K. Sit, and Mr. S.H. Sung. The board also welcomed Mr. Yau Chung Wan, representing the Tsung Tsin Mission, to serve on the board for a term of three years from 1st August 2003. 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任鄧廣良教授為社會工作學講座教授,任期由 二零零三年七月二日起生效。 鄧教授在香港大學攻讀社會學和心理學,一九七七年 獲授社會科學學士學位,其後持續進修,先後獲香港大學 社會工作碩士學位( 1981 ), 倫敦經濟及政治學院理科碩 士學位( 1985) ,倫敦大學法學士學位( 1989) ,英國格 雷協會大律師資格( 1992 ), 劍橋大學法學碩士學位 (1992) ,以及柏克萊加州大學社會政策與社會福利哲學 博 士 學 位 ( 1 9 9 3 ) 。 鄧教授本科畢業後,曾於中學任教和在社會服務機構 工作,一九八五至八九年出任香港理工大學應用社會科學系講師,九四年受聘為加 拿大北卑詩省大學助理教授。加入本校服務前,為該校講座教授。 鄧教授的主力研究範疇包括比較社會政策,亞洲社會政策和福利發展,性別、 兒童與國際法等,並出任多種學術期刊的編輯或評審員。 Prof. Tang Kwong-leung was appointed professor of social work on 2nd July 2003. Prof. Tang obtained his Bachelor of Social Sciences and Master of Social Work from the University of Hong Kong, and his Master of Science and Bachelor of Laws from the University of London. He received his Master of Laws from the University of Cambridge in 1992 and earned his Ph.D. in social policy and social welfare from the University of California at Berkeley in 1993. Prof. Tang worked as project coordinator and/or centre director of the S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre and the Bradbury Community Development Centre of the Neighbourhood Advice Action Council in the 1980s. He then taught at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 1985 to 1989, and was chair of the Social Work Programme at the University of Northern British Columbia, Canada, before joining CUHK. He was called to the bar by Gray's Inn and the High Court of England and Wales in 1992, and by the Supreme Court of Hong Kong in 1993. 一百七十六項計劃獲研究資助局撥款 RGC Research Grants for 2003-4 香港研究資助局於二零零三至二零零四年度撥出四億六千二百餘萬元供各院校 教研人員競逐;另撥七千五百萬元直接資助各院校成本少於二十萬元的研究計劃。 是年中大共有一百七十六項研究計劃取得競爭性撥款,資助金額共計一億一千 一百六十五萬餘元,另獲一千五百五十萬元直接撥款。 該一百七十六項研究計劃分屬生物學及醫學(五十九項)、工程學(四十四 項)、自然科學(二十七項)和人文、社會科學及商科(四十六項),詳見研究及 科技事務處的網頁(。 另,研資局今年額外撥出一千萬元作為特別項目補助金,資助直接與非典型肺 炎有關的研究。本校五項研究共獲三百三十萬餘元資助。 A total of 176 research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have been awarded earmarked grants totalling HK$111,652,000 from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. The University also received a direct allocation ofHK$15.5 million to finance small projects, and a total of HK$3,307,800 for five SARS-related research projects. For 2003-4, the government has made available some HK$462.3 million for selected research proposals submitted by academic and research personnel in the UGC-funded tertiary institutions, and HK$75 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects. The government has also allocated HK$10 million as special project grants to support research work directly related to SARS. The 176 CUHK projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (59); engineering (44); physical sciences (27); and the humanities, 2 暑期特刊 二零零三年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2003
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