Newsletter No. 225

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 教學人員評審事宜及教職員進修資助申請/提名 Annual Academic Staff Review and Staff Development Grants Applications/Nominations 大學現接受二零零四至二零零五年度教學人員之晉升、屆退休年齡後延任,以及教 職員進修資助之申請/ 提名,日程如下: 審議事宜 截止申請/提名日期 遞交申請/提名或查詢 敎學人員晉升 (導師職級或以上) —零零三年九月三十日 請將有關提名或申請於截止日期前送 交人事處副處長阮健驄先生(大學行 政樓南座三樓人事處)。 查詢請電内線七二八五/七二四九/ 七二八零。 敎學人員屆退休年齡後延任 (導師職級或以上) 二零零三年十月十五日 敎職員與導師進修資助 二零零三年十月十五日 各項進修資助計劃詳見本期《中大通 訊》。 查詢請電内線七二八八/七一九一。 有 關 詳 情 可 向 學 系 或 部 門 辦 公 室 索 閱 由 人 事 處 發 出 之 通 告 , 或 瀏 覽 人 事 處 網頁 ( ) 內人事通告 (Personnel Announcements ) 一欄。 有關按「甲」、「乙」及「丙」類服務條例及相類合約聘用的非教學人員之評審事宜容 後通告。 The annual academic staff review exercise for the academic year 2004-5 has commenced. The following are the respective deadlines for applications/nominations: Applications/Nominations for Deadline Submissions to be forwarded to/ Enquiries Advancement (teaching staff of Instructor grade and above) Extension of service beyond retirement date (teaching staff of Instructor grade and above) 30th September 2003 15th October 2003 Mr. K.C. Yuen, Deputy Director of Personnel, 2nd Floor, South Wing, University Administration Building. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7285/ 7249/7280. Staff development grants/ programmes (teaching staff and non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A)/(HA) or equivalent contracts) 15th October 2003 Details of the staff development grants/programmes are announced in the same issue of the CUHK Newsletter. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7288/ 7191. Details concerning the above are set out in a General Circular issued by the Personnel Office for dissemination to members of the teaching staff via Department Chairmen/School Directors/Unit Heads. The circular together with the requisite application forms are also obtainable from the Personnel Announcements section of the website of the Personnel Office: The schedule for staff review matters of non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A), (B) and (C) or equivalent contracts w i ll be announced in due course. 二零零四至二零零五年度教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 2004-2005 關祖堯教職員進修基金、利希慎教職員進修基金及中英友好信託獎學金現接受申 請。有關詳情已於九月初送達各學院院長、系主任及部門主管,以供教職員參考。有意 申請者,可上網瀏覽詳細資料及手續,網址為 h t t p : / / www . c u h k . e d u . h k / p e r s o n n e l / r e s/ p e r a n n _ m a i n。 截止申請日期為二零零三年十月十五日。查詢可致電人事處(內線七一九 一或七二八八)。 其他教職員進修資助計劃及由學術交流處統籌 的學術交流/交換計劃的資料及申請辦 法,也可透過上述網頁查閱。 The C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development, the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development and the Sino-British Fellowship Trust Fund are now open for application. Staff members interested in applying for the grants may obtain information at T he deadline for application is 15th October 2003. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191 or 7288). A summary on other staff development grants/programmes and the major academic exchange or linkage programmes under the auspices of the Office of Academic Links has already been sent to all faculty deans and department chairmen/unit heads for reference. It is also available on the above website. 圖書館中秋節開放時間 Library Opening Hours for Mid-Autumn Festival 大學圖書館暨各分館於中秋節( 九月十一日,星期四) 提前於下午五時閉館,翌日公 眾假期休館。 The University Library and all branch libraries will close earlier at 5.00 p.m. on 11th September (Mid-Autumn Festival) and remain closed on 12th September (day following the Mid-Autumn Festival). 學生工讀計劃基金 Study Campus Work Scheme 2003-2004 二零零三 至二零零四年度學生工讀計劃基金現已接受申請。該計劃讓需要經濟援助 的本地學生,利用課餘時間協助教職員進行研究或處理其他工作,獲取報酬。 申請表格已發送給各部門及行政單位主管。教職員可向所屬部門或單位索取申請表 格,填妥後寄回范克廉樓一樓學生事務處學生工讀計劃委員會秘書,截止申請日期為二 零零三年十月三日。 受聘學生不能連續工作四星期,每星期工作須在十八小時以下;每段受僱期不能超 過五十九日,而在兩段受僱期之間須最少暫停工作一個月。工作性質規定為(一)協助 大學教員從事研究工作,(二)協助各行政單位在繁忙期間的工作,(三)其他獲工讀計 劃委員會批准之工作。報酬由學生工讀計劃委員會每年檢討,上年度工讀生(本科生及研 究生)報酬為每小時五十港元。 所有撥款只可用作支付香港中文大學工讀生薪酬。,並須於二零零四年九月三十日 前全數支付。獲資助之教職員須於二零零四年十月三十日前擬就報告,經學生事務處學 生工讀計劃委員會秘書轉送有關捐助機構。 Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme are now invited from members of the academic and administrative staff. Aim: To help needy local students by providing opportunities for paid campus work, in the form of assisting University academics/administrators in their projects. Nature of Work: (a) To assist academic staff in their research projects. (b) To assist administrative staff in projects which require a large task-force on a short-term basis. (c) Any other job assignments as may be approved by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme. Remuneration: Remuneration for undergraduate and postgraduate is HK$50/hour for 2002-3 (subject to review annually by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme) Application: Application forms have been sent to the head of departments and administrative units. Staff members who are interested in applying should obtain application forms from your offices and return the completed application forms to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Office of Student Affairs at 1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre no later than than 3rd October 2003. Remarks: (a) Approved funds should only be used as remuneration for students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (b) Students will not be allowed to work for more than 18 hours in any one week for four weeks or more. (c) The duration of each engagement should not exceed 59 days. There should be a break of service for a least one month between each engagement as a student helper in the University. (d) Approved funds should be expended in full before 30th September 2004. (e) Supervisors of approved projects will be requested to forward a report to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Office of Student Affairs by 30th October 2004, for onward transmission to the donors for information. 公積金及強積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes and MPFS 財務處公布公積金及強積金計劃內各項投資基金之回報如下: The Bursary announces the following investment returns in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 and 1983 Schemes and the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (MPFS). 二零零三年七月 July 2003 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 強積金計劃 MPFS** (只供參考 for reference only) 1995 \ 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 2.64% — 2.80% 3.12% 平衡 Balanced 2.52% 2.88% 1.40% 1.86% 穩定 Stable -0.99% — -1.03% -0.63% 香港股票 HK Equity 8.83% — 5.86% 6 24% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 5.67% — 5.86% — 港元銀行任款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.19% 0.09% 0.00% # — 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.17%* 0.08%* 0.00% # — 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit -3.00%* — 0.26% — 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit -1.73%* — 0.07% — *包括期內之匯率變動 Including foreign currency exchange difference for the period concerned **強積金數據乃根據有關期間內的單位價格及標準投資管理費計算,未包括管理費回扣。 Based on changes in unit price during the period concerned and using the standard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. # 少於 0.005% Less than 0.005% 注射流感疫苗 Influenza 流行性感冒是透過呼吸道傳染的疾病。每年的二、三、七月最常見。流感病毒(尤其 甲類)會不時基因突變,衍生新品種,造成大規模流行性感冒。除實踐健康生活模式,增 強身體抵抗力外,注射流感疫苗對預防流感亦有功效。保健處於九月十八及十九日上午 九時至下午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時半,在保健醫療中心一樓提供流感疫苗注射 服務,費用六十元。 The University Health Service is holding influenza vaccination sessions on 18th and 19th September 2003 (9.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m. and 2.00-4.30 p.m.) at Health Education Room, 1/F, University Health Centre. The cost is $60 per shot. Influenza is a viral infection that mainly affects the respiratory tract. It is common in February, March and July. Frequent mutation of genes of the influenza A virus leads to the emergence of new variants and may cause epidemics. A healthy life style can minimize the chance of getting influenza. Vaccination allows you to acquire immunity against the prevalent strains of the viruses. 5 No. 225 4th September 2003