Newsletter No. 233

唱不停 Let the Music Play 崇基學院隊 ChungChiCollege team ↓ 四院獻唱院歌 The four colleges singing their college anthems → 姬聲雅士獻技 Display of artistry by the Gay Singers 逸夫書院隊 Shaw College team 聯合書院隊 UnitedCollegeteam 新亞書院隊 NewAsiaCollegeteam → 笑匠許冠文校友自講自 彈自唱 Solo act by alumus Michael Hui 晩宴花絮 Snapshots 華麗大方——你認得她們嗎? The glitterati — how many do you recognize? 1今晚抽獎……幸運是我 And the winner is... 2六位校友司儀:(左起)張宏艷、黃萬成、魏綺珊、 嚴力耕、黃德如及陳敬創 Six alumni masters of ceremony: (from left) Lavender Cheung, Barry Wong, Jo Ngai, Aaron Yim, Louisa Wong, and Chan King Cheong 3三代同堂:(左起)金校長兒媳、金校長伉儷、金校 長乖孫 Three generations: (from left) Prof. King's son and daughter-in-law, Prof. and Mrs. Ambrose King, and Prof. King's grandson 8 No. 233 4th January 2004