Newsletter No. 249

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS (上接背頁 Continued from overleaf ) 中大普通話日 普通話教育硏究及發展中心與視聽製作部除共同獲語文基金贊助一百二十萬 元,舉辦「學生普通話大使培訓計劃」、「校際普通話辯論比賽」、「普通話辯論講 座」、「全港1 8區挑戰普通話遊戲」及「普通話公開講座」等活動外,更首次於十一月 二十六日(星期五)中午十二時至下午二時,在文化廣場合辦「中大普通話日」,費用 全免,歡迎各學生及教職員參加。 活動由中大內地本科生聯合會協辦,項目包括挑戰普通話電腦測試遊戲、普通 話辯論友誼賽、普通話自由講、粵普對對碰、表演、普通話導師解答諮詢和普通話 書展(新思維書店主辦)。 大學游泳池關閉 University Swimming Pool Closed for Maintenance 大學游泳池將由十二月一日(星期三)至明年四月停止開放,進行周年維修工 程。重新開放日期,容後公布。 The University swimming pool w i ll be closed from 1st December 2004 (Wednesday) to Ap r il 2005 for annual maintenance. The date of re-opening w i ll be announced later. 教職員及其配偶普通話及粵語課程 Putonghua and Cantonese Courses for CU Staff and Their Spouses 新雅中國語文研習所定期為大學教職員及其配偶舉辦下列普通話及粵語課程, 二零零五年第一期的開班詳情如下: 課程: (一)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程 (二)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程 (三)供粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程 (四)供非粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程 日期: A 班:二零零五年一月十八日至三月三十一日 (逢星期二、四,共四十節) B 班:二零零五年一月十九日至四月六日 (逢星期三、五,共四十節) 時間: 下午六時三十分至八時二十分(兩節) 地點: 方樹泉樓 截止申請日期: 二零零五年一月四日 以上各課程每班限額八人,少於六人不開班,按報名先後取錄。學費全期五千 二百港元,凡聘任期不少於兩年之本校全職教職員及其配偶而未獲任何語言修習資 助者,可獲大學津貼四成學費。有意就學者,請於截止申請日期前與該所聯絡(電話 二六零九六七三一)。 The New Asia—Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre offers putonghua and Cantonese courses to University staff and their spouses on a regular basis. The courses have been scheduled as follows: Course Titles: (1) Beginner's course in Putonghua for non-Chinese speakers. (2) Beginner's course in Cantonese for non-Chinese speakers. (3) Beginner's course in Putonghua for speakers of other Chinese dialects. (4) Beginner's course in Cantonese for speakers of other Chinese dialects. Duration: Class A: 1 8th January to 31st March 2005; 40 sessions Every Tuesday and Thursday Class B: 19th January to 6th April 2005; 40 sessions Every Wednesday and Friday Time: 6.30 p.m. to 8.20 p.m. (two sessions each) Venue: Fong Shu Chuen Building Deadline: 4th January 2005 The size of each class is limited to eight students. The minimum number of students to form a class is six. Enrolment w i ll be on a first-come-first-served basis. Basic tuition fee for each course is HK$5,200. The University w i ll subsidize 40 per cent of the tuition fee for all full-time academic and administrative staff, as well as their spouses, who are expected to be with the University for at least two years, and who are not receiving a language study subsidy from any other source. For enrolment, please contact the Chinese Language Centre at 2609 6731 before 4th January 2005. 健康校園講座 保健處及人事處訂於十二月二日下午十二時四十五分至二時在蒙民偉樓七樓一 號演講室合辦專題講座,由養和醫院整形外科中心主任金永強醫生講論「改善外容添 自信」。大會供應三文治及飲品。歡迎中大教職員和學生出席,截止報名日期為十一 月二十五日。查詢請電二六零九七二六七或二六零九七一八九。 免費音樂節目 Music Programmes 香港中文大學崇基管弦樂團音樂會 時間:十一月二十二日(星期一)晚上八時 地點:利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 鋼琴大師班 演出者︰ Gustavo Romero 時間:十一月二十三日(星期二)晚上七時半 地點:利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 鋼琴演奏會 演出者: Teresa Walters 時間:十一月二十五日(星期四)晚上七時半 地點:利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 研討會系列 主講者: Grace Yu 時間:十一月二十六日(星期五)下午二時半 地點:許讓成樓 G04 室 The Department of Music w i ll present the following programme in November 2004: CUHK Chung Chi Orchestra Concert Date and Time: 8.00 p.m., 22nd November 2004 (Monday) Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building A Piano Masterclass by Gustavo Romero Date and Time: 7.30 p.m., 23rd November 2004 (Tuesday) Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building A Piano Recital by Teresa Walters Date and Time: 7.30 p.m., 25th November 2004 (Thursday) Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building Colloquium Series: 'Deriving Meaningful Interpretations for Works with Extramusical Sources of Inspirations: Liszt's Ann é es de P é lerinage (Deuxi è me Ann é e) ' by Grace Yu Date and Time: 2.30 p.m., 26th November 2004 (Friday) Venue: G04 Hui Yeung Shing Building A l l are welcome. 新亞書院校董會 新亞書院最近提供校董會成員最新資料如下,以取代載於《香港中文大學概況》 2004-2005 之名單。 Chairman 主席 Dr. Chou Wen-hsien 周文軒 Vice-Chairman 副主席 Mr. Charles Y.W. Leung 梁英偉 ex officio Members 當然校董 Prof. Henry N.C. Wong 黃乃正( Head of College) Mr. Mark Sheldon (Director, Yale-China Association) Members nominated by the Yale Club of Hong Kong 香港耶魯大學協會推舉校董 Mr. Randolph C. Kwei 桂徵麒 Mr. Nelson L. Miu繆 亮 Member nominated by The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學推舉校董 Dr. William K.L . Fung馮 國綸 Member nominated by the University of Hong Kong 香港大學推舉校董 Prof. D.K.C. Tse 謝貴枝 Members nominated by the College Alumni Association 新亞書院校友會推舉校董 Mr. Heung Shu-fai 香樹輝 *Mr. Thomas Y.S. Tam 譚英士 Members nominated by the Assembly of Fellows of New Asia College 新亞書院院務委員會推舉校董 Prof. Chu Ka-hou 朱嘉濠 Prof. David T.W. Yew 姚大衛 Members of the community-at-large nominated by the Board 校董會選任校董 Mr. Vincent H.C. Cheng 鄭海泉 Dr. Chow Kwen-lim 周君廉 Mr. Fung Shing馮 昇 *Mr. Dennis Y.K. Hui 許耀君 Mr. Hui Kwok-hau 許國浩 Mr. Kwan Pak-hoo, Bankee 關百豪 *Mr. Kwok Siu-ming, Simon郭 少明 Mr. David Y.M. Lam 林耀明 Ms. Lee Kit-lan 李潔蘭 Ms. Leung Hung-kee 梁雄姬 Dr. Li Dak-sum 李達三 Mr. Liu Lit-man 廖烈文 Mr. Liu Shang-chien, Richard 劉尚儉 Mr. Nagahara Akihiro 長原彰弘 Mr. Ng Ping-kin, Peter 伍秉堅 Mr. So Hung-gun, Anthony 蘇洪根 Mr. To Tat-fai, Franklin 杜達輝 Dr. Tong Yun-kai 湯恩佳 *Mr. W.H. Wong 黃偉慶 Mr. S.W. Wu 胡世榮 Secretary 秘書 Dr. Peter J.L. Man 文直良 上述名單中有「*」標誌者,乃遺漏刊登及應更新的名字。新亞書院向有關校董 致深切歉意。 4 第二四九期 二零零四年十一月十九日