Newsletter No. 256

新書 New Books 崇基學院 龐萬倫基督教與中國文化講座系列二 《 對 他 者 的 慷 慨 : 從 外 推 精 神 看 中 華 文 化》 沈清松(加拿大多倫多大學哲學系及東亞系中國思想與文化講座 敎授) 基督敎雖早於盛唐已傳入中國,卻未能如佛敎般成為中國文化的 重要組成因素,甚至一度黯然消失於中土,原因何在?明末耶穌 會來華,雖於中西文化交流上貢獻良多,但可有為中華文明的真 正需要對症下藥?中國文化本身所具有的外推精神,面貌如何? 有何限制? 一九四九年之後,中國文化在這方面又何去何從? 本書有助讀者從嶄新的角度,探究基督宗敎與中國文化的其中一 個相遇點。 一百八十四頁,六十五港元。 崇基學院神學院 傳經講座系列五 《福音書的終結——作門徒的 邀請》 何蒙娜 (Morna D. Hooker ,英國劍橋 大學榮休新約講座敎授 )著,周健文譯 新約聖經中講述耶穌基督生平的福音書,甚至是描繪初期敎會歷 史的使徒行傳,都沒有以一般讀者喜愛的「大團圓結局」來結 束,給人一種「故事未完結」的感覺,實在令人不解。是「無心 之失」還是「故意安排」? 何蒙娜敎授對這幾卷書的結尾加以分析,指出「結局懸空」的手 法是有其獨特作用,包含著給讀者的特別信息。 一百零四頁,五十港元。 大學員生在崇基學院神學樓地下神學院辦公室購買上述兩書, 可獲八折優待。 香港亞太研究所 研究專論第一五三號 《 泛 珠 三 角 基 礎 建 設 發 展 硏 究 系 列: I . 高速公路》 楊汝萬、紀緯紋 泛珠三角區域合作框架建立後,區內的商貿 與消費性出行活動勢將更活躍,高速公路建 設亦成為發展的焦點。本書闡述泛珠三角九 省區及重慶市高速公路的現況,探討區域內高速公路投資和網絡 建設的發展方向,並嘗試從香港的角度,分析這趨勢對香港人於 泛珠三角的出行和投資模式的影響,以及對香港物流、旅遊、金 融和工商業支援服務帶來的挑戰和機遇,更探討香港境內的高速 公路發展應如何配合。 國際統一書號962-441-153-0,平裝本,三十頁,十五港元。 文物館 A r t Mu s e um 《五色瓊霞:竹月堂藏元明清一道釉瓷器》(中、英 文) 游學華編 本書為文物館同名展覽的圖錄,收錄竹月堂珍藏元明清時期江西 景德鎮燒製的單色釉瓷器共一百七十八項,依釉色分成白、紅、 藍、青、綠、黃、醬、烏金、茶葉末九組,各組以時代為序,系 統地展示景德鎮元明清三代官窯顏色釉的品種和一道釉工藝的發 展脈絡。全部展品附彩色圖版及詳細中、英文説明,書中又刊載 文物館館長林業強敎授所撰《漢軍三人及其單色釉瓷》論文,並 附年表、單色釉主要金屬呈色表和參考書目等。本書是硏究中國 古代單色釉瓷器的重要參考書。 國際統一書號962-7101-71-0,硬盒精裝,二百六十四頁(連彩 版二百零八頁),三百五十港元。 Shimmering Colours: Monochromes of the Yuan to Qing Periods, The Zhuyuetang Collection (in English and Chinese) Edited by Yau Hok-wa This catalogue accompanies an exhibition which presents 178 items of Jingdezhen monochromes of the Yuan to Qing periods from the Zhuyuetang collection. The exhibits are published in nine groups according to their colours which range from white/transparent, red, blue, celadon, green, yellow, to brown, black and tea-dust. Within each group the pieces are arranged chronologically so as to illustrate systematically the development and the comprehensive varieties of monochrome wares fired at the Imperial Factory in Jingdezhen from 14th to 19th centuries. The catalogue contains full colour plates of all items with detailed description, an essay entitled 'Three Chinese Bannermen and Their Monochromes' by Peter Y.K. Lam, director of the Art Museum, and useful chronological charts, bibliography and other appendices. ISBN 962-7101-71-0, hardcover with slipcase, 264 pages (208 colour plates inclusive), HK$350 中文大學出版社 Chinese Un i ve r s i ty Press 《 現 實 與 象 徵 : 蕭 紅 「 自 我 」 、 「 女 性 」 、 「 作 家 」 的 身 份 探 尋》 陳潔儀 本書為香港中文大學青年學人論文獎二零零零年度的得獎論文, 作者從「身份探尋」的角度,硏究蕭紅四部代表作《商市街》、 《生死場》、《呼蘭河傳》和《馬伯樂》,探討作品與個人遭遇、 社會和文藝的關係,展示蕭紅如何通過藝術上的「象徵」(「修辭 手法」和「隱含意義」),折射她 對「身份」的看法。 國際統一書號962-996-158- X ,平裝本,二百零四頁,一 百港元。 《香港稅務:法例與實 施 說 明 2 0 0 4 - 0 5 》 David Flux 著, David G. Smith 、Ayesha M a c p h e r s o n 修 訂 , 王 尹 巧 儀 譯 本書自一九八一年起問世,每年修訂,中文版於一九八九年出 版。 本書從專業角度詳述香港現行的物業税、薪俸税、利得税、印花 税和遺產税等法例內容和計算方法,亦就報税表及税例方面的懲 罰、評税與納税、反對與上訴,以及本港與英聯邦國家的雙邊税 務等問題詳盡解説。書中以大量具體例子説明及解釋應繳税款的 計算方法,並且引用過往的税務個案實例,包括本港及英聯邦國 家的判例,使讀者更容易明白有關條例的實際運作。 國際統一書號962-996-235-7,平裝本,九百一十六頁,三百二 十港元。 Food Plants of China By Hu Shiu-ying With its very ancient cultural heritage, China naturally has a rich background in the utilitarian value of its many different vegetative environments. Today, for the conservation of health, Chinese people are still consuming many species of plants. This book is an encyclopedic, two-part introduction to the edible plants of China. Part I introduces the cultural aspects of Chinese food plants and the spread of Chinese culinary culture to the world. It also describes how botanical and cultural information was acquired, what plants have been selected by the Chinese people for food, how these foodstuffs are produced, preserved, and prepared, and what lessons can be learned from Chinese practices. Part II provides the botanical identification of the plant kingdom for the esculents used in China as food and/or as beverage. With a wealth of scientific information, detailed recipes, elegant line drawings and quick indexes, Food Plants of China belongs on the shelf of botanists, practitioners in nutritional fields, and general readers who love to eat healthily. ISBN 962-201-860-2, hardcover, 928 pages, HK$750 A Chinese Ethics for the New Century The C h ' en Mu Lectures in History and Culture and Other Essays and Science and Confucian Ethics By Donald J. Munro A link running through many of the essays in this volume is between evolutionary biology and Chinese ethics. Since the 1960s and 1970s, within the fields of biology, psychology, and neurology are findings that advance our knowledge of how the mind functions, with special attention to social behaviour. Donald Munro's focus is on what this development means, narrowly for the study of Confucian ethics, and broadly for Chinese contributions to any international discussion of moral topics. The evolutionary scientists converge with mainstream Confucians in affirming the existence of universal human social traits. There is a human nature. They also share some important positions on the content of that nature. The topic is inborn social tendencies that may predispose, but do not by themselves determine actual behaviour. Neither does biology tell us what moral rules should be. Rather, it alerts us to how such information is relevant to thinking about right and wrong. And accepting the biological fact of inborn social traits leaves plenty of room for the impact of culture on ethical theory and of individual choice on action. This the author shows in his first Ch'ien Mu Lecture, 'Two Kinds of Equality'. The volume provides some clues as to why Confucianism has endured for so long and for what social policies are likely to succeed in any culture. ISBN 962-996-056-7, hardcover, 204 pages, HK$200 Politics and Conservatism in Northern Song China By Ji Xiao-bin Sima Guang is an important figure in Chinese history and Chinese 'historiography. Indeed, few students of Chinese history have not heard of the multi-volume Zizhi tongjian compiled by him. He is also well-known for being the opponent of Wang Anshi's New Policies in the Song government. This is the first book on Sima Guang's career and thought in the English language. Dr. Ji traces the development of Sima Guang's political career and analyses the strength of his conservative ideas. His investigation sheds new light on the intricate court politics and the ambitious reform movements of the Song dynasty. This book is written in a lively yet scholarly fashion. The carefully translated quotations and the colourful anecdotes not only help to illustrate the main analytical points of this study but also make it fascinating to read. ISBN 962-996-183-0, hardcover, 272 pages, HK$260 Public Service Reform in East Asia Reform Issues and Challenges in Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong Edited by Anthony B.L. Cheung Public service reform, or public sector reform, has been a hot topic among political scientists in recent years as most existing government structures are inadequate to cope with the ever- changing environments of globalism in terms of capital and technology. This is particularly true among Asian countries where the traditional bureaucracy has been strong as compared to a relatively weak sense of community. Traditional relations between government, the business sector and labour, which slowly have taken shape in the last two decades, are now once again challenged through de-colonialization in Hong Kong, democratization in Korea, decentralization in Singapore and technological innovation in Japan. This timely collection addresses a variety of selected reform issues confronted by these four developed Asian economies. The areas of reform covered range from human resource management, financial management and pay reform, to central agency role, service improvements, private sector involvement and political accountability. ISBN 962-996-194-6, hardcover, 312 pages, HK$280 3 第二五六期 二零零五年三月十九日