Newsletter No. 265

Japanese Phi lanthropist Donates HK$100 Mi l l i on to CUHK Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left) and Mr. Alex K. Yasumoto T he University ha s received a generous donation o f HK$100 millio n from Mr . Alex K . Yasumoto to support it s international exchang e efforts and academi c and researc h development . Mr. Yasumot o say s he supports the vision an d effort s o f the Universit y t o expand the international horizo n o f its students and promote cultural exchange s among th e youn g peopl e o f Hon g Kong , mainlan d China , Japan , an d othe r regions o f the world. H e regard s CUHK a s a leading institutio n wit h a strong and clea r visio n o f internationalism , an d excellen t recor d o f academi c achievements an d outstandin g students ' an d consider s CUH K a long-ter m partner i n helping hi m realiz e hi s vision o f a better world ahead . Prof. Lawrenc e J. Lau , vice-chancellor o f the University , expresse d hi s sincere gratitud e t o Mr . Yasumoto . 'W e ar e s o excited tha t yo u shar e ou r aspirations to buil d a great universit y wit h a n internationa l outlook . We fee l so honoured an d privilege d tha t you hav e chosen u s to b e your partne r i n promoting cultura l exchang e an d internationa l cooperation . ...W e ar e so gratified that you have full confidence i n us — in the quality of our academic programmes, an d i n th e potentia l o f ou r staf f an d student s t o achiev e excellence.' The Universit y wa s the first universit y i n Hon g Kong to hav e studen t exchange programme s wit h oversea s partners , which i t did a s early as 1965. No w CUH K partner s wit h clos e to 200 institution s worldwide , and strive s to heighte n it s internationalizatio n effort s b y broadenin g its student mi x an d drawing scholar s and student s from aroun d th e world. Thi s year , some 280 non-loca l undergraduate s hav e bee n recruited fro m acros s fiv e continents . Wit h Mr . Yasumoto' s handsome contribution , th e Universit y wil l furthe r enhanc e its effort s t o promot e academi c developmen t an d international an d cultura l exchang e programme s tha t are crucial for nurturing young talent from different parts of the world . Message f rom the VC on Fund-raising Dear colleagues, students , alumni an d friends : I am please d to tell yo u tha t The Chinese Universit y o f Hon g Kon g has already raised sufficien t privat e donation s t o b e eligible fo r maximu m matchin g unde r th e UGC's secon d matchin g grant scheme . The scheme was first announced las t June. Since then, differen t Universit y unit s have worked exceedingl y har d to convince ou r supporter s an d friends that a timely contribution wil l enabl e u s to secur e additional governmen t resource s fo r the long - term developmen t o f ou r Universit y an d fo r th e benefi t o f ou r student s an d ou r community. Thes e appeals hav e been me t with ver y generou s response s from man y quarters. Ou r alumn i hav e also responde d wit h enthusiasm , helpin g u s out i n ever y fund-raising effort and making large contributions themselves. I n less than three months since the announcement — and in little over one month after the actual commencemen t of the period o f matching eligibility — we hav e achieved ou r target of $455 millio n o f private donations . We fee l extremel y gratifie d wit h thes e result s — not onl y becaus e o f wha t th e donations wil l enabl e us to do, but also because of the warm and strong support for our University from the community a t large that they represent . Coming from busines s and industry circles , privat e individuals , alumni , an d even staf f members, these donation s signify the good will o f a broad cross-section o f the community. Wha t i s worth specia l mention i s a donation o f over HK$10 0 millio n from a Japanese businessman residen t i n Hong Kong , which came as a most pleasant surprise. The gift will g o a long way toward s enhancing the University' s overal l developmen t a s well a s promoting internationa l an d cultural exchanges. We are deeply moved. Donations of this sort also represent the genuine appreciation o f the work don e b y our Universit y ove r the years. We ar e deeply flattered . Every dolla r an d cen t collected , withi n thi s very shor t perio d o f time, i s the resul t o f the efforts o f man y hands , heads , and hearts , expressing the loyalt y an d dedication o f man y members o f ou r Council , facult y an d staf f members , alumn i an d friends . We ar e deepl y grateful. Very soon , we shal l be coming forward with concret e plans to put these extra resource s to good use , to bring the Universit y to new height s of excellence. We shall from time to time update our benefactors and the public at large on the progress of these plans and the significant milestones we are able to achieve . On behal f of our University , I wish to reiterat e our sincer e gratitude to all our donors fo r their mos t generous gifts , and all thos e who hav e helpe d u s for thei r mos t valuable efforts . We ar e determined to do our bes t and to prove to them that we deserve their confidence and support. The success of this las t exercise also serves to remin d u s that fund-raising should b e a continuous an d continuin g effort . Sustaine d communit y suppor t i s indispensabl e i n th e University's ques t for excellence . Lawrence J. Lau Vice-Chancellor 22nd Septembe r 200 5 E - N EWSLETTER A BSTRACT For details, please visit h t t p : / / w w w . c u h k . e d u . h k / e n e w s /. Volume 2 No. 18 CUHK Graduates Bag Top Three Awards in CPA Examination Three graduate s o f the Chinese University' s School o f Accountancy mad e a sweep of the gold, silve r and bronze awards of this year' s CPA Qualificatio n Programm e o f the Hon g Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). Anothe r CUHK graduat e won th e gold awar d i n a different section of the exam in 2004 . CUHK Men's Team Clinch Intervarsity Rowing Championship for Fifth Consecutive Year The 19t h Annua l Intervarsit y Rowin g Championships wer e held on 18th September 2005 a t the Shing Mun Rive r Rowing Centre. For the fift h yea r i n a row, CUH K wo n th e men's coxe d eigh t an d los t to HK U b y onl y one second i n the women's coxed four. 1 No. 265 4t h October 2005