Newsletter No. 269
Business Leaders Con t r i bu te to T r a i n i ng of C U M BA Students T he new class o f f u l l - t i me MBA students at the University w i ll be acquiring first-hand real-life experience from some of the top business leaders in town under the CUMBA Elite Mentorship Programme 2005. Thirty-seven business leaders have c omm i t t ed t o b e men t o rs for the programme, including chairman, CEOs, managing directors, general managers of m u l t i n a t i o n al a nd h o m e - g r o wn companies. Now into its third year, the CUMBA Elite Mentorship Programme kicked off on 5th November at the Hotel Intercontinental Hong Kong where new mentors and mentees assembled. Conferences on Health Promotion and Tai Chi Chuan T he 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Hea l th P r omo t i on and the 2nd International Conference on Tai Chi Chuan were held jointly from 5th to 6th November at the Postgraduate Education Centre to discuss a variety of health issues. They attracted some 500 participants including nurses, med i cal officers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, teachers and other allied healthcare professionals, with over 40 speakers giving their lectures. The event was jointly organized by the CUHK-WHO Collaborating Centre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion and Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department. Dr. York Chow, Secretary for Health Welfare and Food of the HKSAR, at the opening ceremony Spotlight on Depression in Women T he Department of Psychiatry of the University and Harvard University Massachusetts General Psychiatry co-organized a symposium on ' Mood Disorders in Women' on 13th November. Prof. Lee Cohen (photo) of Harvard University reviewed the latest data and theories on postnatal depression and depression related to menopause. Prof. Dominic T.S. Lee reviewed studies conducted by CUHK on these topics, as well as how Chinese culture has shaped the presentation o f depression in women and the help-seeking behaviour of d e p r e s s ed w o m e n . A viedeotape of the event has been posted on MGH web- based CME programme a t . SUPPORT FOR EIGHT PROJECTS T he following eight research projects undertaken by faculty members of the University have succeeded in attracting funding support: ‧ Pricing, Production and Delivery Decisions, and Cooperative Strategies in a Supply Chain with Products of Time-varying Values (HK$687,200) Sponsor: NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme Principal investigator: Prof. Cai Xiaoqiang (Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management) ‧ Study of Optima! Portfolio Selection Policies (HK$489,700) Sponsor: NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme Principal investigator: Prof. Li Duan (Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management) ‧ Raloxifene Modulation of Myogenic Tone and Flow-dependent Vasodilatation in Rat Resistance Vessels (HK$22,500) Sponsor: France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme Principal investigator: Prof. Huang Yu (Department of Physiology) ‧ Visualization-based Maritime Trajectory Data Modelling and Analysing ( HK $ 1 4 , 0 0 0) Sponsor: France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme Principal investigator: Prof. Lin Hui (Joint Laboratory for Geoinformation Science) ‧ Augmented Reality System for I mage Guided Minimally Invasive Surgery ( HK $ 3 1 , 2 5 0) Sponsor: France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme Principal investigator: Prof. Yeung Chung-kwong (Department of Surgery) ‧ The 'Hidden Client' — Carers of Patients with Pneumoconiosis: Psychiatric Morbidity, Quality of Life, Burden of Care, and Service Needs (HK$673,389) Sponsor: Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board Principal investigator: Prof. Tang Wai-kwong (Department of Psychiatry) ‧ Establishment of an Internationa! Collaborative Research Center for Botanical I mmuno-modulators with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (US$435,400) Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, US Principal investigator: Prof. Leung Ping-chung (Institute of Chinese Medicine) Facul ty o f Educat ion Celebrate 40th Ann i v e r s a ry w i t h Wal k A round 500 participants took part in the Faculty of Education's Round-the-CU Walkathon on 13th November. The event was one of the highlights of the 40th anniversary celebrations of the faculty. It also doubled as a homecoming day for its alumni, and a fundraising exercise for the D e v e l o p m e nt Fu nd f o r t he 4 0 t h Anniversary of Faculty of Education. United College Alumni Day O ver 100 United College alumni and their family members took part in the college's Alumni Day on 29th October 2005. They toured the alumni trail and visited the Shum Choi Sang United College Archives, Wu Chung Multimedia Library, and Chan Chun Ha Hostel. After enjoying a tea buffet at the Staff Common Room, they joined the Cooking Workshops and Creative Handkerchief Painting Workshops, as well as various sports activities at the college gymnasium. 2 No. 269 4th December 2005
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