Newsletter No. 271

New Books 新書 CU Press A Cloud Across the Pacific: Essays on the Clash between Chinese and Western Political Theories Today Thomas A. Metzger Prof. Metzger's third seminal book, A Cloud Across the Pacific uncovers the basic contradictions between contemporary China's complex ideological marketplace and Western l i be r a l i sm. It describes and puts into critical context three versions of Western liberalism (those of F.A. Hayek, John Rawls, and John Dunn), three versions of Chinese liberalism (those of Yang Kuo-shu, Li Qiang, and Ambrose Y.C. King), two versions of modern Confucian humanism (those of T'ang Ch ü n-i and Henry K.H. Woo), and various versions of Chinese Marxism, including Kao Li-k'o's in the early 1990s and some of the recent New Left writings. It shows that all these Chinese political theories, not only Chinese Marxism, depend on a number of premises at odds with Western liberalism, especially epistemological optimism and an extravagantly optimistic concept of political practicability. It also argues that not only these Chinese theories but also Western liberalism have failed to offer adequate normative guidelines for the improvement of political life. His study uniquely combines a deep understanding of the history of Chinese thought with a strong grasp of modern philosophical trends and an innovative methodology for the description and criticism of political theories. It will be useful to students of modern Chinese intellectual history, of political philosophy, of political culture, of the comparative study of cultures, and of US-Chinese relations. ISBN 962-996-122-9, 844 pages, hardcover, HK$420 A r t Mu s e um 文物館 The Art of Chen Hongshou: Painting, Calligraphy, Seal-carving and Teapot-design (in Chinese and English) Edited by Lai Suk Yee This is a catalogue of an exhibition held at the Art Museum, the Chinese University, from 10th December 2005 to 12th February 2006. Around 100 art works of Chen Hongshou (1768-1822) are exhibited, including paintings, calligraphy, seals and teapots, assembled from the collections of the Shanghai Museum, the Nanjing Museum and the Art Museum, and with supplements from public and private collections in Hong Kong. Chen, with the sobriquet Mansheng, was a native of Qiantang (present-day Hangzhou), Zhejiang province. He first established his fame in seal carving and is listed one of the Eight Masters of Xiling (Hangzhou). Chen is also a well respected calligrapher and a painter. He collaborated with the Yixing potter Yang Pengnian to make zisha teapots of original designs with inscriptions composed by him and a peer group of scholars. His pots are well known as 'Mansheng pots'. The Art Museum, the Shanghai Museum and the Nanjing Museum jointly present the exhibition with this accompanying catalogue which includes several essays about Chen Hongshou, graciously contributed by scholars Terese Tse Bartholomew, Lu Minghua, Sun Weizu, Liu Yiwen, Cao Qing and Lai Suk Yee. ISBN 978-962-7101-74-1, 313 pages, hardcover, HK$350 《書‧畫‧印‧壺:陳鴻壽的藝術》 (中、英文) 黎淑儀編 同名展覽於二零零五年十二月十日至二零零六年二月十二日 在文物館舉行,展品為陳鴻壽( 1768-1822) 的藝術創作,包括 書法、繪畫、印章及紫砂壺。該展覽由上海博物館、南京博物院 及香港中文大學文物館合辦,展品精選自三館藏品,輔以香港公 私收藏,蔚為大觀。陳鴻壽,號曼生,浙江錢塘人,位列西冷八 家之一,兼擅古文詩詞,書法行、草、篆、隸皆精,繪畫多作沒骨花卉,生趣盎然。陳氏與宜興陶人 楊彭年合作,創製砂壺新樣,並與友好撰刻壺銘,「曼生壺」為世所珍,影響深遠。本展覽圖錄輯錄 近百項展品,彩色精印,並有海內外專家學者謝瑞華、陸明華、孫慰袓、劉一聞、曹清、黎淑儀等撰 著專題論文,為全面了解陳鴻壽藝術不可多得的參考圖籍。 國際統一書號 978-962-7101-74-1 ,精裝本,三百一十三頁,三百五十港元。 HKIAPS 香港亞太研究所 Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute Occasional Paper No. 12 The Pearl River Delta Mega Urban-region: Internal Dynamics and External Linkages Yue-man Yeung ISBN 962-441-812-8, 30 pages, paperback, HK$15 滬 港發展聯合研究所研究叢刊第二號 《雙龍吐變:滬港之文化交流與互動》 梁元生、王宏志編 本書為滬港發展聯合研究所二零零三年度年會的論文 結集,年會以「滬港雙城之文化交流與互動」為主題,與會者來自上海、香港、日本及馬來西亞,論文涵 蓋滬港兩地文學、文化的不同模式,並從不同視角及層面揭示雙城的文化經驗,以及兩者的關連與互動, 對雙城的歷史連繫、文化交流與相互關係的學術研究具相當的參考價值。 國際統一書號 962-441-882-9 ,平裝本, 391 + xi 頁,八十港元。 滬港發展聯合研究所研究專論第十一號 《滬港兩地敎育改革下的敎師專業性》 黎萬紅、盧乃桂 國際統一書號 962-441-811-X ,平裝本,三十 頁,十五港元。 研究專論第一六一號 《如何制定減少跨代貧窮的社會政策》 鄧廣良、林靜雯編 國際統一書號 962-441-161 -1,平裝本,三十九 頁,二十港元。 Research Cent re f or Tr ans l a t i on website: email: Renditions No. 64 (Autumn 2005) Women of Traditional China We r e t r a d i t i o n a l Chinese women, as Liang Qichao claimed, men's dependents who never engaged in productive labour? This issue presents various aspects of women's lives, from education to literary accomplishments, and from service at court to widowhood. 128 pages, HK$99 The book is sold at a 30 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. 3 No. 271 4th January 2006