Newsletter No. 278

Universit y Colleg e Londo n Visit s th eSchoo l o f Law P rof. Malcol m Grant , Presiden t an d Provos t o f University Colleg e London , an d Lor d Wool f o f Barnes, Universit y College London' s Chair of Council , visited th e Schoo l o f La w a t The Chines e Universit y of Hon g Kon g o n 4t h Apri l 2006 . Thei r visi t i s a landmark i n the establishment o f a global networ k as Hong Kong' s newes t Schoo l o f La w position s itsel f internationally a s a key centr e o f lega l researc h an d scholarship. Th e establishmen t o f this stron g intellectual an d academi c partnershi p betwee n th e School o f La w an d Universit y Colleg e Londo n wil l benefit th e futur e o f lega l educatio n i n Hon g Kon g and enhanc e th e School' s contributio n t o th e wider communit y b y providin g importan t international link s fo r Hon g Kon g student s an d scholars. Founded i n 1826 by an association of libera l gentlemen', Universit y Colleg e Londo n lay s special emphasi s o n libera l an d enlightene d thought whic h ha s muc h i n commo n wit h th e vision o f the CUHK Schoo l of Law. The emphasis of the Universit y Colleg e Londo n Facult y o f Law on research into law development and its influence on publi c polic y matche s th e Schoo l o f Law' s commitment t o examining the underlying values, purposes an d policie s o f law . Bot h institution s share a common interes t i n th e impac t o f la w across nationa l boundaries , an d the importanc e of comparative and empirical wor k i n the context of the social, politica l an d economic environment . University Colleg e Londo n i s a pioneer i n th e teaching o f 丨 aw, medicin e an d engineering . I t is a privilege fo r the CUHK Schoo l o f Law to develop clos e links with an academic institutio n that i s acknowledged to b e one o f the bes t i n the world . Prof. Gran t an d Lor d Woolf s visi t i s expected t o strengthen existin g link s betwee n Universit y Colleg e London an d Th e Chines e Universit y an d provid e th e School o f Law wit h th e foundatio n fo r extensiv e international scholarl y an d studen t links . (From left) Prof. Mike McConville, director. School of Law, Prof. Malcolm Grant, Lord Woolf of Barnes, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor of the University Friendship and Scholarship: The First 25 Years Launc h Ceremon y No modern museu m ca n functio n successfull y without a n association o f Friends . Certainly, the Friends of the Art Museum o f The Chinese Universit y o f Hong Kon g has been a major factor i n it s success. ' — So writes Prof . James Watt, founding director of the museum and currentl y Brook e Russel l Asto r Chairman , Department o f Asian Ar t a t the Metropolita n Museu m in Ne w York , i n hi s forewor d t o th e newl y publishe d book, Friendship and Scholarship: The First 25 Years. This boo k i s jointly publishe d b y th e Friend s an d the Ar t Museum t o mar k the Friends ' 25t h anniversar y which coincide s wit h th e museum' s 35th . I t focuses o n museum acquisition s funde d b y the Friend s during the latter's firs t quarte r centenary . In this beautifu l book , 4 4 ou t o f a total o f the 80 0 Friends-funded museu m acquisition s ar e represente d with ful l colou r plate s an d detaile d description s b y members o f th e Friends . Nanc y McFadden , Friend s Chair 1990-1992 , penne d th e mai n essay , 'Broa d Brushstrokes' recountin g the Friends ' 25-yea r history . J.S. Lee , the Friends ' longest-standin g patron , ha s contributed a message o f congratulation , followe d b y forewords b y the three Ar t Museum director s ove r th e last 25 years, James Watt, Mayching Kao and Pete r Lam. An afterword by Victoria Firth, Friends Chair since 2003, concludes th e publication . Publication ha s been mad e possibl e b y a generous donation fro m Barclays . Barclay s i s also the sponso r o f the book launc h hel d on 26th April a t the Island Club. It was attended b y some 15 0 member s of the Friends and guests, includin g vice-chancello r Prof . Lawrenc e Lau , Friends Patro n Dian a L i and he r husban d Prof . Arthu r Li, Secretar y fo r Educatio n an d Manpower , Prof . Jenny So, director o f the Institut e o f Chines e Studie s and chai r of the Fin e Arts Departmen t o f CUHK , an d Michae l Ya o and Daphn e Kin g Yao representin g the Tung family . (From left) Prof. Arthur Li , Prof. Jenny So,Mrs. Diana Li, Mrs. Victoria Firth, Mrs. Jennifer Sullivan, Mends Chair 1998-2001, Prof. Lawrence Lau and Prof. Peter Lam Friendship and Scholarship: The First 25 Years (in English and Chinese ) Editor-in-Chief: PeterY.K.Lam ISBN 978-962-7101-77-2 , case boun d wit h jacket , 152 pages , HK$20 0 Enquiries: Ms . Luc y Bull , Friend s of Ar t Museum , a t 9506 714 1 o r lucyjustinbull@hotmail. com Volume 3 No. 5 The Chinese University Council Approved Guidelines for the Establishment of New Colleges The Chines e Universit y o f Hon g Kon g plan s t o establish ne w college s t o accommodate th e increased undergraduat e enrolmen t whe n th e curriculum revert s t o fou r years . Th e pla n wil l enhance the college system through the provisio n of a congenial learnin g environmen t a s well a s quality non-forma l educatio n and pastoral care . At its meeting held on 25th April 2006, the Universit y Council deliberated on the Final Report of the Task Force on New Colleges an d approved guideline s for the establishment o f new colleges . • For details, please visit Business Scholar on China and Globalization P rof. Max Boisot , adjunct professor at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France , and associat e fello w at Templeto n College , Universit y o f Oxford , de l i ve r ed a lectur e o n ' Ch i na an d th e Globalization Process : Alternative Interpretations ' on 6t h April 200 6 i n Cho Yiu Hall . Prof . Boisot' s visit wa s mad e possibl e b y th e L i Ka Shin g Foundation Exchang e Programme . !n hi s lecture , Prof . Boiso t explaine d ho w whereas Marx' s law s o f histor y converge d o n a planned bureaucrati c order , man y Wester n economists ha d a convergence theor y tha t le d to a market order, and the two side s debate ove r the universa l valu e o f thei r prescriptions . Prof . Boisot provided a conceptual frame-work throug h which t o explor e the issue , using China as a test case. H e showe d ho w ne w informatio n an d communications technologie s operat e within thi s framework an d how they affect the argument as it concerns China . H e the n develope d specifi c hypotheses concerning the internationalization o f Chinese firms . Prof. Boiso t wa s dea n an d directo r o f th e China-EC Management Programme , the first MBA programme i n mainland China which has evolved into th e China-Europ e Internationa l Busines s School i n Shanghai. Prof . Boiso t ha s also carrie d out consultanc y an d trainin g assignment s fo r multinational firm s i n th e fiel d o f internationa l management and technology strategy ; and he has taught i n Japan, the US, Hong Kong , Sout h Africa, th e Middl e East, Russi a an d France. 1