Newsletter No. 278

Lecture o n US-Asi a Relation s M r. Raymond Burghardt , director of the Seminar s Program, East-Wes t Cente r i n Hawaii , an d retired U S Ambassado r t o Vietnam , gav e a lectur e on 'US-Asi a Relations , Focusin g o n China ' o n 19t h April a t Ch o Yi u Hall . Mr . Burghard t ha s broa d experience i n diplomac y an d ha s worke d a t th e American Embassie s i n Honduras , Guatemala , Beijing, Seoul , Manila , Shanghai , an d Vietnam . H e joined th e East-Wes t Cente r i n January 200 5 a s th e director o f the Seminar s Program . The East-Wes t Cente r i s a renowne d educatio n and researc h organizatio n establishe d b y th e U S Congress t o strengthe n relation s an d understandin g among th e people s an d nation s o f Asia , th e Pacific , and th e US . Events of the Hong Kong Centre for Evidence-based Nursing T he Hon g Kon g Centr e fo r Evidence-Base d Nursing (HKCEBN) , locate d i n th e Nethersol e School o f Nursing , work s wit h th e Nursin g Sectio n of th e Hon g Kon g Hospita l Au t ho r i t y (HA ) t o promote, disseminat e an d implemen t evidence - based practic e (EBP) . Th e H A manage s 4 3 publi c hospitals, 4 5 specialis t outpatien t clinic s an d 7 4 general outpatien t clinic s i n Hon g Kong ; an d th e HKCEBN offer s HA nurse s suppor t i n understandin g the principle s o f EBP , promoting an d developin g it , and applyin g i t i n thei r routin e work . On 29t h Decembe r 200 5 an d 30t h Marc h 2006 , the HKCEBN held two whole-day workshops, 'Utilizin g Evidence-based Literatur e i n Nursin g Practice' , fo r 95 participants , includin g hospita l an d communit y nurses, educators , senio r managers , nurs e specialist s and advanced practice nurses from 43 public hospitals . The workshops were designed to hel p nurse s find an d use the bes t available researc h evidence . On 26t h Januar y 2006 , th e HKCEB N an d th e Working Grou p o n Evidence-base d Nursin g Practic e of the Nursin g Section of the HA organize d a half-day seminar on EBP . Nurses from 43 publi c hospital s wer e invited t o submit paper s about ongoing or complete d implementation projects . Twenty-nine abstract s wer e received an d seve n bes t paper s wer e selecte d fo r presentation. Prof . Davi d Thompson (left 3), directo r of the Nethersol e Schoo l o f Nursing , an d Prof . Janita Chau (lef t 1) delivered a keynote speec h o n barrier s to an d facilitator s o f researc h utilization , whic h highlighted th e importanc e o f havin g manageria l support an d sufficien t resource s to ensur e the us e o f research evidenc e i n clinica l practice . Th e HKCEB N sponsored a best presentatio n awar d t o suppor t th e researchers i n presenting their implementatio n projec t at an internationa l nursin g conference . SUPPORT FO R TEN PROJECT S T he followin g researc h project s undertake n b y facult y member s an d staf f o f th e Universit y have succeede d i n attractin g fundin g support : • Effec t of High-frequency, Low-magnitude Vibration Therapy on the Healing of Femoral Fracture In Rat Model (US$25,000) Sponsor: Associatio n International e pou r L'Ostéosynthès e Dynamiqu e (MOD ) Principal investigator: Prof . Leun g Kwok-su i (Departmen t o f Orthopaedic s an d Traumatology ) • Developmen t of Optical Pickup Chipsets for Blue Laser DVDs (HK$2,916,400) Sponsor Innovatio n an d Technology Fun d Principal investigator: Prof . Choy Chiu-sin g (Departmen t o f Electroni c Engineering ) Other investigator: Prof . Pu n Kon g Pang • ASA R Dat a Applications Centre for Changjiang Area (RMB 1,500,000 ) Sponsor: Changjian g Rive r Scientifi c Researc h Institut e Principal investigator: Prof . Li n Hu i (Join t Laborator y fo r Geoinformatio n Science ) • Th e Association of Pharmacogenetics and Chemotherapy-induced Toxicities in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy (HK$100,000 ) Sponsor: Th e Hon g Kon g Anti-Cancer Societ y Principal investigator: Prof . Nelso n Tan g Leung-san g (Department o f Chemica l Pathology ) • A Novel Cancer Screening Method Using Mismatch Binding Proteins to Detect Mutant,Tumour - derived DNA in Body Fluids (HK$150,000 ) Sponsor: Th e Hon g Kon g Anti-Cancer Societ y Principal investigator: Prof . Larr y Baum (Departmen t o f Medicine an d Therapeutics ) • Communit y Colleges in the United States: Practice and Policy that Ensure Success for all Students (HK$223,000 ) Sponsor Fulbrigh t Hon g Kon g Scholar Programm e 2006-0 7 Principal investigator: Dr . Victor Le e Sze Kuen (Schoo l of Continuing and Professiona l Studies ) • A Plug-and-Play Dat a Security Platform (HK$2,000,000) Sponsor Innovatio n an d Technology Fun d Principal investigator: Prof . Chan Ka m Tai (Departmen t o f Electroni c Engineering ) Other investigators: Prof . Wong Ma n Ho n an d Prof . John Lu i Ch i Shin g • Establishmen t of HIV Replication Capacity Assay for Enhancing Management of AIDS Patients in Hong Kong (HK$671,418) Sponsor: AID S Trust Fun d Principal investigator: Prof . H e Ming Lian g (Centre for Emergin g Infectiou s Diseases ) • Survey on Ritual Performance of Cantonese Opera (HK$84,000) Sponsor: Hon g Kon g Arts Developmen t Counci l Principal investigator: Prof . Chan Sa u Yan (Departmen t o f Music ) • Developmen t and Validation for a Low-cost HIV Viral Load Monitoring Assay (HK$723,300 ) Sponsor: AID S Trus t Fun d Principal investigator: Prof . Pau l Chan Ka y Sheung (Departmen t o f Microbiology ) United College Alumni Talk Series U nited Colleg e an d it s Alumn i Associatio n organize d th e third tal k o f th e alumn i tal k serie s o n 2 9 Marc h 200 6 a t the college Staff Common Room . The guest speaker, Mrs. Clari e Lo, 197 9 graduat e o f th e Facult y o f Busines s Administratio n and forme r Deput y Secretar y fo r Financia l Service s an d Treasury, gav e a talk t o Unite d Colleg e students . The alumn i tal k serie s i s organized i n the forma t o f a hig h table dinner . Differen t studen t organization s hel p presen t th e talks; thi s on e wa s moderate d b y th e Unite d Colleg e Clas s Society 2003 . (From left) Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, head of United College, Mrs. Clarie Lo, Dr. Thomas H. C Cheung, president of the UC Alumni Association, and Ms. Ada Chan, chairperson of the UC Class Society 2003 2006 Stephen C . Song T ranslation Studies Awards R esults o f th e 200 6 Stephe n C . Soon g Translatio n Studie s Memo r i al Awa r d organize d b y th e Researc h Centr e fo r Translation wer e announce d followin g a n adjudicators ' meetin g on 10t h Apri l 200 6 a t the Institut e o f Chines e Studies . The pane l o f adjudicators consiste d o f Prof . Wan g Kefei , Dr . Mar y M.Y . Fung , and Prof . Lawrenc e Wong . Thi s year' s winne r wa s Zh u Chunshe n of th e Cit y Universit y o f Hon g Kong . H e wil l receiv e a n awar d certificate an d HK$3,00 0 priz e money . 2 No. 27 8 4t h Ma y 200 6