Newsletter No. 282

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 新 鴻基地產(新地)與香港中文大學於八月三日合力推出「新地心理健康工 程」大型推廣心理健康計劃,就公眾教育、預防與治療、調查與實務研究, 以及專業培訓等四大範疇,全方位在本港推廣心理健康,提高各界對精神健康及面 對壓力的意識,並減低社會對精神病的歧見,為更多受困擾人士打開醫治之門,加 快康復步伐。該計劃由新地及郭氏家族捐出三千萬港元支持。 新地心理健康工程結合本校三大院系的經驗與力量,由三個專業服務單位分工合 作,以兩年時間,推出連串大型宣傳和教育活動,全面推動心理健康教育,加強以 實證為依據的防治服務、擴大實務研究及前線工作者的培訓。有關計劃由中大心理 學講座教授張妙清教授擔任總監;三個專業服務單位包括心理學系臨床及健康心理 學中心(主任為梁永亮教授)、社會工作學系家庭及小組實務研究中心(主任為馬 麗莊教授)和醫學院香港健康情緒中心(主管為李誠教授)。 新地心理健康工程將舉行廣泛宣傳活動,包括通過連串講座、展覽、商場巡迴活動 及電視與電台節目,提高公眾對心理健康的意識,亦會透過網站、出版專題雜誌與 視聽教材,加強公眾的正確知識。該計劃會派出專家到學校和社會服務機構講解, 亦會出版治療手冊,為前線工作者舉行專業培訓工作坊與訓練班,並進行各項普查 及實務研究,致力提升本港防治心理疾病的水平。 S un Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong announced on 3rd August the SHKP Mental Health Alliance, a major mental health initiative supported by a donation of $30 million from SHKP and the Kwok family. The alliance will focus on public education, prevention and treatment, research and experimental study, as well as professional training. This comprehensive programme will promote better mental health in Hong Kong, raise public awareness and understanding of the problem, and eliminate discrimination against sufferers. The alliance will be headed by Prof. Fanny Cheung, chair of the CUHK Depart- ment of Psychology. The two-year programme will marshal the resources of the Department of Psychology’s Clinical and Health Psychology Centre, headed by Prof. Patrick Leung; the Department of Social Work’s Family and Group Practice Research Centre, headed by Prof. Joyce Ma; and the Faculty of Medicine’s Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre, headed by Prof. Sing Lee. The three units will collaborate on a series of activities to promote comprehen- sive mental health education, provide evidence-based prevention and treatment, and expand training for experimental study teams and frontline practitioners. The Mental Health Alliance will organize a range of promotional activities, including seminars, exhibitions, shoppingmall road shows, television and radio programmes, to raise public awareness of mental health. Public understanding of the illness will be enhanced by means of a website, magazine features and audio-visual materials. Professionals will also deliver seminars at schools and social service organizations. The initiative will include the publication of a treatment handbook and the holding of training sessions for practitioners. Polls and research will be conducted to improve prevention and treatment of mental illness in Hong Kong. 新地及郭氏家族捐贈三千萬元 推動全城心理健康計劃 SHKP and Kwok Family Donate $30 Million to Promote Mental Health with CUHK new college should be a community of independent thinkers, where students can think for themselves, argue with anyone, explore knowledge.’ An economist of world renown, Prof. Mirrlees has special interest in taxation, and development econ- omics. As Distinguished Professor- at-Large at CUHK, he has provided academic leadership for the University community and delivered public lectures. Currently professor of biology at CUHK, Prof. Samuel Sun is the first scientist in the world to clone a plant gene. He is also the principal investigator of a UGC-supported Area of Excellence project entitled ‘Plant and Fungal Biotechnology’, which has made important contributions to solving the world’s food shortage problem. Prof. Sun is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Prof. Sun has great admiration and respect for the late Dr. Ho Sin-hang, founder of The S.H. Ho Foundation. He is gratified to know that the mission of the new S.H. Ho College is to cultivate commitment to personal responsibility and integrity. (左起)梁永亮教授、張妙清教授、新地副主席兼董事總經理郭炳聯博士、劉遵義校 長、馬麗莊教授、李誠教授。 From left: Prof. Patrick Leung, Prof. Fanny Cheung, Dr. Raymond Kwok, SHKP vice- chairman and managing director, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Prof. Joyce Ma, and Prof. Lee Sing 讀者意見調查摘要 Summary of Readership Poll 調查於二零零六年四月十九日至五月十日進行。問卷隨《中大通訊》第二七七期分 派,並於四月十九日經資訊科技服務處大量發送電郵服務,致函邀請全校教職員於 網上填覆。 共有二百一十五人填覆,回應率為百分之三點四。當中大部分為職員(百分之七十 二點六)和教研人員(百分之二十五點六)。填覆者最喜歡閱讀的欄目是「大學活 動、成就、研究新知」、「人事動態」和「宣布事項」,並希望知道更多校園變化 的消息。其他建議包括題材、印刷和環保等。 本刊致力為同人提供最新資訊,亦設有電子版( newslter/ )。為編務與環保因素,印刷版與電子版互相補足。印刷版簡列的消息 只要上網點擊,便可閱覽詳情。 同人的不斷支持,本刊衷心致謝,並歡迎讀者提供建議,以持續改進。請將建議寄 交本刊編輯。 The CUHK Newsletter held a readership poll from 19th April to 10th May 2006. Questionnaires were distributed with issue No. 277 and emailed to all CUHK staff via ITSC’s mass mailing service on 19th April 2006. The poll received a response rate of 3.4%. Of the 215 respondents, most were administrative/office support/technical staff (72.6%) and teaching/research staff (25.6%). The respondents’ favourite items were ‘University activities/ achievements/research news’, ‘Personalia’, and ‘Announcements’. They also wished to know more about campus development. Other suggestions for improvement were related to Newsletter topics, and issues of printing and environmental impact. The CUHK Newsletter is intended to keep staff members up-to-date on the latest CUHK news and happenings. It also has an electronic edition ( http://www.cuhk . ). For editorial and environmental reasons, we encourage you to use the two editions to supplement each other. For events appearing in abridged form in the print version, a link will be provided so you can access the full account on the web with a click of your mouse. We would like to thank all members of the campus community for your ongoing support of the Newsletter . Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be addressed to the Editor. 莫理斯教授獲溫家寶總理接見 Prof. Sir James Mirrlees meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao 辛世文教授與「雜交水稻 之父」袁隆平教授 Prof. Samuel Sun and Prof. Yuan Longping, ‘father of hybrid rice’ (continued from overleaf)