Newsletter No. 282

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 由 本校心理學系林少 博士與母親 的抉擇合作進行的「香港青少年 懷孕——價值、態度、抉擇」的大規模研 究發現,香港青少年缺乏性的知識與意識 去作人生抉擇。 該研究收集了三千三百三十五份香港 全日制學生(年齡介乎十二至二十一 歲)的問卷,內容關於青少年懷孕的 價值和態度,以及影響意外懷孕後 的抉擇。一百四十名育有青少年子 女的家長亦應邀填寫一份相似的問 卷。研究亦訪問了五名曾意外懷孕的 少女,訪問內容根據「所面對的困難」、 「解決問題的方法」、「獲得的援助」、 「影響決定的因素」四方面作質化分析。 結果顯示,香港青少年似乎 : (一)未準備好去約會:35%正談戀愛的 青少年表示曾有性經驗,而其中50%不會 或不肯定會使用避孕措施。 (二)未準備好去成為父母:87%受訪者 表示他們未有能力去成為父母,但其中 50.9%受訪者卻表示若意外懷孕,他們會 選擇「自行養育嬰兒」。 (三)未準備好去作出人生抉擇: 83.3% 青少年認為個人的未來方向是重要的,但 51.9%表示若意外懷孕會選擇「自行養育 嬰兒」。 以上結果顯示,在作出人生抉擇時,青少 年面對內在信念、自我身分認同、自我勝 任感及未來定位等價值問題。 另外,受訪者表示,他們需要並有意接受 教師和社工的指引。但期望與現實有很大 的分歧。受訪的未婚媽媽都承受懷孕引起 的問題和壓力,卻得不到即時的援助,社 區所給予的資源杯水車薪,其中家長、教 師與社工的角色尤其重要,但未能發揮作 用。這個分歧顯示社會對家長、教師與社 工的角色的認知出現問題,亦反映性教育 在理念上、概念上和實際上存在更大的問 題。 研究人員指出,性教育遠不只教導我們是 甚麼(生理上的結構),而是我們是誰及 在成長中我們該如何自處。性教育不只是 關於性行為,還包括價值、健康和安全、 個人成長、身體接觸、性別角色和性慾。 這些應自小學教育起列入正規課程中。至 於家長應向子女提供五個核心需要:肯 定、資訊、闡明的價值觀、底線的設定和 預期的幫助。 D r. S.F. Lin from the Department of Psychology and Mother’s Choice pioneered a large-scale study on teenage pregnancy in Hong Kong — teenagers’ values, attitudes and decision-making. 3,335 adolescents receiving full-time education in Hong Kong (aged 12-21 years) were invited 香港青少年缺乏性的知識與意識 CUHK Survey Shows Local Teens Lack Sense and Knowledge of Sexuality to fill out a questionnaire concerning their values and attitudes towards teenage pregnancy, and factors affecting their decision-making once they got pregnant. 140 parents of children aged 12 to 21 years old were also invited to complete a questionnaire. Five teenagers who experienced pregnancy were also interviewed and the interviews were analysed qualitatively on difficulties, problem- solving, source of help, and factors affecting decision-making. There is no previous documented study on the issue as thorough as this one in the world. The study findings reflected a lack of sense and knowledge about sexuality. Hong Kong’s adolescents seem: 1)Not ready to date:Among adolescents who are currently dating, 35% reported that they are sexually experienced and among them, 50% do not use or are not sure if they will use contraceptives. 2) Not ready to be parents: 87% reported that they are not capable of being parents yet but among them 50.9% said they will choose parenting when faced with teenage pregnancy. 3) Not ready to face life choices: 83.3% considered their future orientation important but among them 51.9% would choose parenting when faced with teenage pregnancy. These findings have considerable significance for formal education, parenting and social support. Sex education is more than teaching what we are but who we are and how we behave during our course of development. Sex education should not only be about sex because sexuality is more than sex. It includes values, health and safety, human development, physical intimacy, gender identity and sensuality. All these should be taught in formal school education starting from primary school to ensure that all teens are prepared for their development and life choices. Parents should also be trained so they are ready for anticipatory guidance at home. Parents are suggested to provide teens with five core needs: affirmation, information, values clarification, limit setting, and anticipatory guidance. (右起)母親的抉擇劉小草女士、心理學系林少