Newsletter No. 282

第二八二期 二零零六年九月四日 No. 282 4th September 2006 外 科學系去年一月起引入嶄新的手 術來治療香港病態肥胖患者,效 果顯著。手術是通過減少胃容量,以及通 過吻合口跨過近段小腸,從而減少患者吸 收營養。 肥胖症是慢性疾病,正成為全球的健康及 社會經濟問題。香港約有三分之一的成年 人屬於超重或肥胖,而治療肥胖症的需求 越來越大。外科手術是唯一被認為可長期 有效控制病態肥胖症患者的體重的方法, 也適用於十六至六十五歲的亞洲人而其體 重指數長期超過三十七,或體重指數超過 三十二並患有糖尿病或兩種與肥胖有關的 疾病,或不能以節食或藥物控制體重者。 胃繞道手術(Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass)為傳統的減肥手術之一,在美 國醫學界被認為是減肥手術的黃金標準。 手術將胃分割成兩部分,再與下段小腸用 Roux-en-Y重建法相接,從而可以長期有 效地達到減輕體重的目的。然而,由於涉 及兩個吻合口,手術後可能會發生吻合口 滲漏的風險。最近,醫學界將胃繞道手術 加以改良,由原先的兩個吻合口改良至一 個,使其滲漏的風險減至最低,這就是腹 腔鏡迷你胃繞道手術。 醫學界亦證實其有效性與傳統的胃繞道手 術相若,而且較為安全。更重要的是,在 腹腔鏡的幫助下,手術更易進行,所需時 間更短。此外,迷你胃繞道手術術後吻合 口滲漏和腸梗阻發生率較低。大部分病人 在一個星期內即可完全恢復腸胃功能而出 院。 至今有七名患者接受治療,減去的體重中 位數為四十一公斤,是其超標體重的六成 中大雷達圖像協助國家救災 近 五十年來最強的颱風桑美上月在華東地區包括浙江、福建和江西,造成嚴重的 人命傷亡及經濟損失。 本校衛星遙感地面站於八月十二日接收了一幅覆蓋福建北部和江西中東部的雷達圖像。 下圖黑色代表水體(包括海面、河道、湖泊和洪水淹沒區域),灰色為陸地,白色表示 城鎮和居民點。與較早前的雷達圖像對照,可清楚看到桑美引起的災情分布情況。 有關資料已經由廈門大學海洋與環境學院轉交有關防汛單位,為確定受災範圍提供了十 分重要的決策依據。 七。研究的初步結果令人鼓舞,各人腰圍 平均減去二十三厘米,而大部分與肥胖有 關的疾病,如高血壓、高膽固醇都舒緩 了,生活質素大大改善。 O besity is a devastating chronic disease that is becoming a major global health and socio-economic issue. One of the traditional types of weight reduction surgery is Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (two-anastomosis gastric bypass), which is considered the gold standard in the USA. In this operation, the proximal part of the stomach is divided and connected to the proximal small bowel by Roux-en- Y reconstruction (two-anastomosis). Though proven to be effective in achieving long-term weight loss, it is a major operation with considerable risk mainly from anastomotic leakage. Recently, major improvements have been made by modifying the design to one-anastomosis, or laparoscopic mini- gastric bypass. TheUniversity’s Department of Surgery has recently introduced laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass (one-anastomosis gastric bypass) to treat morbidly obese patients in Hong Kong and the initial results are very promising. This surgical method diminishes the absorption of nutrients from food by reducing the volume of the stomach and bypassing the proximal part of the small intestine with single anastomosis. Mini-gastric bypass has been shown to be much safer with similar efficacy to Roux-en- Y gastric bypass. More importantly, the operative time is shorter and is more easily performed by laparoscope. Leakage is rare with less incidence of postoperative bowel obstruction. Most patients can be discharged from the hospital within one week with full recovery of bowel function. CUHK introduced this new technique at the Prince of Wales Hospital to manage morbidly obese patients in January 2005. To date, a total of seven patients have undergone the procedure. A median weight loss of 41 kg and 67% of excessive body weight loss have been observed after treatment. The average waist circumference loss was 23cm. Most obesity-related diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol were alleviated with significant improvement in quality of life. These results confirmed the safety and efficacy of laparoscopicmini-gastric bypass in treating morbid obesity in our population. 腹腔鏡迷你胃繞道手術治療病態肥胖症 CUHK Introduces New Surgical Treatment for Morbid Obesity 七月十六日(福建寧德颱風襲擊前) 八月十二日(福建寧德颱風襲擊後) 以下項目詳情,請上網 discoveries.htm 閱覽: Details of the following items are available at iso/newslter/issue/282/discoveries.htm: ■ 胃酸反流病:新趨勢及新療法 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: New Trend and Advance in Treatment ■ 本校調查顯示香港人整體生活質素持續改善 Hong Kong Quality of Life Index Reveals the Continuous Improvement of Hong Kong Quality of Life ■ 抗血管新生藥物為黃斑病變患者帶來新希望 Anti-angiogenesis Therapy Brings Hope to Patients with Macular Diseases ■ 香港購物商場能否滿足香港居民與內地遊客所需 Survey on Hong Kong Shopping Malls Investigates Whether Aspirations of Hong Kong Shoppers and PRC Tourists Are Satisfied ■ 減低睡眠窒息症病人患高血壓及心血管病的風險 Reducing Systemic Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Risk in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Patients ■ 香港人的賭博行為與心態 Survey on Gambling Behaviours of Hong Kong People ■ 醫護人員在病房內使用氧氣治療儀器的安全評估 Safety and Risk of Common Respiratory Therapy to Healthcare Workers in the Medical Ward ■ 學童偏食情況嚴重 Creating a Healthy Eating Culture in School Children