Newsletter No. 286
第二八六期 二零零六年十一月四日 No. 286 4th November 2006 1 第二八六期 二零零六年十一月四日 No. 286 4th November 2006 中 大教育學院鄭佩芸教授及其小組負責的教師培訓 計劃,獲香港賽馬會撥款三千五百多萬元資助。 該計劃為期五年,項目包括:與香港大學的校本支援小 組合作,為參與校本支援計劃的小學提供培訓;為教統 局轄下有關部門的專業人員開辦工作坊,以及為全港小 學中文科教師提供基礎培訓。預期全港每間小學至少有 六至八位中文科教師參加課程,五年內會有超過五千名 教師接受培訓。該培訓計劃為「喜閱寫意:賽馬會讀寫 支援計劃」的其中一個環節。整個支援計劃由馬會撥款 逾億元推行,以協助有讀寫障礙的學童。估計本 港目前有一成學童有不同程度的學習障礙,其中 八成為讀寫障礙。 此外,由中大中醫中藥研究所領導,與本地五所專 上學院(港大、科大、理大、浸大和城大)合作的研 究計劃「中藥現代化的道路 ─ 探討兩劑創意中藥 的臨床效用及生理基礎」獲創新科技署撥款一千 萬港元資助,研究利用中藥方劑治療睡眠失調症 及中風後期的康復調理。是次為創新科技署首次 資助六所院校合作的研究項目,期望藉此發揮各 院校的專長,以促進中藥現代化的發展。 T he Hong Kong Jockey Club has launched a project with an endowment of over HK$100 million to help dyslexic students. The project comprises research and development of assessment tools and training of Chinese language teachers at primary schools. It also covers the provision of school-based and district-based support and the development of learning packages. A team led by Prof. Cheng Pui-wan of the Faculty of Education will be in charge of the five-year teacher development programme. The Club has approved more than HK$35,000,000 for teacher development. It is expected that six to eight Chinese language teachers from each primary school will take part in the training and more than 5,000 teachers will be trained in the five-year period. Led by the University’s Institute of ChineseMedicine and in collaboration with five local universities, the project ‘Modernization of Chinese Medicine: From Clinical Efficacy to Drug Production — Two Innovative Formulae for Comprehensive Research’ has received funding of HK$10 million from the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). The project deals with two clinical problems: sleep disorder and post-stroke rehabilitation. This is the first time that ITC supports a research project involving six universities. By pooling together the strengths of the universities, comprehensive research on the modernization of Chinese medicine will be brought to new heights. 中 文大學最近獲何善衡基金及中國海洋石油有限 公司(中海油)分別捐贈一百萬美元及二百八 十五萬港元,支持學生交流及交換計劃。 為鼓勵中大生到海外交流,何善衡基金慨捐一百萬 美元予美國布朗大學,供中大與該校的學生交流計 劃。布朗大學及哈佛大學與中大向有密切交流,三 校更於上月十六日合辦講座,闡述入學途徑和培育 學生之道。 中海油捐出二百八十五萬港元,成立「中海油學者計 劃」,以資助中大本科生,尤其是內地生參與國際交 換學生計劃。支票致贈儀式於上月十八日舉行,出席 者包括中國海洋石油總公司總經理兼子公司中海油董 事長兼首席執行官傅成玉先生、中大校董會主席鄭維 健博士及劉遵義校長。 T heUniversity has receivedUS$1million from the S.H. Ho Foundation and HK$ 2.85 million from the China National Offshore Oil Corporation in support of its student exchange programmes. To encourage CUHK students to acquire overseas study experience, the S.H. Ho Foundation donated US$1 million to Brown University, USA, for its student exchange programme with CUHK. The two universities are partners who enjoy intimate interaction. On 16th October, they organized a talk jointly with Harvard University on how leading universities nurture their students. CUHK also receivedHK$2.85 million fromCNOOC to establish the CNOOC Scholars Programme, which will support international exchange for undergraduate students of CUHK, especially those from the Mainland. The cheque presentation ceremony took place on 18th October. In attendance were Mr. Fu Cheng-yu, president of CNOOC and chairman and CEO of CNOOC Ltd., Dr. Edgar Cheng, CUHK Council Chairman, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor. 中大領導研究項目獲撥款資助 CUHK-led Research Projects Receive Funding 千萬港元支持中大學生交流計劃 Generous Support for Student Exchange at CUHK 百多名中學生和教育界人士出席中大、布朗及哈佛大學合辦的講座。 Over 150 secondary school students and educators attended the talk. 傅成玉先生 (左) 和劉遵義校長 Mr. Fu Cheng-yu (left) and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau 鄭佩芸教授 (右三) 及其教師培訓小組 Prof. Cheng Pui-wan (right 3) and her teacher development team 中大中醫中藥研究所所長梁秉中教授在記者招待會上發言。 Prof. Leung Ping-chung, chairman of the Institute of Chinese Medicine at the press conference
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