Newsletter No. 287

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 6 香 港空氣污染問題嚴重,汽車廢氣是 主要污染物之一。本校機械與自動 化工程學系徐揚生教授成功開發了全球首 輛四輪轉向的智能環保混合動力汽車,預 計可於兩年後正式投產,該汽車可大大減 低廢氣排放和節省能源,並且適合在擠迫 的道路行駛。 徐教授表示,為了盡量減少汽車排放廢 氣,全電動環保汽車乃世界大趨勢,但在 充電站及全電動車未普及前,混合動力車 將逐漸成為主流車種。中大開發的混合動 力車使用了串聯混合動力技術,預計可提 高燃油效率達三至四成,減少五至六成的 污染排放量。中大的研究在電機控制上作 出多方面創新,智能化汽車採用了線控技 術,以電子代替機械來控制起動和剎車等 指令,使汽車可做到四輪轉向(4WS), 有利於車多路窄的城市環境,令汽車在停 泊方面更靈活和節省空間。四輪驅動技術 (4WD)亦增強汽車的動力和爬坡性能, 縮短起步加速的時間。 有關研究項目獲得創新及科技基金資助, 是香港與內地政府、企業和大學積極合作的成果。汽車 零部件為政府積極推動的五個重點科研範疇之一,參與 合作開發項目公司的華普汽車計劃於兩年後正式開始生 產這輛環保混合動力智能汽車。早前香港特區行政長官 曾蔭權先生亦親臨中大「智能混合動力汽車研究中心」 ,了解該輛由徐教授開發的混合動力車。 H ong Kong’s air pollution deteriorates as automobiles continue to emit exhaust — one of the main pollutants of the city. On 3rd November, the University announced the development of an Intelligent Omni- directional Hybrid Electric Vehicle, an environment-friendly car of the next generat- ion that will help to clean up our sky. 中大開發全球首輛四輪轉向的智能環保混合動力車 CUHK Develops Environmentally Friendly Automobiles 以下項目詳情,請上網 newslter/issue/287/discoveries.htm 閱覽: ■ 中大研究亞洲家族企業如何成功延續至下一代 CUHK Examines How Asian Family Businesses Can Continue Their Success Across Generations ■ 中大臨床試驗在獲國家食品藥品監督管理局認證後的 發展 CUHK Clinical Drug Trails Development for China SFDA ■ Three Research Projects Received Grants (左起) 特首曾蔭權先生、劉遵義校長、機械與自動化工程學系徐揚生教授及該系系主任 任揚教授 From left: Mr. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Prof. Xu Yangsheng, and Prof. Yam Yeung 徐揚生教授一九九七年一月加入中文大學,現為自動化與計算機輔助工程學講座教授。他曾任教卡內基梅隆大 學計算機學院,並創建了首間無重力太空機器人實驗室和地面實時控制中心。 徐教授在智能控制理論上作出過許多貢獻,例如,他所領導研發的對車輛駕駛技能的實時檢模的系統,已成功 用於世上第一輛橫跨美洲大陸的無人自動車。他又設計了能在太空站上行走操作的自助式機器人,是國際太空 站上工作的機器人原模。 Prof. Xu Yangsheng, professor of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering, joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997. He was a faculty member at the Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University where he directed the Space Robotics Laboratory and developed the world first zero-gravity laboratory environment and various real-time controlled space robots systems. Prof. Xu has made contributions to the modelling and transfer of human control strategy to autonomous systems, and his systems were implemented in the world’s first autonomous land vehicle to drive across the American Continent. He developed robot prototypes that can walk or climb and perform tasks at space stations. They have been used as a model for the robots working in today’s international space stations. the project, the use of environment- friendly vehicles like electrical cars is a worldwide trend. But before electric vehicles and their charging stations become widely and conveniently available, the Hybrid Electric Vehicle will be the mainstream. To achieve both performance and environmental friendliness, the vehicle employs three major innovative technologies. The first is the Series Hybrid Technology, which is expected to reduce fuel consumption by 30–40% and emission by 50–60%. The four- wheel-steering (4WS) technology enables flexible movement of the vehicle even on the narrow and busy streets of Hong Kong, making parking a lot easier and reducing the need for parking space. The last technology is the four-independent-wheel-drive technology (4WD). It strengthens the vehicle’s climbing performance and reduces start-up acceleration time. In addition to the support of the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), the project was made possible by the active cooperation of all units including CUHK, government, industry and research units in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Automotive parts and accessory systems is one of the five key areas of strategic research area supported by the SAR government. One of the industrial partners sponsoring the project, Shanghai Maple Automobile Co. Ltd., plans to produce the Hybrid Electric Vehicle in about two years’ time. According to Prof. Xu Yangsheng, professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, and principal investigator of 智能環保混合車的詳細資料,可瀏覽: For details of Environmentally Friendly Automobiles please visit