Newsletter No. 293

第二九三期 二零零七年三月四日 No. 293 4 March 2007 5 音樂系博士生鄧樂妍 奪新加坡作曲大賽獎 Fledgling CUHK Composer Outshines Competitors in Singapore 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following items are available at ■ 學生在網上討論較課堂討論更具批判思考 Students Think More Critically on Internet Than in Classrooms ■ 男士家居吸煙大幅提高伴侶罹患冠心病風險 Men Smoking at Home Strikingly Increases Spouse’s Risk of Coronary Heart Disease ■ 香港人對結腸癌篩查的看法 Colorectal Cancer Screening ■ Eight Research Projects Received Grants 新 加坡華樂團於二零零六年首次舉辦作曲大賽,參 賽的作品來自世界各地,包括歐美、中國、台 灣、馬來西亞、新加坡及香港等地,共六十七首,其中 十首作品角逐「創作大獎」,另外三首角逐「榮譽獎」。本 校音樂系博士生鄧樂妍憑著《熔》(Volcanicity)笙與樂隊勇 奪「青年作曲家創作獎」,為中大,也為香港爭光。 談到創作的靈感時,鄧樂妍說︰「是次比賽的的主題是 南亞,我剛好聽到很多關於南亞海嘯的報道,於是上網 找資料,看到印尼火山爆發的威力及對村民造成的巨大 禍害,深感震撼,於是決定以火山為題。」 鄧樂妍用了三個月時間構思這個題目,再以一個月去寫 作。「我是要藉音樂表達火山由醞釀、熔岩如支流般在 地底流淌,以至蓄勢待發的過程。」 鄧樂妍自小四開始學鋼琴,同時也學吹嗩吶。一直在鑽 研如何進一步擴展嗩吶的演奏技巧,為樂曲創造更佳的 效果。「目前西方樂器在發展新技法方面己臻完善,但 中國樂器仍有發展空間。」 中大新網頁登場 CUHK Launches New Website 中大網頁已換上新裝。在網 頁重整的首階段,資訊處重 組網頁既有內容,並配合讀 者需要作多項改善,以期更 方便閱覽 而即將展開的第 二階段,網頁內容將更豐 富。在此,特別要向各參與 重整網頁的同事致謝,在大 家的協助下,中大新網頁得 以順利推出。 The revamped CUHK we b s i t e h a s b e e n launched. In this phase of the revamp, we have reorganized the information architecture to improve user-friendliness, in addition to making other improvements. We will continue to enhance the contents in phase II, which will commence soon after the launch. We would like to thank all colleagues at CUHK who have assisted us in turning this website from concept to (virtual) reality. 校園網絡電視 CU Net-TV Available on Campus 資訊科技服務處最近註冊了七個有線電視的網上頻道,計為:有線新聞台、有線直播新聞 台、BBC World、CNN國際新聞網絡、CNBC HongKong、探索頻道及國家地理頻道,命名為 「網絡電視」,透過其提供的新聞、時事及記錄節目,以助大學同人擴闊視野和增廣見聞。 網絡電視支援 Windows 及 Mac 平台。由於版權和合約問題,上述頻道只能於校園網絡上播 放,視訊自選節目及在校園外使用 VPN 連線連接均被禁止。 詳情請瀏覽網絡電視 。 The Information Technology Services Centre has recently subscribed to a number of selected Cable TV channels for delivery via the campus network. Launched as ‘CU Net-TV’, the news, current affairs and documentary programmes offer our staff and students an opportunity to enrich their knowledge. Channels include: CABLE News Channel, i-CABLE Live News Channel, BBC World, CNN, CNBC Hong Kong, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic Channel. CUNet-TV supports bothWindows and Mac platforms. Due to copyright and contract issues, access is restricted to the campus, and video-on-demand and VPN access are not allowed. For more details and system requirements, please visit CU Net TV at . 鄧樂妍於演藝學院主修作曲,其後 於中大完成碩士學位課程,現為博 士一年級生。在中大學習,對鄧樂 妍有深遠的影響。「演藝學院著重 演奏的技巧,例如學習某類樂器 的演奏 但中大則側重概念的培 養,幫助我思考如何承先啟後, 如何在創作時,產生前後呼應的效 果。老師著重教導我們怎樣面對人 生,把日常的生活體驗融會到樂曲 中。」 鄧樂妍對獲獎感到非常高興,並增 加了創作的信心,她上月又到紐西 蘭參加作曲比賽了。 展望未來,鄧樂妍盼以良好的成 績完成博士課程,然後從事教育工作。能夠在大學裡教 授作曲,是她的理想。「我希望除了作曲外,還可把我 建立的一套概念、技巧和思維傳授予別人。」 M iss Tang Lok-yin, DMus (Composition) student and MMus (Composition) graduate of the Department of Music, won the Young Composer Award of the 2006 Singapore Chinese Orchestra International Compe t it ion for Chinese Orchestral Composition on 25 November 2006 with her work ‘Volcanicity’ for Sheng and Ch i ne s e Or c he s t r a . The competition, a celebratory event for the 10th Anniversary of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, attracted close to 70 entries fromthe world over. Mr. WongHok-yeung, another MMus (Composition) graduate of the Department of Music, was one of the finalists. Honours for Engineering Professor P rof. W.H. Liao of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering has been awarded the T.A. Stewart-Dyer/F.H. Trevithick Prize 2005 for the paper entitled ‘Design and Analysis of Magnetorheological Dampers for Train Suspension’. The prize was awarded by the Railway Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for the most meritorious paper on the subject of Railway Engineering, chosen from the IMechE Journal papers published in 2005. Prof. Liao’s other journal paper, ‘Vibration Control of a Suspension System via a Magnetorheological Fluid Damper’, has been ranked No. 1 among the 50 Most-Frequently Cited Articles in Journal of Vibration and Control as of 1 February 2007.