Newsletter No. 293

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 第二九三期二零零七年三月四日 No. 293 4 March 2007 訃吿 Obituary 香港中文大學創校元勳利榮森博士於二零零七年二月二十四日辭世,大學同人深 表哀悼。喪禮定於二零零七年三月十日(星期六)上午十一時在北角香港殯儀館舉 行,並於三月九日(星期五)下午五時在該館設靈。 利博士於香港中文大學成立之初即鼎力支持中大,四十多年來愛護與扶掖大學更 不遺餘力,惠澤流長。利博士於一九六三年出任大學臨時校董,其後擔任校董。 在過去四十多年來中大得以在穩固基礎上茁壯發展,人才薈萃,成就卓越,規模 日隆,利博士厥功至偉。大學於一九七四年頒授榮譽法學博士學位予利博士,並 於一九九二年委任利博士為終身校董,以表彰其多年來卓越貢獻。利博士曾擔任 大學多個委員會主席及委員,對大學捐助亦不遺餘力,如推動及直接捐建中國文 化研究所所館(包括文物館及其新翼),並惠贈文物珍品、設立敎席,及贊助研究 項目與獎助學金等。中大受惠於利博士至鉅,同人銘感於心,利博士之仁風及其 對大學的厚恩亦將永誌中大歷史。 The Chinese University of Hong Kong mourns the passing of Dr. J.S. Lee, long-time friend and benefactor of the University, on 24 February 2007. The funeral service will take place at 11 am, on 10 March 2007 (Saturday) at the Hong Kong Funeral Home in North Point. Friends may also pay their last respects to Dr. Lee at the same venue on the evening of 9 March 2007 commencing at 5 pm. Dr. Lee had given his unwavering support to The Chinese University of Hong Kong since its founding over 40 years ago. Over the decades, he had continued generously to guide and protect the University, leaving a long and far-reaching legacy. Dr. J.S. Lee became a member of the Provisional Council in 1963, and later, a member of the University Council. Under his auspices, the University was able to flourish on a solid foundation into a seat of higher learning where talents proliferate and academic achievements abound, and whose scale and scope are consistently growing. Dr. Lee was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in 1974 and made a Life Member of the Council in 1992 in recognition of his long and distinguished service to the University. He had also served as Chairman and member of numerous committees of CUHK. Dr. Lee was a major benefactor of the University. His magnanimous contributions include supporting and making donations for the building of the Institute of Chinese Studies (including the Art Museum and its extension), as well as donation of art and antique objects, establishment of professorships, and sponsorship of research projects and scholarships. The University is deeply grateful and indebted to Dr. Lee for his magnificent generosity and support. His memory and his munificence will be forever cherished.