Newsletter No. 294

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 4 楊偉豪教授獲頒德國研究獎 CUHK Engineering Scientist Receives Prestigious German Research Award 訊 息工程學講座教授楊偉豪教授獲德國洪堡基金 會頒發二零零七年度 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award,並獲邀於一至四月訪問慕尼黑科技 大學。 洪堡基金會每年在德國境外選出全球約二十位在各自研 究領域表現突出的年輕學者,頒發研究獎。該獎項除獲 德國聯邦教育研究部認可,獲獎者亦被邀請與德國學者 開展合作研究。 洪堡基金會是由德國聯邦政府設立的非牟利組織,旨 在鼓勵國際間的科研合作,致力推動全球學者的活動 網絡,並邀請境外優秀學者在德國進行研究,促進學 術交流。 楊偉豪教授一九八四年畢業於美國康乃爾大學,主修電 機工程學,後留校進修,分別於一九八五及八八年獲 得碩士及博士學位。其後曾在AT&T貝爾實驗所工作三 年,一九九一年加入中大。楊教授於二零零二年出版的 A First Course in Information Theory 一書,已廣為美國 著名學府如哥倫比亞、康乃爾、麻省理工、史丹福等所 採用,是信息理論的重要教材。他的主要研究為信息理 論及網絡編碼。 楊教授是網絡編碼理論(network coding theory)的創立 人之一,該理論是網絡通信研究領域中的重要突破。一 九九七年楊偉豪教授首先將編碼概念使用於衛星網絡之 數據傳輸。網絡編碼帶給網絡應用一場範式革命,自提 出以來,網絡編碼已迅速發展成一個重要的研究範疇, 並對信息論、編碼、通信網絡、網絡交換理論,無線通 信、計算機科學、密碼學、運籌學、矩陣理論等領域影 響深遠。網絡編碼是現今世界一流大學及工業實驗室最 熱門研究領域之一,亦是許多國際研討會的熱門議題。 P rof. Raymond Wai-Ho Yeung, Professor of Information Engineering, was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award to visit Munich University of Technology from January to April, 2007. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 20 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually to young, top-flight scientists and scholars from abroad who are already recognized as outstanding researchers in their fields. The research award has been endowed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in recognition of their research achievements to date. The award-winners are invited to work on research projects of their own choice in cooperation with colleagues in Germany. A non-profit entity, the foundation is established by the Federal Republic of Germany to foster international research cooperation. It promotes an active world-wide network of scholars, enables highly qualified scholars not resident in Germany to spend extended periods of research in Germany, and promotes the ensuing academic contacts. Prof. Yeung joined the CUHK Department of Information Engineering in 1991. He is the author of A First Course in Information Theory (Springer 2002), which has been adopted as text book or reference by leading US universities including Columbia, Cornell, MIT, and Stanford. He is a co-founder of network coding theory, one of the most important breakthroughs in network communications. His groundbreaking paper ‘Linear Network Coding’, co-authored with Prof. Robert Shuo-Yen Li and Dr. Ning Cai of the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK, was awarded the 2005 IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award. It was the first time that Hong Kong-based scientists received the award and also the first time in over 30 years that it was won by Asian researchers. 商學院學生勇奪市場推廣賽冠軍 Business Students Win Joint University Marketing Communications Award 工 商管理學院四年級學生( 後排左起 )楊穎琳、呂劍坤、陳凱琳及( 前 )何瑛綾憑著傑 出的推廣計劃,勇奪「聯校市場策劃大賽」的冠軍。 該項全港最大型的大學生市場策劃比賽由中大、科大、港大、浸大及城大合辦,主辦單位 每年都會邀請一間商業機構贊助,本年的贊助機構為煤氣公司。 本屆共有超過七十隊共三百人參加,主題是為煤氣公司推廣家中水療(Home Spa)。中大隊 向八十名專業人士進行市場調查,發現只有百分之六的人對水療有認識,而香港的女性比 男性花較多時間沐浴。因此,他們建議先以專業人士為目標對象,並與地產發展商合作, 推廣家中水療的概念。他們最終憑著深入的分析、商業創意及出色的表達技巧,擊敗其他 隊伍,獲得冠軍。 F our final-year Business students ( back from left ) Winnie Yeung, Ivan Lui, Donna Chan, and ( front ) Stephanie Ho have recently won the Joint University Marketing Communications Award, the largest marketing communications plan competition for university students in Hong Kong. HKUST and HKBU were the 1st and 2nd runners-up respectively. The annual event is jointly organized by CUHK, HKBU, CityU, HKUST and HKU. The sponsor for this year was Towngas. There were over 70 teams formed by some 300 participants. The teams were requested to prepare a marketing communications plan for promoting ‘Home Spa’ for Towngas. The CUHK team won with their in-depth analysis, creative ideas and excellent presentation.