Newsletter No. 299
第二九九期 二零零七年六月四日 No. 299 4 June 2007 5 僱員貸款計劃──轉換貸款銀行及調低利率 Staff Loan 大學校董會通過改用匯豐銀行為僱員貸款計劃的貸款銀行,而僱員貸款利率由二零零七 年六月二十八日起,由 生銀行釐定之最優惠利率減一釐,調低至匯豐銀行釐定之最優 惠利率減二釐。現時匯豐銀行釐定之最優惠利率是每年七點七五釐。 僱員貸款計劃可提供借貸給已參加下列其中一個或以上教職員公積金計劃(「一九九 五」計劃或「丙」類條例計劃)不少於兩年的成員,最高貸款額不能超過公積金/終期 額外酬金結餘之六成。如有任何查詢,請與薪津及公積金組聯絡(電話:二六零九七二 五一或二六九六一八零六)或瀏覽財務處網站 。 The University Council has approved the use of HSBC as the new on-lending bank for staff loan. The staff loan interest rate will moreover be reduced from 1% below the best lending rate fixed by Hang Seng Bank to 2% below the best lending rate (P) fixed by HSBC, i.e., P-2%, with effect from 28 June 2007. The current best lending rate fixed by HSBC is 7.75% per annum. The Staff Loan Scheme provides loan facility to full-time staff who have joined one or more CUHK Staff Superannuation Schemes (1995 Scheme or Term [C] Staff Terminal Gratuity Scheme) for not less than two years. The maximum loan granted cannot exceed 60% of the member’s total benefits balance in the aforesaid superannuation schemes. For more information, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 2609 7251/2696 1806 or visit the Bursary website at . 公積金計劃一九九五──改變投資組合 Staff Superannuation Scheme (1995) – Investment Option Change 公積金計劃成員如欲由二零零七年七月一日起改變其投資組合,可在財務處網頁 www. 下 載表格,填妥後於二零零七年六月二十日或之前送達 財務處薪津及公積金組,或傳真至:二六零三七八九零。 如有任何查詢或欲索取表格,請與薪津及公積金組聯絡(電話:二六零九七二三六或 二六零九七二五一)。 The form for investment option change effective on 1 July 2007 is now download- able from the Bursary website at optionform and obtain- able from the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of the Bursary. The completed form should be sent by mail or fax 26037890 for receipt by the unit on or before 20 June 2007. For enquiries, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 2609 7236/2609 7251. 嶺南體育館暫停開放 Temporary Closure of Lingnan Stadium 本年夏季,崇基學院嶺南體育館將進行大型重修工程。故由五月十八日起,體育館之各 項運動設施將暫停開放,而重新開放之日期將另行公布。 重修工程主要項目包括:足球場草地重新鋪設排水系統及自動灑水系統,擴建球場兩側 半圓型場區,於球場外圍建設一條長約四百八十米之緩跑徑,以及增設傷殘人士通道連 接戶外運動場與室內體育館等。 Due to renovation, all sports facilities at Lingnan Stadium of Chung Chi College, will be temporarily closed in the summer of 2007 starting 18 May 2007. The date of reopening will be announced in due course. The project includes installation of a new drainage system and automatic sprinklers on the sports field, extension of the semi-circular areas of the main sports field, and construction of a new 480-m jogging trail, and disabled access between the sports field and the indoor area. 大學火車站外廣場改善工程 Improvement Works to the Entrance Piazza 由二零零七年五月十五日起,大學火車站外廣場的校巴站,將進行行人道上蓋擴建工 程,預計在八月三十日竣工。敬請留意現場交通指示。 另外,由五月十五日至二十四日宿生退宿期間,校巴下行車到達火車站外,將在車輛迴 旋處旁的行人道靠站下客,敬請留意。 詳情請瀏覽: 。 With effect from 15 May 2007, construction works are carried out to extend the canopy above the pedestrian walkway at the bus terminus outside the KCRC University Station. The works will be completed by 30 August 2007. Please pay attention to the temporary traffic arrangements indicated on site. During 15-24 May 2007 when resident students are vacating their hostels, the down- route school bus will unload passengers at the pedestrian walkway at the roundabout near the train station. For more information, please visit: . 新亞中國語文研習所暑期課程折扣優惠 CLC Summer Language Courses 新雅中國語文研習所再度為本校教職員、校友及其家屬舉辦多項兼讀語言課程、暑期廣 東話及普通話語言課程。 有關課程詳細內容,請瀏覽以下網址: · 兼讀廣東話及普通話課程: · 暑期廣東話,普通話及英語課程: · 下載優惠登記表格 優惠條款:每人每項課程只可用一種折扣。折扣優惠適用於時間表上的小組課程,不適 用於特製課程。本所保留批准折扣優惠的最終決定權。 本所提供課程折扣予以下人士: ·中大校友及家屬:學費折扣百分之五 ·中大職員及其配偶:凡在中大任職兩年或以上,或將在中大任職兩年或以上的全職 僱員(不論教學或行政人員)及其配偶,如沒有從其他途徑獲取語言課程津貼,可 獲大學資助學費的百分之四十 ·中大職員子女:學費折扣百分之五 如有任何查詢,請致電:二六零九六七二七或電郵至 。 The Chinese Language Centre (CLC) announces the launch of its latest Putonghua and Cantonese Programmes, exclusively developed by experienced instructors to meet the needs of both native speakers and non-native speakers of Chinese working in CUHK. For course details, please visit the following webpages: • Part-time Putonghua (Standard Chinese) and Cantonese courses: clc/e_ssp.htm • Summer intensive day time courses (Putonghua, Cantonese and English): www.cuhk. • Fill out this form to get a discount: A course discount will be provided to the following groups: • CUHK alumni and dependents – 5% off tuition fee • CUHK staff and staff’s spouse – 40% off tuition fee (for all full-time academic and administrative staff, as well as their spouses, who are expected to be with the University for at least two years, and who are not receiving language study subsidy from any other source). • Children of CUHK staff – 5% off tuition fee For further enquiries, please email or contact the general office at 2609 6727.
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