Newsletter No. 299

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 6 中大藝術 2007 The Art of CUHK 2007 「中大藝術2007」於五月至七月期間舉行,其中包括本科生畢業展、藝術系系展、研 究生畢業展,以及藝術家邀請展。一年一度「中大藝術」旨在為學生提供展出作品的 機會,從而促進藝術系與公眾之間的交流。今年更適逢藝術系五十周年,除了連串活 動及出版之外,更會將「中大藝術」展覽延伸到大學的不同角落。 本科生畢業展「Merry-Go-Round」 本屆畢業展名為「Merry-Go-Round」, 展示十八位畢業生以不同媒介創作的作 品,總結三年來的學習和嘗試,冀能揭 示某些藝術的新動向。另外四位史科畢 業生亦會展出其對古今藝術課題的學習 研究成果,突顯中大藝術系創作與學術 研究並重的教學方向。 地點:大學本部文物館西翼展覽廳 藝術系系展 系展將展出一至四年級本科生及一年級研究生的作品百多件,包括西畫、中國畫、現代 水墨、書法、雕塑、混合媒介、裝置、攝影及版畫等。展覽將以工作室作展示空間,讓 觀眾能實地了解藝術系學生的創作環境,從而透視藝術系師生的大學生活。 地點: 新亞書院誠明館二樓及三樓(入圍作品展)、逸夫書院大講堂越喬藝廊 (二年級作品展)、崇基書院行政大樓地下(一年級作品展) 研究生畢業展: 梁嘉賢:「一覺之間」 梁嘉賢結合中國傳統工筆人物畫及流行文化,描寫處於現代生活中的個人感知、沉溺與 想像,探討傳統影像在當代媒體傳承下所導致的偏差與藝術混雜性的關係。 楊宇靈 :「他們都穿得很好看!」 楊宇靈的繪畫是關於潮流與純藝術。為甚麼潮流總會有過時的一天?為甚麼藝術就有永 的價值?藝術又有沒有潮流呢? 地點:新亞書院誠明館三樓 藝術家邀請展:「這個空間是我的」 李傑、馬 珠、黃淑琪三位本地年輕藝術家,藉著多 元化的表現形式,傳遞出非言語所能表達的內在精神 狀態,呈現對其生命的不同理解及取向。觀者可透過 是次展覽窺見屬於他們的私人空間。 地點:新亞書院誠明館地下許氏文化館 * 以上展覽免費入場 展期均為:二零零七年五月二十六日至七月八日。 開放時間:星期一至日上午十時至下午五時 (公眾假期休息)。 ‘The Art of CUHK 2007’, comprising exhibitions of the graduates, postgraduates and undergraduates of the Department of Fine Arts and three artists, Ivy Ma, Wong Suk-ki and Lee Kit, will run from May to July 2007. As this year is the 50th anniversary of the department, the exhibitions will take place at different venues on campus. Alumni studios will also present an open house to celebrate the occasion. Graduation Exhibition : Merry-Go-Round The graduate exhibition, named ‘Merry-Go-Round’, presents the works of 18 graduates and the result of research by art history graduates. Location: West-Wing Galleries, Art Museum, Central Campus, CUHK Annual Exhibition Up to 100 works by undergraduates and Year 1 MFA students, including Chinese and non-Chinese paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, mixed media, installation and prints will be displayed in a workshop. The adjudicators will comprise professors of the department and well-known artists in Hong Kong. Location: 2-3/F, Cheng Ming Bldg, New Asia College (finalist exhibition); 2/F, Yueh Chiao Art Gallery, Lecture Theatre, Shaw College, (Year 2 exhibition); G/F, Lobby Gallery, Administration Building, Chung Chi College (Year 1 exhibition) Postgraduate Exhibition Leung Ka-yin: Duration Employing skills from traditional Chinese gongbi (delineative) techniques and references from popular culture, Joey Leung Ka-yin explores the notion of hybridity and aberration with a personalized series of urban fantasies and obsessions. Yeung Yu-Ling: All the People Are Dressing Well! Yeung Yu Ling’s paintings are about fashion and fine arts. Why is something in fashion one day and out of fashion the next? Why do people find eternal value in the arts? Is there ‘fashion’ in the art world? Location: 3/F, Cheng Ming Bldg, New Asia College Invitational Exhibition : A Separate Domain Three Hong Kong young artists Lee Kit, Ivy Ma and Wong Suk-ki with works in different media will show their inner state of mind and views on life. Location: Hui Gallery, New Asia College * Free admission Exhibition dates: 26 May 2007 – 8 July 2007 (Closed on public holidays) Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10.00 am – 5.00 pm 教職員及學生免費乘搭校內巴士 Free Intra-campus shuttle bus for staff/students 由二零零七年六月一日起,本校教職員及學生於暑假期間(六月一日至八月三十一日) 乘搭校內巴士,只須於上車時出示有效的職員證或學生證,即可免付車費。未能出示上 述證件的乘客,則仍依照往年收費安排,在星期一至星期六(非公眾假期)須每程繳付 一元車資,而在星期日及公眾假期則須每程繳付五元車資。其他校車收費安排(如穿梭 小巴服務)將維持不變。往年暑假期間安排的職員免費校巴將予以取消。 如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間內致電:二六零九七九九零。 With effect from 1 June 2007, staff members and students will no longer be charged bus fare during the summer months (1 June to 31 August) when using intra-campus shuttle bus services by showing their valid staff/student ID cards on boarding. Passengers who are unable to show valid ID will have to pay a bus fare of $1 per ride from Monday to Saturday (other than public holidays) and $5 per ride on Sundays and public holidays. The other fare-charging transport arrangements (e.g. shuttle light bus service) will remain unchanged. The free staff bus service during the summer months to (up route at 8.30 and 8.40 am) and from (down route at 5.05 and 5.20 pm) work as arranged in previous years will be cancelled. For enquiries, please call 2609 7990 during office hours. 訃告 Obituary • 周策縱教授不幸於二零零七年五月七日辭世,本校同仁深表哀悼。周教授分別在一九 八一年八月二十九日至一九八二年七月三十日,以及二零零零年一月三日至四月二日, 出任本校中國語文及文學系客座教授,二零零一年八月一日起擔任該系榮譽教授。 Prof. Chow Tse Tsung, visiting professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature from 29 August 1981 to 30 July 1982, and from 3 January to 2 April 2000, and honorary professor of the same department since 1 August 2001, passed away on 7 May 2007. • 曾任保健處校醫的李國康醫生,於二零零七年五月二十八日因病辭世。大學同仁謹此 致哀。李醫生於一九九零年加入本校為代理醫生,一九九二年為駐校醫生,服務至二 零零四年榮休。 Dr. Lee Kwok Hong, formerly of the University Health Service, passed away on 28 May 2007. Dr. Lee joined the University as a locum physician in 1990 and became a resident physician in 1992. He retired in 2004. 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆年和暑期停刊。截稿日期載於本刊網頁( . hk/iso/newslter/ )。 The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Deadlines for contribution can be found at . hk/iso/newslter/. 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話2609 8584/2609 8681, 傳真2603 6864,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584/2609 8681; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail ). 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 高級主任:梁素珍 執行編輯:林立偉 編輯:陳偉珠 陳思祥 製作:黎寶翠 印刷:璟柏印刷製版有限公司 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Director: Conita S.C. Leung Executive Editor: Lam Lap Wai Editors: Florence Chan, Piera Chen Production: Stella Lai Printing: Impact Printing & Graphics Co. Ltd. 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 楊詠嘉:《舊症S》 黃淑琪:《我倆》