Newsletter No. 302

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 第四屆人口地理國際會議 The Fourth International Conference on Population Geographies 由 地理與資源管理學系主辦的第四屆人口地理國際會議,已於7月10日至13日假利黃瑤璧 樓舉行。該系沈建法教授擔任是次會議組織委員會主席。社會科學院院長李少南教授與 系主任馮通教授在開幕禮上致歡迎辭。 與會者150人,來自36個國家和地區,共發表125篇論文,涵蓋當代人口地理學的研究主題與前 沿。聖安德魯大學Prof. Paul Boyle和加州大學洛杉磯分校范芝芬教授分別在會上發表主題演講。 T he Fourth International Conference on Population Geographies, organized by the Department of Geography and Resource Management, was held at the Esther Lee Building from 10 to 13 July. The local organizing committee was chaired by Prof. Shen Jianfa of the department. Prof. Paul Lee, dean of the Faculty of Social Science, and Prof. Fung Tung, chairman of the department, delivered welcome speeches at the opening session. The conference attracted 150 participants from 36 countries and regions. One hundred and twenty- five papers were presented, covering the major themes and research frontiers of contemporary population geography. Keynote speakers of the conference were Prof. Paul Boyle of University of St Andrews and Prof. Cindy Fan of University of California, Los Angeles. 左起:沈建法教授、Prof. Paul Boyle、范芝芬教授、李少南教授與馮通教授 攝於開幕禮上 From left: Prof. Shen Jianfa, Prof. Paul Boyle, Prof. Cindy Fan, Prof. Paul Lee and Prof. Fung Tung at the opening session 乘風破浪──中大奪八大划艇賽六連冠 CUHK Becomes Six-Time Rowing Champion 中 大在8月18、19日於沙田城門河舉行的「第13屆全港大學划艇錦標賽」中,蟬聯全 場總冠軍及女子組全場總冠軍,成為六連冠。這項學界最盛大的划艇比賽,今年 有八所大學、合共170多位健兒參與。 為備戰賽事,中大划艇隊早在5月已開始每周六天、每天四至六小時的訓練。已經第三年 參賽的隊長馬浩雲說,這次比賽最令他難忘的,是重奪去年失落的男子八人單槳有舵手艇 賽冠軍。這項賽事是錦標賽的高潮,各隊盡派精銳出戰,因此過程異常激烈。「四艘賽艇 同時衝線,要靠拍照分勝負,我們聽到理大的隊員歡呼,一時還以為自己輸了。當最後宣 布是中大勝出的一刻,艇上隊員都頓時高興得哭了。」 馬浩雲覺得奪魁的 最重要原因,是中 大划艇隊薪火相傳 的文化,憑著這種 文化的維繫,許多 舊生都回來義務幫 忙訓練,現役隊 員感受到他們的熱 誠,也就更加倍努 力。 划艇隊還會在9月 中的兩大划艇賽中 再迎戰港大,並於 8月底前往廈門參 加高校邀請賽,與 兩岸三地大學的對 手同場較量。 T he rowing team from CUHK secured the titles of Women’s Overall Champion and Overall Champion in the 13th Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships, making it the winner of the competition for the sixth year in a row. The events were held on 18 and 19 August at the Shing Mun River, Shatin with over 170 rowers from eight local tertiary institutions taking part in it. Beginning in May, the CUHK rowing team practised six days a week, four to six hours a day to prepare for the competition. Team leader Ma Ho Wan said, ‘What excited me the most was that the team reclaimed the trophy of Men’s Eight, which we had lost in the previous year.’ This match, participated by the best rowers from each team, was the climax of the whole event. ‘The competition was so keen that four boats crossed the finish line neck by neck. The team from PolyU was cheering and we thought they won. As the CUHK team was declared winner in a photo finish, the crew burst into tears of joy.’ The team will take on the HKU team again in the Intervarsity Rowing Championships in mid-September. They will also leave for Xiamen to compete with rowers from other higher institutions from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan in the end of August. 教 育學院「寫得好」計劃,於5月19日圓滿舉行了一次會議,有超 過80位中小學老師和校長參加。在教育學院院長李子建教授、 田長霖博士科技創新基金會董事鍾永 先生、「寫得好」計劃主任麥陳 淑賢教授先後致詞揭開序幕後,港大訪問教授Prof. Liz Hamp-Lyons即發 表主題演講,接著舉行由麥陳淑賢教授主持的工作坊,介紹在美國很流 行的「六加一」評量標準。 到了下午,來自三所不同中學的優秀老師分享寫作教學的經驗。活動的 另一個焦點,是讓中一至中三學生參加的寫作比賽,這項活動旨在通過 寫作來激發學生的創意。 T he WrITE Conference of the Writing for Integrated Teacher Education ( WrITE ) Project of the Faculty of Education was successfully held on 19 May with over 80 participants. Prof. John Lee, dean of education; Mr. Leslie Chung, director of the Dr. Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation Limited; and Prof. Barley Mak, director of the WrITE Project, gave their opening speeches respectively at the opening session. The keynote speech given by Prof. Liz Hamp-Lyons, visiting professor of education fromThe University of Hong Kong, on ‘Writing for Assessment, Assessment for Writing’ was followed by a workshop on the ‘Use of the National Writing Project (NWP) Writing Assessments to Support Teacher Professional Development in Hong Kong’, which was facilitated by Prof. Barley Mak. In the afternoon, excellent teachers from three secondary schools led sharing sessions on their experiences in using different strategies and practices to improve the learning and teaching of writing. Last but not least was a writing competition aimed at encouraging students’ creativity and celebrating the beauty of writing. 「寫得好」計劃會議圓滿舉行 WrITE Conference Held with Success 左起:龔大胃教授、鍾永 先生、Prof. Liz Hamp-Lyons、李子建教授、 麥陳淑賢教授 From left: Prof. David Coniam, Mr. Leslie Chung, Prof. Liz Hamp-Lyons, Prof. John Lee and Prof. Barley Mak