Newsletter No. 302

第 302 期 2007 年 9 月 4 日 No. 302 4 September 2007 3 漫 長的暑假剛結束,教職員及同學又重返校園了。回 想暑假期間,大家可有留意校園內多了不少外籍學 生?原來他們是來這裡入讀為期六周的國際暑期課程。這個 擴展迅速的課程,讓外地及本地學生集中在一起,彼此認 識,共同學習及生活。它在中大校園營造了一股國際化的學 習氣氛,在推動中西文化交流上,起了很大作用。 國際暑期課程的誕生,不過是這數年間的事。暑期課程辦 公室主任張偉雄教授細說它的背景、性質及發展︰「在 2005年,商學院建議開辦國際暑期課程,獲得大學支持, 第一屆的課程便在商學院誕生。至2006年夏天,大學把這 課程移交給學術交流處負責,讓它的規模得以擴展至整個 大學。同年10月,大學正式成立暑期課程辦公室作為統籌 機構。」 國際化的校園由暑假開始 張教授認為,開辦國際暑期課程的最大益處,是 可在暑假期間給大學創造一個國際性的學習環境, 促進中西文化的互通。「儘管在上下學期也有數百 名交換生來中大上課,卻是零星地分散於校園內, 每班的人數不多;中大提供的國際暑期課程,可促 使中西文化的交流更具成效。舉今夏為例,課程共 招收了500多名學生,當中約200名為中大生,300多 名為非中大生。非中大生中,有60多名是在外地或 本地其他大學就讀的香港學生,超過240名外地生, 來自30個不同的國家。所有學生皆可申請入住國際生 舍堂,一起學習,一起生活,友誼瞬即建立。」 為吸納外國學生入讀中大的國際暑期課程,暑期課程辦公 室做了不少工夫,如張偉雄教授走訪了加拿大、丹麥及 南韓的學校,又在北美洲的中文報章和香港傳媒上刊登廣 告,以及發電郵給那些與中大合辦交換生計劃的學校等 等。不過,張教授強調,能否招攬學生,並非僅靠宣傳。 他說︰「國際暑期課程有兩大吸引力,一為課程獨特,另 一為名師雲集。我們開辦了很多區域的課題,如中國文化 及亞洲商業等,又與中大的中國語文研習所合作,舉辦普 通話和廣東話課程。此外,我們延聘了很多世界頂尖學府 的傑出學者,來此擔任教職。」今夏的報名情況踴躍,所 有班別都幾乎爆滿。 對於中大學生來說,報讀國際暑期課程將獲益良多。除了 可置身於一個國際性的學習環境外,還可趁暑假獲取學 分,減輕上下學期的功課壓力。舉例說,現在大學的雙學 位課程功課繁重,國際暑期課程正好給學生提供彈性的選 擇。張教授補充說︰「每年也有一些學生因種種原因,欠 了一科而未能畢業,例如忘了選修通識科或出外當交換生 等等,他們可利用暑假的時候修課,無須延長一個學期來 完成學業。」 會通中西的課程 談到香港的競爭對手時,張教授認為,中大的國際暑期課 程是別樹一幟的,況且有競爭才會有進步。「首先,中 大是綜合性的研究型大學,學科多樣化,有不少關於中國 文化及亞洲經濟等的課程,是其他學校未必能開辦的;另 外,中大的中國語文研習所遠近聞名,可提供優質的廣東 話及普通話課程;再者,中大與很多外國大學建立了緊密 的聯繫,所以在邀請學者到來任教時,並不會太困難。」 綜合各項優點,國際暑期課程是有實力的,可吸引世界各 地的學子到來修讀。 國際暑期課程在促進中西文化交流上功不可沒。張教授指 出,課程設計了很多以全英語授課的中國文化學科,外國 學生在參與課程後,對於推廣中國的文化,扮演著橋樑的 角色。他總結說︰「在暑假期間,中大有很多資源可供應 用,給中外學生帶來方便。如果每個暑假都有數百名,甚 至更多的外國學生到來上課,長遠來說,國際暑期課程可 幫助中大甚至香港,成為亞洲的教育樞紐。」 M any students would view the summer as a time for a desired break from the drudgery and paper-chasing schedule of the school terms. But at least those attending the six-week International Summer Programme of CUHK would think otherwise. In a few years’ time, the programme has developed into a much sought-after venue of learning and international understanding for local and non-local students which has further enriched the internationalized campus of CUHK. Prof. Gordon Cheung, director of the Office of Summer Programmes, recalled the genesis of the Programme, ‘In 2005, the Faculty of Business Administration launched a summer programme targeting at an international student body. The Programme was then administered by the Office of Academic Links in the next summer and was extended to the entire university community. The Office of Summer Programmes was formed in October 2006 to coordinate these efforts and further promote the Programme.’ According to Prof. Cheung, the benefits of the Programme are manifold. ‘The Programme creates an arena for international interactions on campus. CUHK already hosts hundreds of incoming exchange students who are spread across a wide spectrum of departments and disciplines. The Summer Programme puts into greater focus the relevance and importance of such an exchange opportunity. For CUHK students, in addition to the opportunity of learning among international peers, they can earn additional credits during the summer. This is often necessary as a means to relieve some of the pressure in their studies, particularly if they are, say, pursuing double-degree programmes, or if they have missed a general education course or have gone on to overseas exchange.’ This year, 500 students participated in the Programme, among whom 200 are CUHK students. The remaining 夏日炎炎好讀書 Summer School, Not a Contradiction in Terms include 60 local students who study at other local or overseas universities and 240 foreign students from over 30 countries. All these students are eligible to stay at the International House and given the opportunity to learn and mix with other students from a variety of backgrounds and cultural settings. To promote the Summer Programme, Prof. Cheung had traveled to Canada, Denmark and South Korea. His efforts also included advertising the Programme in local media and in Chinese-language newspapers in North America and contacting through e-mails the universities with which CUHK has entered into exchange agreements. But advertising alone could not attract good students in such large numbers. Prof. Cheung said, ‘The enthusiastic responses generated by the Programme are largely due to the unique courses we offer and the quality of our teachers. Our courses are often of regional interest and relevance such as Chinese culture and Asian business. Courses on Putonghua and Cantonese are also favourites among students. Members of our teaching team were recruited from top universities from around the world.’ Not surprisingly, then, nearly all the classes offered this summer had been oversubscribed. The Summer Programme offered at CUHK enjoys many advantages over its competitors. Prof. Cheung opined, ‘Our University’s Chinese heritage and research capability have enabled us to offer courses relating to Chinese culture and Asian economy. Our well-known language courses attract avid learners of Putonghua and Cantonese. Furthermore, our close ties with many overseas institutions have ensured a constant supply of famous scholars to take charge of the courses. All of these contribute to making our Programme one of themost competitive anddesirable summer programmes in the region.’ The Summer Programme plays an indispensable role in promoting international exchange on campus. Foreign students who have come into contact with local or regional subjects delivered in English will have acquired such knowledge and understanding and likely become ambassadors of our culture and values. Prof. Cheung concluded, ‘CUHK has made available many of its resources during the summer to facilitate the learning of both local and non-local students. Given the hundreds of overseas students coming to our Programme each year, we are certainly doing our part in making CUHK or even Hong Kong an education hub in the region.’