Newsletter No. 303

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 中大的新成員:2007年「新鮮人」 New Members of CUHK: 2007 Freshmen 踏 入8月,經過漫長而 寧靜的暑假,似乎 沉睡了的校園又甦醒過來, 各項熱鬧的迎新活動相繼展 開,在24日踏入高潮。一如 去年,在今年四院會師中, 參加迎新營的新生用不同顏 色的雨傘拼出圖案和文字,為 他們往後幾年的校園生活揭開 序幕。這些中大的新成員,又 在8月31日到邵逸夫堂參加本 年度的本科新生入學典禮。 劉遵義校長在典禮上致詞,分 別就治學和待人之道,向新生 提出三點忠告。在治學上,他 首先提醒大家要謙遜;第二是 要有懷疑精神;第三是要有所 取捨。在待人接物上,他勉勵大家無論待人待己都要 真誠;另外還要寬容;第三是要公正。 最後他希望學生積極投入校園生活:「你們的教育應 掌握在自己手中,建立人脈,盡情享受校園的學生生 活和學習。希望你們能善用在中大的這幾年時間,讓 香港中文大學成為你邁向精彩人生的轉捩點。」 中大今年各項招生成績均令人振奮,錄取的新生都是 本地及境內外的精英。在本地生方面,中大今年透 過聯招共錄取2,388名學生,當中第一組別人數高達 2,337名,佔98%。全港在高級程度會考中考獲3A或 以上成績的考生,有近43%獲中大錄取。錄取學生 中,擁有高考A級成績的高達989人。今年以中大為 第一志願的學生共有1,549人,佔全數的32%,而會考 和高考綜合成績最佳的1,000名聯招新生中,有近半 (478名)選擇中大。今年共有407名學生循「優先錄 取計劃」報讀大學,當中404人選擇中大,佔總數的 99.3%,中大錄取了182人,當中在中學會考考獲八 科或以上A級的有46名,比去年增加了70%。本校還 通過「校長推薦計劃」及「自薦計劃」,分別招收了 76名和59名優秀學生,20名傑出運動員則通過「運動 員獎學金計劃」入讀中大。 在非聯招方面,今年錄取了400多名新生,當中90多 名直接入讀二年級,另外20多名循拔尖途徑入讀一年 級。還有一位在會考成績優異的14歲學生,以特別生 身分入學,並將於2008年循非聯招拔尖途徑入讀醫科 一年級。 在非本地新生方面,中大今年經 「全國普通高校統一招生計劃」 在內地2 5省/直轄市共招收了 251名新生。他們都是內地考生 中的佼佼者。在有考生排名或分 數段資料的省市中,本校錄取了 當中十個省市排名在前三名的考 生;在所有錄取考生中,排在全 省市十名內的有30人,排名在 前500名的更多達171人。除了 內地生外,今年報讀中大的海 外學生人數比去年增加了近半 (47%)。由於競爭激烈,今 年獲錄取的60名申請人,成績 均異常優秀。現時在中大就讀 的境外學生,包括研究生及交 換生,共超過2,800名。 報讀中大的人數近年續有增加,顯示本校深得學生和 家長信任,入學及學生資助處處長周陳文琬女士對此 感到欣慰。她說:「我們的各項招生工作有如此理想 的成果,實有賴各院系老師的熱心參與,以及各收生 委員會和服務單位同仁的大力支持。本校優良的師 資、秀美的校園和理想的學習環境,以及多元化的學 科,都是吸引出色學生來此就讀的關鍵因素。」 T he campus that had gone into dormancy during the summer break came to life again in August as a series of activities organized for the new students were set in motion. On 24 August, the assembly of the heart- shape human jigsaws by new students on the University Mall marked the climax of these activities. On 31August, these new members of the CUHK community attended the Inauguration Ceremony. Addressing the freshmen at the ceremony, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the University, gave them some useful pieces of advice. With regard to learning, he advised them to be humble, sceptical and selective. With regard to treating other people, he urged them to be honest with both themselves and others, be tolerant and be fair. When concluding his speech, he encouraged the freshmen to be an active member of the University community, ‘You should take your education in your own hand, build up your own network and enrich yourselves through immersion into the student life and intellectual life on campus. Do make the best of your stay here, and let The Chinese University of Hong Kong make a real difference to your life.’ These freshmen are all high-calibre students recruited locally and overseas. For this year’s local intake, we made a total of 2,388 admission offers via JUPAS. Among them, 2,337 are Band A choice candidates, accounting for 98% of the total number admitted. About 43% HKALE candidates with 3As or above are admitted to CUHK. Moreover, the number of students admitted with Grade As in HKALE is 989. This year, 1,549 students put CUHK as their first choice, accounting for 32% of the total. Of the 1,000 JUPAS applicants with the best average results, nearly half (478) opted for CUHK. This year also saw 182 outstanding secondary six students admitted to CUHK through the Early Admissions Scheme. Forty-six of these students had obtained 8As or above in the HKCEE, 70% more than last year. Of all the 407 students eligible for the scheme, 404 opted for the University, amounting to 99.3%. CUHK admitted 76 and 59 outstanding students respectively under the School Principals’ Nomination Scheme and the Self-recommendation Scheme this year. Twenty exceptional athletes have also been admitted to the University through the Sports Scholarship Scheme. This year, CUHK has admitted some 400 non-JUPAS applicants, of which over 90 were admitted to the second year of the undergraduate programmes, and 20 were admitted to first year through the Early Admission Scheme. A 14-year-old top scorer in the HKCEE was admitted as an associate student and will begin her Medical Studies next year. For the non-local intake, this year saw 251 outstanding mainland students from 25 provinces and municipalities admitted to CUHK through the National Unified Universities and Colleges Entrance Examination System. We have recruited from among the top three scorers in provinces and municipalities where rankings or score bands are announced; 30 of our recruited students are among the top 10 in their respective provinces/municipalities; 171 are among the top 500. In terms of international recruitment, the number of applications has increased by 47% over last year’s. As a result of keen competition for admission, the 60 non-local undergraduates we admitted this year are of exceptionally high quality. At present, there are over 2,800 non-local students at CUHK, including postgraduate and exchange students. Mrs. Grace Chow, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, was pleased to see that more and more students and their parents have given our University a vote of trust. She said, ‘Our admission activities would not have yielded such satisfactory results without the participation and support of teachers from the departments and faculties, members of the admission committees and colleagues from other service units. They had showcased the quality of our professoriate team, our beautiful campus and ideal learning environ- ment. These I believe are some of the major factors taken into consideration by students when deciding where to go for their undergraduate education.