Newsletter No. 303

第 303 期 2007 年 9 月 19 日 No. 303 19 September 2007 「寫得好」計劃 2007暑期學社 2007 Summer Institute Organized by WrITE Project ■ 工商管理學院 迎新茶會 BA Faculty Tea Reception for Freshmen ■ 暑期學生活動 Student Summer Activities 崇基學院 Chung Chi College ■ · 其他消息 Other News 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽 Details of the following news items are available at: 全國大學生網球賽中大奪雙金 CUHK Team Wins Two Golds in Tennis Championships 中 大女子網球隊在第十二屆全國大學生網球錦標賽奪得兩項冠軍。賽事由中 國大學生體育協會主辦,今年8月1日至7日在哈爾濱商業大學舉行。來自清 華、北大、浙江及本校等65所高校的575名網球健兒,齊聚有冰城之稱的哈爾濱, 進行了七天比賽。 賽事分為男女甲、乙、丙各三組,中大參加了女子甲組比賽。球隊在團體賽事 中,憑藉隊員的精湛球技、拼搏精神及戰術運用,摘取了甲組團體冠軍。在個人 賽中,隊長梁曦文也力克對手,捧走了單打金牌;而馮凱鈴與何焯文的組合,也 取得雙打第七名的佳績。 今年已是第二次參賽的梁曦文說,球隊由5月起開始一星期四天的訓練,不過這 樣的訓練強度還是不如國內選手。「國內選手練球的時數多很多,香港學生比較 注重學業,練習的時間相對較少。」儘管如此,球隊仍能捧盃而回,她很謙遜地 說:「是因為運氣好。」但其實梁曦文從小就接觸網球,比賽經驗豐富,對她來 說,「每一場比賽都是難忘的經驗,因為每次的對手都不同。」她喜歡打網球, 一方面可以藉此認識許多朋友,另一方面是喜歡這種運動的競爭性。至於兩位隊 友馮凱鈴和何焯文,梁曦文說:「她們接觸網球的日子雖短,但進步很快,彼此 培養出很好的默契。」這種團隊精神,相信也是她們凱旋的關鍵吧。 除了上述兩面金牌外,梁曦文和中大代表隊還獲大會分別頒發個人和團體的 「體育道德風尚獎」。 左起:教練郭永昌、馮凱鈴、梁曦文、何焯文、榮譽領隊陳記祥 From left: Kwok Wing Cheong (coach), Kihlstedt Fung, Evelina Leung, Tiffany Ho, Chan Kai Cheung (honorary manager) C UHKwomen’s tennis teamgrabbed two goldmedals in the 12th National Universities Tennis Championships. The competition, participated by 575 athletes from 65 universities from across the country, took place at the Harbin University of Commerce from 1 to 7 August 2007. The championships comprised three divisions for men and women. CUHK took part in Women’s Division A. Thanks to its members’ perseverance, skills and tactics, the team secured the team champion title. Evelina Leung, captain of the team, also clinched the gold of women’s singles. In women’s doubles, Kihlstedt Fung and Tiffany Ho took an encouraging 7th place. Beginning in May, the team practised four days a week for the event. But Evelina said, ‘Compared to the mainland counterparts, Hong Kong players practise less frequently because they give priority to academic achievements over sports’. Nevertheless, the teambrought home two trophies. Evelina humbly attributed it to pure luck. Fascinated by the competitiveness of the sport, she has been playing tennis since she was very young. Evelina added, ‘Every match is unforgettable because you play against a different opponent each time.’ Commenting on her teammates Kihlstedt and Tiffany, she said, ‘Though they are new to the game, they have been making tremendous progress. And the team has developed a close rapport among themselves.’ Their esprit de corps was surely a key to their success. Besides the abovementioned gold medals, both Evelina and the CUHK delegation were awarded the individual and team prizes for their fair play spirit. 中國研究方法 研習營 China Research Methodology Camp ■ 新亞書院 New Asia College ·