Newsletter No. 304

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 10 近期活動 Upcoming Events 香江文教發展五十年 Fifty Years of Cultural and Educational Development in Hong Kong 由聯合書院與康樂及文化事務署合辦的「香江文教發展五十年」專題展覽,於9月 24日至10月21日假大學圖書館展覽廳展出。展覽透過展品、照片及文字,揭示半 世紀以來香港文化與教育發展的進程,並探討聯合書院與香港社會的相互關係。 詳情可瀏覽 。 查詢請致電2609 7345 或電郵至 carolyuen@ 與 阮劍琴小姐聯絡。 Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and United College, the exhibition entitled ‘Fifty Years of Cultural and Educational Development in Hong Kong’ is held from 24 September to 21 October at the University Library Exhibition Hall. Through illustrations and texts, the exhibition outlines the cultural and educational development in Hong Kong during the past 50 years from 1956 to 2006, and examines the interrelationships between United College and local society. For details, please visit . For enquiries, please contact Ms. Carol Yuen at 2609 7345 or . 中國近代商業史國際學術會議 International Conference on Chinese Business History 歷史系比較及公眾歷史研究中心舉辦「利涉大川──中國近代商業史」國際學術 會議,詳情如下: The Centre for Comparative and Public History, Department of History is holding the International Conference on Chinese Business History with details as follows: 講題 Topics 日期 Dates / 時間 Times 地點 Venues 商業與社會 Business and Society 10月5日(星期五) 下午2時15分至6時 5 October (Fri.) 2.15 pm – 6.00 pm 崇基學院行政樓三樓啟真道室 Kilborn Room, 3/F Chung Chi College Administration Building 區域與市場 Regions and Markets 10月6日(星期六) 上午10時至正午12時 6 October (Sat.) 10.00 am – 12.00 noon 尖沙嘴香港歷史博物館地下演講廳 Lecture Theatre, G/F Hong Kong Museum of History Tsim Sha Tsui 商業與企業︰永安百貨公司 Business and Enterprises: Wing On Department Stores 10月6日(星期六) 下午2時30分至6時 6 October (Sat.) 2.30 pm – 6.00 pm 尖沙嘴香港歷史博物館地下演講廳 Lecture Theatre, G/F Hong Kong Museum of History Tsim Sha Tsui 查詢 Enquiries: 2609 7119 網頁 Homepage: Professor John Lagerway 公開講座 (英語主講) Public Lectures by Professor John Lagerwey 講題 Topics 日期 Dates / 時間 Times 地點 Venues A Brief History of the Pantheon: The Ancestors and the Gods in Religion and Politics 10月10日 (星期三) 下午4時至6時 10 October (Wed.) 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm 邵逸夫夫人樓LT6室 LT6, Lady Shaw Building Taoist Ritual in Social and Historical Perspective 10月24日 (星期三) 下午4時至6時 24 October (Wed.) 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm 邵逸夫夫人樓LT1室 LT1, Lady Shaw Building Patterns of Chinese Religion in the Village 11月7日 (星期三) 下午4時至6時 7 November (Wed.) 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm 香港大學本部大樓二樓218室 畢業生議會廳 Convocation Room Room 218, 2/F, Main Building The University of Hong Kong Festivals 11月14日 (星期三) 下午4時至6時 14 November (Wed.) 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm 邵逸夫夫人樓LT1室 LT1, Lady Shaw Building 查詢請致電 2609 8541 吳小姐。 For enquiries, please contact Miss Hilson Ng at 2609 8541. 僱員儲蓄互助社消息 CUHK Employees’ Credit Union News 中大僱員儲蓄互助社2007年社員周年會議及21周年社慶聯歡晚宴,已分別於5月 11日假科學館及於5月19日假旺角新世紀廣場美心皇宮大酒樓舉行。大會通過本年 度董事會、貸款委員會、監察委員會之選舉,協會代表及中央社代表之提名;而 教育委員會亦已於7月份董事會會議中委出。2007至08年度董事會及各委員會名單 如下: The annual general meeting and the 21st anniversary banquet of the CUHK Employees’ Credit Union were respectively held on 11 May at the Hong Kong Science Museum, and on 19 May at Maxim’s Palace Chinese Restaurant, Grand Century Place, Mongkok. At the AGM, elections were held for the Board of Directors, the Credit Committee and the Supervisory Committee. Nominations for the Credit Union League of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong League Central Credit Union were also made. Appointments to the Education Committee were made in the board meeting held in July. The composition of the 2007–08 Board of Directors and the various committees are as follows: 董事會 Board of Directors 社長 President: 黃隆先生(生物化學系) Mr. Wong Lung (Dept. of Biochemistry) 副社長 Vice-President: 陳建榮先生(交通組) Mr. Chan Oswald Timothy (Transport Unit) 秘書 Secretary: 黃李淑儀女士(祟基學院學生輔導處) Mrs. Wong Li Shuk Yee (Dean of Students’ Office, Chung Chi College) 司庫 Treasurer: 蘇振強先生(通用科際實驗室) Mr. So Chun Keung (Multi-Discipline Laboratories) 董事 Directors: 梁天雄先生(資訊科技服務處) Mr. Leung Tin Hung (ITSC) 盧碧有女士(資訊科技服務處) Ms. Lo Pik Yau (ITSC) 莫文光教授(決策科學與企業經濟學系) Prof. Mok Man Kwong (Dept. of Decision Sciences & Managerial Economics) 蕭明標先生(大學圖書館) Mr. Siu Ming Biu (University Library System) 王德忠先生(教習醫院院務室) Mr. Wong Tak Chung (Clinical Sciences Administration) 貸款委員會 Credit Committee 主席 Chairman: 麥傅宏美女士(翻譯系) Mrs. Mak Fuh Wang Mei (Dept. of Translation) 秘書 Secretary: 劉潤芬女士(管理學系) Mrs. Leung Lau Yun Fan (Dept. of Management) 委員 Members: 周志明先生(生物化學系) Mr. Chow Chi Ming (Dept. of Biochemistry) 監察委員會 Supervisory Committee 主席 Chairman: 林潔蓮女士(零區社員,前歷史系同事) Ms. Lam Kit Lin (formerly Dept. of History) 秘書 Secretary: 鄧詠恩女士(薪津及公積金組) Ms. Tang Wing Yan (Payroll & Superannuation Unit) 委員 Members: 陳尹璇先生(零區社員,前建築處同事) Mr. Chen Wen Shuen (formerly Buildings Office) 教育委員會 Education Committee 主席 Chairman: 盧碧有女士(資訊科技服務處) Ms. Lo Pik Yau (ITSC) 秘書 Secretary: 蔡陳曼萍女士(聯合書院) Mrs. Choi Chan Man Ping (United College) 委員 Members: 陳錦良先生(中醫學院) Mr. Chan Kam Leung (School of Chinese Medicine) 陳妙芳女士(翻譯系) Ms. Chan Miu Fong (Dept. of Translation) 陳玉卿女士(物業管理處) Ms. Chan Yuk Hing (Estates Management Office) 蔡國廉先生(通用科際實驗室) Mr. Choi Kwok Him (Multi-Discipline Laboratories) 周志明先生(生物化學系) Mr. Chow Chi Ming (Dept. of Biochemistry) 鍾慧蓉女士(交通組) Ms. Chung Wai Yung (Transport Unit) 李毓雯女士(生物化學系) Ms. Lee Yuk Man (Dept. of Biochemistry) 協會代表 Representative of Credit Union League of HK 盧碧有女士(資訊科技服務處) Ms. Lo Pik Yau (ITSC) 中央社代表 Representative of HK League Central Credit Union 梁天雄先生(資訊科技服務處) Mr. Leung Tin Hung (ITSC) 蕭明標先生(大學圖書館) Mr. Siu Ming Biu (University Library System) 大學圖書館系統重陽節閉館 ULS Closed for Chung Yeung Festival 大學圖書館及各分館將於10月19日重陽節假期閉館。 The University Library and all branch libraries will be closed for the Chung Yeung Festival on 19 October. * 有關法律資源中心在此期間之開放時間,請查閱法律圖書館網頁。 Please refer to Law Library’s homepage for its opening hours during this period. 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁( ) 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8584 / 2609 8681 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584 / 2609 8681; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail pub2@uab.cuhk. ). 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter