Newsletter No. 306

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 其他消息 Other News 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news are available at 揭開甲骨文的神秘面紗──中大學者著作獲獎 Unveiling the Mystery of Jiaguwen : CUHK Researcher Awarded Book Prize 「 昔 者倉頡作書而天雨粟,鬼夜哭。」1899 年,河南安陽縣小屯村發現甲骨,同樣震 動世界,並為學術研究開闢了新的領域。百餘年來, 幾代學人為破譯甲骨文,繼往開來。這門非有深厚古 文字學和歷史學養難以涉足的學科,從來鑽研者如鳳 毛麟角,香港更是寥寥可數。中大正有一位這方面的 專家,她就是中國文化研究所副研究員沈建華。 沈女士與浙江省文物考古研究所所長曹錦炎合編的 《甲骨文校釋總集》,最近榮獲「2006年度全國優 秀古籍圖書二等獎」。這套20卷本的鴻篇巨制,是 2005年度中國國家教委古籍整理委員會資助的項目, 書中收集了海內外已發表 的九種甲骨著錄,涵蓋甲 骨總計約六萬五千餘片。 作者吸收了新近研究成 果,對以往著作的釋文, 逐字逐片校對,糾正錯 誤,並整理因甲骨片斷裂 而分散於不同書籍內的資 料,加以綴合,恢復完整。這部著作是現今這個學科 最前沿的成果,也為日後的研究奠下堅實基礎。 原任職於安徽省博物館的沈女士,在1983年應國學泰 斗饒宗頤教授之邀到中國文化研究所訪問,開始編 著五冊《甲骨文通檢》,自始與中大結緣,到1991年 正式加入中大。幾十年來,工作孜孜矻矻,她的信念 是:「做一件事情,一定要投入。」她感激中大給了 她理想的工作環境,尤其感謝饒教授和前任所長陳方 正博士的積極推動,以及已故校董利榮森博士的支 持。她說,這套書獲獎,「不僅是個人的光榮,也是 中大的榮譽。」 T he discovery of Jiaguwen or oracle bone inscriptions in 1899 thrilled the world and created a new academic field. Over the past hundred years, generations of scholars endeavoured to decipher this ancient pictographic writing. However, as this is a task that cannot be accomplished without profound knowledge of paleography and history, its researchers have always been at a premium both locally and nationally. CUHK is privileged to have one of them. She is Ms. Shen Jianhua, research associate of the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS). Recently, Ms. Shen’s work Jiaguwen jiaoshi zongji (A Complete Collection of Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Collated andAnnotated), co-authored by her andMr. Cao Jinyan, director of Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, has been awarded the second prize of the ‘2006 Book Awards for Excellence in the Studies of Ancient Chinese Texts’. Based on nine previously published works on Jiaguwen , this 20-volume set covers about 65,000 pieces of oracle bones and tortoiseshells. By drawing on the latest research results, the authors not only corrected the mistakes in the earlier interpretations of those oracle bone inscriptions, but also pieced together different information on bones and tortoiseshells. This work has advanced the frontiers of our knowledge in this field and paved the way for future studies. In 1983, while still working with the Anhui Museum, Ms. Shen visited ICS at the invitation of Prof. Jao Tsung-I, a world-renowned scholar of Chinese studies, to compile the five-volume Jiaguwen tongjian (A Concordance to Oracle Bone Inscriptions). In 1991 she formally joined the University and has since immersed herself in her research. Her motto is ‘total commitment’. Ms. Shen is thankful to the University for providing her with an ideal working environment. She is especially grateful to Prof. Jao and Dr. Chen Fong-ching, former director of ICS, for their encouragement, and the late Dr. J.S. Lee, former CUHK council member, for his support. She described the award as ‘an honour not only for me, but also for CUHK.’ 英國、加拿大交換生在中大發表演說 Presentation by Research Placement Students from the UK and Canada ■ 新雅中國語文 研習所尖沙咀 新設教學中心 Chinese Language Center Opens Tsim Sha Tsui Learning Center ■ 世界衞生組織中國代表公開講座 Public Lecture by Health and Poverty Advisor to World Health Organization (WHO) China Office ■ 奧林匹克研究與教育研討會 Symposium on Olympic Research and Olympic Education ■ 美國加州副州長 講座探討全球 氣候轉變 Lieutenant Governor of California Speaks at CUHK on Global Climate Change ■ 聯合書院51周年院慶 United College 51st Anniversary Celebrations ■