Newsletter No. 306

第 306 期 2007 年 11 月 4 日 No. 306 4 November 2007 「 中 國研究」是香港中文大學2006年發表的 十年策略計劃中的重點資助卓越領域之 一。事實上,自創校以來,中大一直致力於人文學科 及社會科學的研究,以期弘揚 中國文化,使之生生不息。 隨著中國的國際經濟、文化和 政治地位日益重要,跨學科的 中國研究,也逐漸變成理解所 有中國事物的基礎。有見及 此,中國研究督導委員會集合 了圖書館和卓越領域項目秘書 處的力量,經過多月籌備,在九月推出了「中國研 究網」( ) 。委員會 主席——協理副校長兼教務長蘇基朗教授指出:「中 大的中國研究並不是一個單一的研究領域,而是從一 個既跨學科又符合人文精神、既全面又長遠的角度出 發,匯集了不同單位教研人員的集體心血。」他接著 解釋說,不同學院、學系的同事可能都對中國研究有 興趣,又或正在個別從事有關的研究。「中國研究 網」的資料庫,如「相關學者名錄」和「研究項目名 錄」,除了蒐集和編錄中大中國研究學者及其專精鑽 研課題等資料,也開放給同事自發登記,這樣,校內 成員便可得悉同儕的相關研究概況。這種資訊交流, 實有利於凝聚實力,玉成更多跨學科的研究項目,發 掘更深入的研究領域。 這個取用便捷的網站,除了登錄中大同工的研究和活 動,還有「新出版書刊介紹」、「活動日誌」和「最 新消息」等欄目,都是立足兩岸三地、跨越華人社會 而放眼世界的。蘇教授說,對於本身並非從事中國研 究的人士,這些豐富和尖新的內容必能啟發他們的興 趣,吸引他們踏進認識中國文化的門檻。 「中國將會是二十一世紀的 焦點」,這個說法近年已得 到各方公認。蘇教授認為, 由於中國逐漸在世界政治與 經濟舞台上擔當舉足輕重的 角色,不少人遂對中國產生 好奇,渴望多加了解。全球 各地方興未艾的漢語學習潮 就體現了這個現象。就學術層面而言,中國的崛起本 身便製造了不少有價值的研究課題。世界各地的重點 大學都設有中國研究的學系或單位,對種種現象加以 詮釋,衍生不少新的學說。 蘇教授特別提到,「中國研究網的理想是兼顧普及 認識和深入研究兩個層面。作為一個資訊平台,由 於網站貫徹中大的雙語言精神,兼備中、英版本, 讓世界各地學者迅速搜尋中大中國研究學者的興趣 和成果,對於普及和推廣中大同工建構的知識,以 及促進全球中、英語領域人士對中國的了解,將產 生積極的作用。」再進一步,就知識的創新而言, 「網站具備匯聚內部研究實力與成果的能量,在各 系、各研究所的協同效應下,這個知識平台將會日 益壯大。」中大既長期與海內、外一流的中國研究 機構保持密切聯繫,長遠來說,透過網站的不斷更 新、充實和繁衍,信必可在促進全球的中國研究上 發揮關鍵作用。 C hinese Studies has been identified as a Major Area for strategic research investment in the University’s Strategic Plan 2006 . Since its inception, the University has devoted itself to the modernization and promulgation of Chinese culture through studies in the humanities and social sciences. As China becomes increasingly important in the world’s economic, cultural and political arenas, the multi- disciplinary field of Chinese Studies becomes an essential source of informed knowledge for the understanding of all things Chinese. The Steering Committee for Chinese Studies, by leveraging on the combined functions of the University Library System and the Major Area Project Secretariat, launched the Chinese Studies Portal ( ) in September after months of preparation. Chairman of the committee Prof. Billy So, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and University Registrar, pointed out that Chinese Studies at the Chinese University aims ‘to promote world-class scholarship on China’s culture and society through a perspective that is interdisciplinary, long-term, holistic and humanistic. It draws on the collective strengths of teachers and researchers from different academic units at the University.’ The portal provides a Chinese Studies Researchers Directory with information on the University’s Chinese Studies scholars and their work. It is open for self-registration by CUHK researchers. The information exchange thus fostered will help to enhance capabilities, encourage more interdisciplinary research, and open up more topics for in-depth research. All sections of the user-friendly portal have their vision set beyond Chinese societies, on the world. Prof. So believes that the rich and current content will kindle even the interest of individuals not engaged in Chinese Studies research. China’s rise has sparked much curiosity about the country, as evidenced by the global trend of Chinese- language learning. Academically, it has given rise to many new and worthy research topics. Major universities over the world now have their own Chinese Studies programmes or unit, generating new knowledge on various ‘Chinese phenomena’. ‘The ideal of the portal is to attain both breadth and depth of knowledge. Being bilingual, it enables scholars worldwide to have easy access to the research interests and findings of CUHK scholars. This helps to popularize and promote knowledge created by CUHK staff and foster understanding of China among both Chinese- and English-speakers,’ observed Prof. So. In terms of knowledge creation, the website has the potential to ‘bring together the University’s research strengths in Chinese Studies, the resulting synergies of which will further strengthen this information platform.’ The University also enjoys longstanding relationships with top centres for Chinese Studies in China and overseas. In the long run, the portal stands to play a pivotal role in promoting Chinese Studies in the world. 「中大的中國研究是從一個 既跨學科又符合人文精神、 既全面又長遠的角度出發, 匯集了不同單位教研人員的 集體心血。」 Chinese Studies at the Chinese University aims ‘to promote world-class scholarship on China’s culture and society through a perspective that is interdisciplinary, long-term, holistic and humanistic. It draws on the collective strengths of teachers and researchers from different academic units at the University.’