Newsletter No. 307

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 中 文大學社區植林計劃」於10月27日展開,乃 環保週的一項活動。當天百多名校友、教職 員及學生在大埔滘自然護理區內的草山親身體驗種植 的樂趣,同時見證植林區的成立。 榮譽領隊兼協理副校長許敬文教授帶領眾人步行兩小 時前往草山,分批參與種植樹苗、除草、灌溉等護林 活動。植林計劃的目標是五年內在該幅土地種植一萬 棵不同類型的植物,如鴨腳木、山蒼樹、大頭茶、毛 稔、桃金孃及西南木荷等。 中大副校長廖柏偉教授在開幕禮致辭時說:「中大在 2006年中,制定了樹木保育政策,保護校園內的樹木 和生態,以期使校園發展規劃更趨完善。除了綠化校 園外,亦希望把綠化的概念推展至社區。」 草山風景秀麗,可惜其中一片山坡曾遭山火焚燬,顯 得有些荒蕪。2007年5月,中大獲漁農自然護理署分 配該塊土地。未來幾年,中大會繼續在該區負責除 草、施肥和刪枝等工作,希望藉著植林來推動環保, 鼓勵員工參與綠化環境,讓自然生物有棲息之所,更 可減輕溫室效應,調節地球氣候。 樹木萬株綠草山 Arbour of Ten Thousand Trees 本 年內第二次「樂步行」活動於11月2日舉 行,反應踴躍,共有近600名員生參加。 當天秋高氣爽,正合漫步校園。參加者由大學火車 站出發,繞經崇基學院及大學本部至逸夫書院的大 講堂,途經校友徑及中藥園,全程需時約40分鐘。 步行是有益身心的活動,在校園步行,沿途可欣賞 美景,更有助紓緩車輛載客量,減少廢氣排放,使 校園空氣清新。 T he CUHK Afforestation Scheme, a highlight of Environmental Protection Week, kicked off on 27 October. Over a hundred alumni, teaching staff and students experienced the joy of gardening at Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve and witnessed the official birth of the CUHK woodland. The participants joined honorary leader and Associate Pro-Vice- Chancellor, Prof. Michael Hui, in a two-hour hike to Grassy Hill in the reserve where they planted tree saplings, weeded and irrigated the area. The target of the scheme is to grow 10,000 trees of different species in five years. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Liu Pak-wai said at the opening ceremony, ‘The University formulated a tree preservation policy in mid-2006. The policy protects the campus’s natural environment and ecology, with the aim of ensuring better campus planning. The University not only greens its campus, it also hopes to extend such practices to the community.’ Grassy Hill is scenic. However, one of its slopes has been ravaged by a hill fire and still looks a little scorched. The University was allocated the plot of land by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department in May 2007. In the coming years, the University will continue to manage the weeding, fertilization and trimming of trees in the plot. Through this, it hopes to promote environmental protection and encour- age staff to take an active part in greening the environment. 「 健步再邁 We Walk Again for Health 廖柏偉教授身體力行,體驗植樹樂趣 A very hands-on Prof. Liu Pak-wai 主持「樂步行」開步禮儀式的包括(左起)大學環境事務 督導委員會主席林健枝教授、聯合書院輔導長王香生教授、 崇基學院院長梁元生教授、健康促進及防護委員會主席兼 副校長鄭振耀教授、社區及家庭醫學榮休講座教授李紹鴻 教授、副校長兼逸夫書院院長程伯中教授、新亞書院院長 黃乃正教授及協理副校長許敬文教授 Officiating the opening ceremony were (from left) Prof. Lam Kin-che, chairman of the University Steering Committee on Environment; Prof. Stephen H.S. Wong, dean of students, United College; Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Head of Chung Chi College; Prof. Jack Cheng, chairman of Committee on Health Promotion and Protection and Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, emeritus professor of community medicine; Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of Shaw College; Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, Head of New Asia College; and Prof. Michael Hui, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor F ollowing the successful debut of the Walking Campaign in March this year, the event was held again on 2 November. The response was overwhelming with about 600 staff and students joining the walk. Under the pleasant weather, walkers set off from the entrance of the University train station, winding through Chung Chi College and Main Campus, to end at the lecture theatre of Shaw College. Along the way, they passed through some of the most picturesque spots on campus, such as the Alumni Path and the Chinese Medicine Garden. The whole walk took about 40 minutes. 「步行活動結合了運動、欣賞校園及親近大自然的元素,除了推廣強身健體 外、也注重精神健康及環境健康。」 'Walking integrates physical exercise with campus appreciation and awareness of nature. As such, it promotes not only physical health, but mental and environmental health as well. ' 健康促進及防護委員會主席兼副校長鄭振耀教授 Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Chairman, Committee on Health Promotion and Protection 看一眾參加者笑容滿面,便知樂在其中 Smiling faces say it all