Newsletter No. 307

第 307 期 2007 年 11 月 19 日 No. 307 19 November 2007 中 大矯形外科及創傷學系黃國全醫生、古明達 教授及兒科學系李志光醫生,率先把電腦導 航系統應用在骨癌腫瘤切除手術上。這項新猷最近兩 度於國際醫學期刊上刊登,亦在九月假德國舉行的第 十四屆國際保肢會議上獲獎,得到國際肯定及認可。 電腦導航系統傳統上用於脊柱外科手術,中大醫生巧 妙地將它轉化用作切除骨癌腫瘤,輔助醫生在手術前 以電腦全面分析影像數據,俾在手術中更準確切除骨 癌腫瘤及重建骨骼,並詳細記錄骨頭切口的狀況,有 助評估手術的精確度,盡量保存病人骨部的健康組 織,大大增加癒後的活動能力,更有助增加保留兒童 骨癌患者的骨關節及肢體的機會。 由2006年初至今,中大矯形外科及創傷學系已為15位 骨癌病人進行該項手術。全部患者的骨癌組織已徹底 切除,手術後的放射診斷亦證實人工金屬義體已成功 植入體內,並無手術後併發症。 D r. Wong Kwok-chuen and Prof. Kumta Shekhar Madhukar of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, and Dr. Li Chi-kong of the Department of Paediatrics, applied computer navigation to assist resection and reconstruction in bone cancer patients. Two related articles have been published recently in international journals. The orthopaedic surgeons also received the second prize at the 14th International Society of Limb Salvage Symposium held in Germany in September 2007 for their outstanding work on computer-assisted bone tumour surgery. Computer navigation has been effectively used in the treatment of orthopaedic trauma, spinal surgery and joint replacement surgery in the past few years. CUHK orthopaedic surgeons skilfully adapted the computer navigation system by including other pertinent data of bone cancer patients. With the integration of pre- operative information about the local anatomy and extent of the tumour, the system can assist the surgeons to identify resection margins easily and accurately, 黃國全醫生(左)及古明達教授展示新的骨癌腫瘤切除技術 Dr. Wong Kwok-chuen (left) and Prof. Kumta Shekhar Madhukar demonstrate a new technique for bone tumour surgery 沈祖堯教授獲頒臨牀治療獎 Prof. Joseph Sung Receives Most Outstanding Contribution Award 中大醫學院副院長及內科及藥物治療學系系主任兼講 座教授沈祖堯教授於9月29日舉行的2007年衛生醫護 研討會中,獲頒最傑出貢獻(臨牀治療)獎。 此獎項旨在表揚於香港進行臨牀研究,並在學術活 動、研究成果或臨牀實習有傑出表現的研究員。 評審委員會讚揚沈教授參與的兩項研究,對本港的公 共衛生發展有卓越貢獻。該兩項研究分別是關於胃幽 門螺旋桿菌及上消化道出血的關係以及潰瘍出血的治 療,均獲食物及衛生局醫療服務研究基金撥款資助。 Prof. Joseph S.Y. Sung, associate dean of the Faculty of Medicine and chair professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, was awarded the Most OutstandingContributionAward(ClinicalTherapeutics) at the Health Research Symposium 2007 held on 29 September. The award honours researchers based in Hong Kong who have achieved distinction in clinical research. Achievement is recognized through excellence in academic activities, research accomplishment and clinical practice. Prof. Sung’s participation in the projects titled ‘Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection for secondary prevention of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with ischemic heart disease & stroke: a prospective randomized study’ and ‘Prevention of ulcer bleeding in high-risk patients: is the enthusiasm for COX-2 selective NSAIDs justified?’, both supported by the Health Services Research Fund of the Food and Health Bureau, were cited by the assessment panel as contributing greatly to the advancement of public health in Hong Kong. 中大率先採用切除骨癌腫瘤新技術 CUHK Applies New Technique on Bone Tumour Surgery and preserve as much normal bone as possible. It has enabled the surgeons to perform tumour surgery that would otherwise be extremely difficult, and allowed accurate fitting of custom-made metallic prostheses. This advanced technique is particularly useful in joint saving resection in paediatric bone cancer patients. Since early 2006, 15 bone tumour cases have been successfully operated on using this approach. In all 15 cases, resection margin was clear in all resected tumour specimens and post-operative radiological investigations confirmed accurate fitting of all custom- made metallic prostheses. 《水仙》 紙本水墨設色 黃向藝同學,藝術系二年級 Daffodils Ink and colour on paper Wang Xiangyi, Zephry, Year 2, Department of Fine Arts