Newsletter No. 307

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 新任逸夫書院院長 New Head of Shaw College 依據大學條例規程9第1段及第3段規定,並經大學條例規程9 第1段及規程16第6(b)段所組成的委員會推薦,大學校董會現委 任內科及藥物治療學講座教授沈祖堯教授繼程伯中教授出任逸 夫書院院長,任期四年,由2008年2月11日起生效。 In accordance with Statutes 9.1 and 9.3 of the University Ordinance, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, professor of medicine and therapeutics, has been appointed by the University Council as Head of Shaw College for a period of four years from 11 February 2008, succeeding Prof. Ching Pak-chung, as recommended by the committee constituted in accordance with Statutes 9.1 and 16.6(b) of the University Ordinance. 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任李子芬教授為那打素護理學院護理學講座教授,由 2007年11月1日起生效。 李教授於1993年獲英國愛丁堡大學理學碩士學位,2000年獲香 港中文大學哲學博士學位。她在1994年加入中大,任護理學系 助理教授,2004年起出任醫學院助理院長至今。 Prof. Lee Tze-fan, Diana, has been appointed Professor of Nursing, the Nethersole School of Nursing, with effect from 1 November 2007. Prof. Lee received her MSc from the University of Edinburgh in 1993 and her PhD from CUHK in 2000. She joined the Department of Nursing, CUHK, in 1994 as assistant professor and has served as the assistant dean of the Faculty of Medicine since 2004. 新任大學出版社社長 New Director of Chinese University Press 甘琦女士獲香港中文大學聘任為中文大學出版社社長。甘女士 曾任香港Tom集團出版事業部出版總監、英國Verso出版社紐約 分社社長,具豐富海內外出版、發行及營運管理經驗。 Ms. Gan Qi has been appointed as director of Chinese University Press, CUHK. Ms. Gan is a veteran in national and international publishing and distribution, as well as publishing management. She was publishing director of the Tom Group-Publishing Division and director of the New York Office of the London-based Verso Publishing Co. 晚明黃花梨木五足高束腰圓几 Five-legged high-waist round ji table, huanghuali wood, late 16th to early 17th century 校園發展計劃 Campus Master Plan 由 九月下旬開始,中大校園發展計劃督導委員會就校園發展計劃的初步規劃 及設計概念展開了連串意見收集活動,包括安排簡介會及展覽、設立網頁 ( )、跟大學不同的持份者會面及出席學生論壇、介紹校園發 展計劃及初步建議書,並廣泛收集大學成員的意見。 副校長兼校園發展計劃督導委員會聯席主席程伯中教授表示,感謝師生校友的熱 心關注和踴躍討論,委員會迄今已透過各種渠道收到書面意見與建議一百四十多 份,所涵蓋的議題非常廣泛,包括對各顧問公司的初步建議書的看法,以及有關 意見收集過程、文物保育、改善行人及車輛流通等方面的觀點,內容均十分有建 設性。 對於一些就顧問公司的初步規劃及設計概念引起的疑慮,如擔心中大會否變成中 環般的「石屎森林」,或校園發展會否影響崇基校園環境等,委員會深為體察, 並已在上述網頁逐一回應,且重申並沒有擬定任何拆卸名單;校園的整體規劃當 以促進在校師生之教育科研為優先,定當審慎從事,諮詢各持份者的意見。 大學希望能透過意見交流,確保最終方案能 體現大學成員對未來校園設計的意願。目 前,有關初步建議書的展覽已移至何善衡工 程大樓五樓平台繼續展出,校園發展計劃督 導委員會成員亦繼續透過不同的討論平台, 包括四所書院的週會、與學生及校友代表的 會面、校園電台、電郵及網頁,與大學成員 保持溝通,讓各大學成員都能積極參與校園 的規劃。 S ince late September, the Steering Committee on Campus Master Planning (CMP) of CUHK has launched a series of activities to collect feedback from the University community on the preliminary proposals for CMP. They include a number of presentation sessions, an exhibition, and a dedicated website ( . Committee members have also met with different stakeholders of the University and attended forums held by students. Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and co-chairman of the committee, expressed thanks to teachers, students, and alumni for their enthusiasm and views expressed in discussions. To date, the committee has received more than 140 constructive views and suggestions in written form via various channels. They address a wide range of issues, including the architects’ individual proposals, feedback collection, heritage preservation, and enhancement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The committee has noted some members’ concerns over the preliminary proposals, such as the CUHK campus might be rebuilt into a ‘concrete jungle’ like Central and the impact of the development on Chung Chi campus. The committee has clarified these issues on the aforementioned website, and would like to reiterate that the University does not have a list of buildings to be demolished. CMP is aimed at facilitating enhancement of teaching, learning and research activities of teachers and students. The University will take into account the views of all stakeholders and act with extreme caution. CUHK is committed to encouraging dialogue among its members to ensure that the views, suggestions and aspirations of the University community are reflected in the final design. The exhibition of the preliminary master plan proposals has been moved to the 5/F podium of Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building. The committee will continue to communicate with stakeholders through different channels, including assemblies of the four Colleges, meetings with students and alumni representatives, Campus Radio, emails, and the dedicated website so as to engage all University members in planning the development of our campus. 中國文化研究所文物館展覽:明清古典家具 Exhibition on Classic Furniture 中國文化研究所文物館舉辦「燕几衎榻:攻玉山房藏中國古典家具」大型展覽,以 誌慶中國文化研究所40周年。 燕几 衎 榻:攻玉山房藏中國古典家具 日期︰ 2007年11月11日─2008年1月30日 ( 公眾假期閉館 ) 時間:上午10時至下午5時 地點︰文物館西翼展覽廳 簡介:中國古典家具不惟風格典雅優美,且對現代家具影響深遠益廣。明清時期 的中國家具造型簡練典雅,接合的榫卯嚴密精巧,採用性堅質細的硬木。展品精 選自著名收藏家葉承耀醫生攻玉山房珍藏。 The Art Museum of the Institute of Chinese Studies will stage an exhibition in November in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the institute. Feast by a Wine Table Reclining on a Couch: The Dr. S. Y. Yip Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture III Date: 11 November 2007 – 30 January 2008 (closed on public holidays) Time: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Venue: West-wing Galleries, Art Museum Content: Classic Chinese furniture of the Ming (1368- 1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties have long been revered for their simplicity and elegance, their upright and dignified joint design, and their use of beautifully grained hardwood. Exhibits are selected from the recent acquisitions by Dr. S. Y. Yip, the foremost collector of Chinese furniture in Hong Kong. 大學游泳池暫停開放 University Swimming Pool Notice 大學游泳池將於12月1日(星期六)起暫停開放,進行本年度維修工程,重新開放 日期容後公布。 The University swimming pool will be closed from 1 December 2007 (Saturday) for annual maintenance. The date of re-opening will be announced later.