Newsletter No. 308
第 308 期 2007 年 12 月 4 日 No. 308 4 December 2007 第三零八期 二零零七年十二月四日 No. 308 4 December 2007 講 座假500座的逸夫書院大講堂舉行,座無虛席。查教授 首先引已故北京大學考古學家蘇秉琦教授的說法,指 出中國的歷史研究有兩個怪圈,第一是大漢族主義,以漢族 為中心書寫歷史。他說中國有56個民族,撰史不能只以漢人 為中心;第二是套用馬克思主義的歷史觀來解釋中國歷史。 這兩個怪圈都不正確,必須打破。 接著,查教授從上古的紅山文化談起,比較中國農業民族和 遊牧民族的生產力和文化。他說中國之所以發達,是因為每 一次民族大鬥爭,都是一次大融合。他舉西漢、隋唐等為 例,說這些朝代之所以強盛,是因為漢族融合了北方武勇的 少數民族,吸收了他們的文化。所以每經歷一次種族融合, 中國都發展一次。 最後他提到嚴復把達爾文主義介紹到中國後,有些人誤以為 它強調弱肉強食,即弱小的民族應當被強大的民族消滅。查 教授澄清,達爾文主義主張適者生存,是指能與自然環境配 合的物種,才容易生存。 在答問環節,有聽眾問到,查教授筆下刀光劍影的武俠世 界,充滿種族對抗鬥爭的情節,這與他的種族融合觀念是否 有衝突。查教授笑言:「武俠小說難免一定要有鬥爭。」 查教授更援引在劍橋唸書的經驗,要求學生做研究一定要有創 見,「如果提出的想法能在圖書館找到,那就不必做了。」 他還勉勵學生遇到學業上的困難不要輕易放棄,而應該拼命去 學,「像郭靖那樣,他的降龍十八掌學不會,人家學三次,他 就學三十次、三百次,遇到困難就一定要努力去克服。」 T he lecture took place at the Shaw College Lecture Theatre, which was packed to its 500 capacity. Prof. Cha highlighted the importance of avoiding two pitfalls in studying Chinese history. One is Han-centric historiography and the other is Marxist historiography. He went on to argue that the development of the Chinese nation has been invigorated by ethnic conflicts and integration. It is because every great conflict in Chinese history between the Han population and other ethnic minorities entailed a cultural integration that had a rejuvenating effect on the ethnic groups involved. And such a cultural integration often brought about a great and prosperous dynasty. In conclusion, Prof. Cha pointed out that the Chinese misunderstood Darwinism when it was first introduced to China in the late 19th century as justifying the domination of a stronger species 查良鏞教授論中國歷史大勢 Louis Cha on the Main Trends of Chinese History 早前慨允出任中文大學文學院榮譽教授的著名小說家、資深報人查良鏞教授(金庸), 在11月15日應邀蒞臨中大,以「中國歷史的大勢」為題演講。頒授儀式 同日舉行,由校長劉遵義教授授予榮譽教授銜。劉校長致辭時透露,自己唸中學的 時候,也是金庸小說迷,每天在報紙上追看。他還把查教授比作能左手畫圓、 右手畫方的周伯通,形容查教授「左手寫社評,右手寫小說」。 Prof. Louis Cha (Jin Yong), a famous novelist and journalist, delivered a lecture on ‘The Main Trends in Chinese History’ at CUHK on 15 November. On the same occasion, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the University, conferred on Prof. Cha the title of Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Arts. When addressing the audience, Prof. Lau revealed that he was a big fan of Prof. Cha’s novels in his secondary school days. or ethnicity over a weaker one. He clarified that Darwinism does not have such an implication, that it simply suggests the species best adapted to an environment has a better chance of survival. When asked about the contradiction between his theory of ethnic integration and his conflict-filled novels in the question and answer session, Prof. Cha replied, ‘Conflicts are a must in martial arts novels.’ Speaking from his own experience at the University of Cambridge, Prof. Cha said students should be original and innovative in their research. ‘If your research results can be found in libraries, what’s the point of doing it once again?’ Citing the example of Guo Jing, the untalented hero of his novel The Eagle- Shooting Heroes who becomes a great martial arts master through tireless practice, Prof. Cha urged students to overcome their academic difficulties with perseverance and persistence. 講座完畢後,出席人士爭相向查教授索取簽名及拍照留念 The audience flocked to the stage for Prof. Cha’s autograph and photograph after the talk 校長劉遵義教授(左)頒贈榮譽教授證書予查良鏞教授 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left) conferring on Prof. Louis Cha the title of Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Arts
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