Newsletter No. 308

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 公共衞生學院與 卡迪夫大學建立 協作平台 School of Public Health Signs MOU with Cardiff University 中大與普羅旺斯大學合作發展高行健館藏 CUHK and Université de Provence to Build Resources on Gao Xingjian 楊綱凱教授(左)致送紀念品予David Grant 博士(右) Prof. Kenneth Young (left) presents a souvenir to Dr. David Grant 中 大大學圖書館系統與法國普羅旺斯大學圖書 館於11月5日簽署合作協議,共同收集有關 2000年諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健先生及其作品的資 料,豐富兩館的館藏。兩校圖書館館長施達理博士 及Martine Mollet女士簽署協議,出席儀式的包括中大 副校長鄭振耀教授和法國駐香港領事代表Sy l v i e Tourpin女士。 是次合作由普羅旺斯大學杜特萊教授和中大翻譯系 方梓勳教授倡議促成。協議涵蓋五個合作範疇,即 建立高行健網頁、搜購資料、交換所集資料、館際 互借及館員交流等。透過是次合作,兩校將攜手建 立有關高行健及其作品最全面的第一手資料,為世 界各地的學者及研究者帶來裨益。 T he University Library System of CUHK and the library of the Université de Provence (UP) of France signed an agreement on 5 November for a cooperative venture to collect materials relating to and written by 兩校圖書館簽署合作協議,左起為杜特萊教授、鄭振耀教授、施達理博士、Martine Mollet女士、Sylvie Tourpin女士,右一為 方梓勳教授 From left: Prof. Noël Dutrait, Prof. Jack Cheng, Dr. Colin Storey, Mrs. Martine Mollet, Ms. Sylvie Tourpin, and (1st right) Prof. Gilbert Fong 中大與中科院續訂交流協議 CUHK and CAS Continue Partnership 中 國科學院(中科院)院長路甬祥教授率領 代表團,於11月15日到訪中大,了解雙方 各項合作項目的最新進展,並探索未來合作路向。 路甬祥院長亦與中大校長劉遵義教授續簽學術交流 協議,促進雙方在學者互訪、合辦學術及教學研討 會議、科研合作,以及交換學術資料等方面的合 作。 劉遵義校長表示:「續簽學術交流協議是雙方近30年 來愉快合作的明證。我深信在未來的日子裏,中科院 和中大必能繼往開來,進一步擴大並深化合作,為我 國的科研事業貢獻更大的力量。」 路甬祥院長相信中科院與中大的合作是可持續、互利 共贏的,他希望兩校能共同達成高水平科研成果。 中大與中科院自1979年起建立合作聯繫,其後共同建 立了多所聯合研究所及實驗室。透過這些具體合作項 目,兩方在各有關領域取得豐碩的成果,提升知識, 研發創新技術。 T he President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Prof. Lu Yongxiang led a delegation to CUHK on 15 November to learn about the latest developments of cooperative projects and to explore further opportunities for collaboration. Prof. Lu and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, renewed an agreement under which the two institutes will continue to engage in faculty exchange, joint academic conferences and research activities, as well as exchange of academic materials. Prof. Lau said at the signing ceremony, ‘The renewal of the agreement testifies to our harmonious relationship with CAS in the past 30 years. I firmly believe we will uphold this tradition and foster greater collaboration for the advancement of science in China.’ Prof. Lu said the collaboration is sustainable and mutually beneficial, and he looks forward to much high-quality research output. The partnership between CAS and CUHK, which began in 1979, has enabled the establishment of joint research institutes and laboratories. New technologies have been developed as a result of the partnership. 劉遵義校長(左)與路甬祥院長續訂學術交流協議 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left) and Prof. Lu Yongxiang renew agreement for academic collaboration 中 大公共衞生學院與英國卡迪夫大學基層醫 療及公共衞生學系達成科研合作協議, 建立兩者之間的合作平台,促進雙方在教學、培 訓、科研及其他學術活動方面的合作。 中大署理校長楊綱凱教授及卡迪夫大學校長David Grant博士於10月24日在中大簽署合作備忘,醫學 院院長霍泰輝教授亦出席儀式。 T he School of Public Health of CUHK and the Department of Primary Care and Public Health of Cardiff University in the UK reached an agreement on establishing a framework to facilitate collaboration in education, training, research and other academic activities between the two universities. A memorandum of understanding was signed by Prof. Kenneth Young, Acting Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Dr. David Grant, Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff University, on 24 October 2007. Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, also attended the ceremony. Mr. Gao Xingjian, Nobel Laureate in Literature in 2000, in order to strengthen each other’s library collections. The agreement was signed by the Librarians of both universities, Dr. Colin Storey and Mrs. Martine Mollet, and witnessed by Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Ms. Sylvie Tourpin from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong. The cooperation between the two libraries was first initiated by Prof. Noël Dutrait of UP and Prof. Gilbert Fong of the Translation Department of CUHK. The agreement covers five areas: the development of a website on Mr. Gao, purchase of materials, exchange of collected materials, interlibrary loans and exchange of staff. The concerted effort to build the most comprehensive set of first-hand resources on the life and works of Mr. Gao Xingjian will benefit scholars and researchers around the world.