Newsletter No. 310
第 310 期 2008 年 1 月 4 日 No. 310 4 January 2008 第三一零期 二零零八年一月四日 No. 310 4 January 2008 中大歲月堪回味 Those Were the Days 三 千八百多位校友上月共聚中大校園,緬懷青 葱歲月,重溫上課情景,參觀校園新設施, 與教授話當年,部分校友更攜同子女出席,讓下一 代感受父母在中大求學的歡悅時光。 一年一度、由校友事務處籌辦的校友日於12月9日 下午舉行,是次報名人數為歷屆之冠。當日除預備 了音樂表演以及各部門在百萬大道的展板介紹之 外,最別出心裁的活動要算多場「回到課堂」講座, 讓心懷母校的校友重返學生時代,再嚐上課滋味。授 課的包括校長劉遵義教授、建築學系何培斌教授等。 當晚四所書院及研究院還設有晚宴,讓不同年代的校 友濟濟一堂。 1988年畢業、主修地理的黃興齊校友,已定居日本, 是次專程回港參加校友日,重遊舊地,並探望地理與 資源管理學系教授。現今先進的教研器材固然教黃興 齊印象深刻,尤令他感到親切窩心的是,相隔廿載, 教授竟然大都記得他的名字。 O ver 3,800 alumni had a second taste of student life on the afternoon of 9 December, the day of the 2007 Alumni Homecoming, at ‘back to classroom’ talks and visits to department offices and their old professors. The annual event was organized by the Alumni Affairs Office. Talks were delivered by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Ho Puay-peng of the Department of Architecture, etc. The returning alumni, many of whom accompanied by their children, also toured new facilities on campus, and went to musical performances and exhibitions. In the evening, they attended welcoming dinners hosted by the four constituent Colleges and the Graduate School. One of the participants was Mr. Wong Hing-chai (class of 1988, geography) who had flown back from Japan especially for the occasion. Mr. Wong visited the Department of Geography and Resource Management and talked to the professors. He was impressed by the state-of-the-art facilities and pleasantly surprised that, after all these years, the professors could still call him by his name. 員工優異服務獲肯定 Staff Honoured for Exemplary Service 二零零六至零七年度員工優異服務獎」頒 獎典禮於12月14日舉行,由校長劉遵義教授 ( 左七 )頒獎,出席者包括多位大學主管人員、 得獎者親友及同事等約160人。員工培訓及發展委 員會主席許敬文教授( 右四 )和員工優異服務獎 遴選委員會主席梁光漢先生( 右一 )分別致辭, 讚揚得獎人的真誠服務,並展望藉著匯聚得獎人 的寶貴經驗,進一步推動校園優質服務文化。 頒獎典禮詳情和得獎人的服務心得錄像,可於網 上( ) 瀏覽。 T en members of the University were presented the Exemplary Service Award 2006–07 by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor ( 7th left ) on 14 December. Some 160 guests including senior management, staff, students, and family members of the awardees attended the ceremony. Prof. Michael Hui, chairman of the Staff Training and DevelopmentCommittee ( 4th right ) andMr. PhilipLeung, chairman of the Selection Panel ( 1st right ) commended the awardees for their service and expressed the hope to 得獎名單 Recipient 所屬部門 / 單位 Department/Unit 梁淑玲女士 Ms. Liang Shuk-ling, Tracy (左三, 3rd left ) 英文系 Dept of English 吳瑞玉女士 Ms. Ng Shui-yuk, Grace (左四, 4th left ) 文化及宗教研究系 Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies 何錫桂先生 Mr. Ho Sik-kwai (左五, 5th left ) 逸夫書院 Shaw College 李謀豐先生 Mr. Lee Mau-fung (左六, 6th left) 資訊科技服務處 Information Technology Services Centre 許玉潔女士 Ms. Hue Yuk-kit 教育心理學系 Dept of Educational Psychology 許寶寶女士 Ms. Hui Bo-bo, Eleanor 校友事務處 Alumni Affairs Office 陳寶玲女士 Ms. Chan Po-ling (右三, 3rd right ) 食品及營養學課程 Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme 鄭文枝女士 Ms. Cheng Man-chi (右五, 5th right) 資訊科技服務處 Information Technology Services Centre 陳妙芳女士 Ms. Chan Miu-fong (右六, 6th right) 翻譯系 Dept of Translation 鄭煥生先生 Mr. Cheng Woon-sang (右七, 7th right ) 聯合書院 United College further enhance the University’s service culture through sharing of the awardees’ experiences. For details of the ceremony, please refer to www.cuhk. . 「 校友回到課堂,聽何培斌教授(左)的一堂課 Alumni attending a talk by Prof. Ho Puay-peng (left)
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