Newsletter No. 312

第 312 期 2008 年 2 月 4 日 No. 312 4 February 2008 外科學系泌尿科主管葉錦洪教授(左)及泌尿科專科醫生吳志輝教授 Prof. Sidney Yip, chief of urology (left) and Prof. Anthony Ng, specialist in urology, Department of Surgery 添置新一代機械人手術系統 提升微創手術水準 CUHK to Install Latest Robotic Surgical System 醫 學院獲一位熱心人士慨捐一千八百多萬港 元,購置第二代達芬奇機械人手術系統,供 該院教授在威爾斯親王醫院進行微創手術,提升手術 的精密度,造福病人。 第二代的機械人手術系統融合高清內鏡錄像技術,提 供更真實的立體影像。外科醫生能透過清晰的三維高 解像手術控制台施行手術,配合大型等離子顯示屏, 其他技術人員亦可即時接收到高清畫面,手術的精確 性得以大增。該手術系統的另一優點是設有四條機械 臂,首三臂分持內視鏡及手術儀器,第四條臂則負責抽 起肌肉組織,尤如增添一名手術助手,省卻另一名外科 醫生協助的需要,而且在病人造成的傷口直徑只有8至 12毫米。 機器人手術已逐漸成為前列腺癌切除術的「黃金標 準」。外科學系泌尿外科主管葉錦洪教授表示:「透過 機械人手術系統,外科醫生能看清肌肉表面及神經血管 等微細組織。這不單可有效地控制癌症,更可盡量保存 性功能及改善尿控功能。」這種手術系統亦能應用於普 通外科、小兒泌尿科、婦產科手術及心胸外科。 威爾斯親王醫院2005年購置第一代機械人手術系統, 過去兩年,中大已培育出一支高技術的外科團隊,深諳 機械人手術系統的運作。添置第二代系統後,原有系統 會移至中大賽馬會微創醫療技術培訓中心,專門用作培 訓香港、內地及其他地區的外科醫生,無須他們遠赴海 外就訓,減低成本。該中心更是美國加州總部以外,繼 法國斯特拉斯堡之後,第二間獲認證的達芬奇機械人 手術培訓中心。 花旗銀行與中大合辦課程 加深商學生了解銀行運作 Citibank and CUHK Launch New Banking Course A n anonymous HK$18 million donation has allowed the Faculty of Medicine to purchase the latest version of the world acclaimed da Vinci® Surgical System for robotically assisted surgery at the University’s teaching hospital, the Prince of Wales Hospital, to improve surgical outcomes. This latest version incorporates high definition endoscopic video technology. The surgeon at his control console now sees a superior 3D high definition image of the operating field. Large interactive plasma display panels provide assisting staff with exceptionally clear high contrast images of the same field. A further advantage is an additional robotic arm. While the first three arms control the miniaturized instruments and the laparoscopic camera, the fourth arm typically controls the instruments used to retract adjacent tissues and anatomy. This obviates the need to have a second surgeon in attendance. The robotically assisted approach to prostate cancer has already become the ‘gold standard’—the procedure of choice. Robotics can also be used in areas such as general 花 旗銀行與中大首次合辦CitibankUniversity Banking Course 2007 –200 8,為工商管理 學院二年級學生提供全面的銀行實務課程,以加 深他們對銀行業營運模式的了解。完成課程後, 學生可獲三個學分。 該課程由花旗集團基金會贊助,在1月至3月舉行,由 花旗銀行派出資深銀行家擔任講師,通過不同的專題 課堂,以及互動的討論環節,與學生分享其精闢見解 和經驗,提供傳統課題以外的金融業知識。學生更有 機會考察銀行分行。 今年有一百四十多名 學生報讀該課程,獲 取錄的50人均經嚴謹 的甄選,包括一項關 於金融知識的筆試和 小組面試。 花旗集團香港區行長 林森成先生於1月7日 的 開 學 典 禮 上 說 : 「 希 望 透 過 今 次 與 中 大 的 合 作 , 能 讓 學 生 加 深 了 解 個 人 理財的重要性,讓他 們成為一個懂得為自 己的財務安排負責的 人。」中大署理校長 廖 柏 偉 教 授 表 示 : 「香港中文大學與花 旗 銀 行 抱 著 同 樣 信 念,希望香港能鞏固 國際貿易及金融中心 的地位,亦盼能為此目標出一分力。」他深信這個課 程將會為同學們帶來一次相當具啟發性及豐富的學習 體驗。 C itibank (Hong Kong) and the Chinese University are jointlyoffering theCitibankUniversityBanking Course in 2008 to second-year students of the Faculty of Business Administration. The course aims at providing students with insight into modern banking operations and practices. Students will receive three credits upon completion of the course. The course is funded by the Citi Foundation and runs from January to March 2008. It provides a valuable opportunity to explore the real world of banking through both structured classroom lectures and interactive discussions with seasoned bankers from Citibank. Students taking the course will also pay a visit to a Citibank branch. More than 140 student applications were received, and after a rigorous selection process, which included a finance-related written test and group interview, 50 students were admitted. At the inauguration ceremony on 7 January, Mr. Sim S. Lim, Citi Country Officer for Hong Kong, said, ‘We hope that our collaboration with CUHK will further strengthen students’ financial knowledge and help them become financially astute decision-makers.’ Prof. Liu Pak-wai, Acting Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said, ‘CUHK and Citibank share the same commitment to enhancing Hong Kong’s position as a centre for international trade and finance.’ 左起:工商管理學院署理院長陳志輝教授、署理校長廖柏偉教授、花旗集團香港區行長林森成先生及 Citibank 環球個人銀行服務香港及澳門區總經理盧韋柏先生 From left: Prof. Chan Chi-fai, acting dean, Faculty of Business Administration, Prof. Liu Pak-wai, Acting Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Sim S. Lim, Citi Country Officer for Hong Kong, and Mr. Weber Lo, Country Business Manager for Hong Kong and Macau, Citibank Global surgery, paediatric surgery, gynaecological operations and cardiothoracic surgery. An earlier version of the da Vinci® Surgical System, installed in 2005 in the hospital’s operating theatre, will be relocated to the CUHK Jockey Club Minimally Invasive Surgical Skills Centre for the training of Hong Kong, mainland and regional surgeons. The centre will become the second centre outside North America to be approved for system and procedure training on the da Vinci® Surgical System by the manufacturers.