Newsletter No. 312

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 通風和屏風樓導向研究計算的將軍澳東港城附近的風影區 The wind shadow area near East Point, Tseung Kwan O, as calculated by the study of urban ventilation and wall effects of buildings 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: 七項研究項目獲撥款 Seven Research Projects Received Grants ■ 建築碩士生環保構思獲殊榮 MArch Students Win Recognition for Eco Designs 建 築學系碩士生的兩項環保設計項目, 以其顧慮周詳、重視環保,分別於香 港建築師學會第一屆可持續建築設計賽碩士生 組中,奪得第一名及優異獎。 獲得第一名的「高密度城市設計的通風和屏風 樓導向研究之香港體驗」,由姜藝思、林穎茵 及袁軒瑜負責。該作品以科學方法,探討屏風 樓的闊度及其引起的屏風效應。研究結果會成 為制定都市規劃指引的參考,以控制和盡量 減少風影區,從而改善城市內圍區域的空氣流 通。 至於獲優異獎的項目為「中國海南島鸚哥嶺森 林保護區遊客諮詢中心設計方案」,由林穎茵 及袁軒瑜與嘉道理農場暨植物園合作完成。 該方案是把位於中國海南島鸚哥嶺森林保護 區的廢置軍營,改建為遊客諮詢中心。其設計 的特色之一,是在建築物的東面裝上垂直的竹製遮 陽百葉,用以阻隔直射的陽光,為遊客提供遮陰, 並保持空氣流通。此構思除加強建築物的環保效能 外,又把設計干預減到最小,更獲有關部門接納, 兩人現正與嘉道理農場暨植物園合作,把設計付諸 實行。 兩個獲獎項目均由建築系吳恩融教授指導。 中大腸胃研究隊伍獲頒國家科技進步獎 CUHK Gastrointestinal Research Group Wins State Scientific Technological Progress Award T wo projects byMaster’s students of the Department of Architecture won respectively the first prize and an honourable mention in the graduate category of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Sustainable Design Student Project Award 2007 last December for their concern for the environment and people. The project that won the first prize, ‘A Pilot Study of Urban Ventilation and Wall Effects of Buildings – An Experience of Hong Kong’ was led by Karen Kiang, Millie Lam and Echo Yuen. The project was a scientific study on the perceived visual wall length and effective wind wall length of high-rises. The results will serve as a basis for the establishment of an urban design guideline for controlling and minimizing wind shadow areas so as to improve inner city ventilation. The project receiving an honourablementionwas ‘Hainan Forest Reserve Visitor Centre Adaptive Reuse Proposal of the Abandoned Army Camp’. Conducted by Millie Lam and Echo Yuen for Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, it aims at turning an abandoned army camp in the Hainan Yinggeling Reserve in China into a visitor centre. One of the most distinctive features of the design is the vertical bamboo solar louvers which block excessive heat from the sun and provide shade while maintaining cross-ventilation. It minimizes design intervention and, at the same time, increases the building’s environmental performance. The students are now working with Kadoorie Farm to build the visitor centre. Both projects are supervised by Prof. Edward Ng of the Department of Architecture. 醫 學院腸胃研究隊伍以研究腸胃潰瘍出血的創 新療法,獲頒2007年度「國家科學技術進步 獎」二等獎。 獲獎的腸胃潰瘍出血創新非外科療法,由醫學院的沈 祖堯教授、劉潤皇教授、陳家亮教授、吳國偉教授、 趙偉仁副教授與榮譽臨牀副教授李玉棠醫生,以及醫 學院前院長鍾尚志教授負責研究。 沈祖堯教授率領的研究隊伍成功利用非外科方法治 療腸胃潰瘍出血,並率先採用抗菌療法取代抗酸劑 治療,把腸胃潰瘍死亡率從20年前的10%降至現時的 4.4%,並降低了對外科手術的需求、輸血量、住院日 數,以及潰瘍的發病和復發率。該等研究成果亦修正 了國際的腸胃潰瘍出血治療指引。 「國家科學技術獎」是國務院轄下國家科學技術獎勵 工作辦公室統籌頒發的崇高榮譽,下設國家科學技術 進步獎,表揚在實施技術開發項目及社會公益項目中 的傑出科學技術工作者。 T he Gastrointestinal Research Group of the Faculty of Medicine has won the second-class award of the 2007 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award for its achievement and innovation in the treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding. The second-class scientific and technological progress award was conferred on the project ‘Innovative Non-surgical Treatments of Peptic Ulcer Bleeding’, carried out by Prof. Joseph Sung, Prof. James Lau, Prof. Francis Chan, Prof. Enders Ng, Prof. Philip Chiu and Prof. Lee Yuk-tong of the Faculty of Medicine, and former dean of Medicine, Prof. Sydney Chung. Led by Prof. Sung, the research has led to major advancements and new medical standards in the treatment of peptic ulcer. With the development of novel non-surgical treatment of ulcer bleeding and pioneering use of anti-bacterial treatment in curing peptic ulcers without acid suppression, the peptic ulcer bleeding mortality rate has dropped from 10% to 4.4% over the past two decades and the need for surgery, blood transfusion and hospital stay, as well as ulcer occurrence and relapse, has been reduced. The highly prestigious State Science and Technology Awards (SSTAs) are presented by the National Office for Science and Technology Awards of the State Council, People’s Republic of China. Progress awards under the SSTAs are presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the implementation of technology development and public welfare projects. 前排左起:沈祖堯教授、霍泰輝教授、鍾尚 志教授、陳家亮教授、吳國偉教授,以及趙 偉仁教授 (二排中)、李玉棠教授 (二排右) 和其他研究隊員 Front row from left: Prof. Joseph Sung, Prof. T.F. Fok, Prof. Sydney Chung, Prof. Francis Chan, Prof. Enders Ng, and Prof. Philip Chiu (second row middle), Prof Y.T. Lee (second row right) and members of the research team