Newsletter No. 313

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 校長與傳媒新春茶聚 Vice-Chancellor’s Spring Reception for the Media 新 年伊始,大學於2月21日邀請傳媒友好,與 劉遵義校長( 中 )以及副校長楊綱凱教授 ( 右二 )、廖柏偉教授( 左二 )、鄭振耀教授 ( 左一 )和程伯中教授( 右一 )茶聚。 劉校長回顧中大過去一載的工作,三所新書院—敬文 書院、伍宜孫書院、和聲書院—已然成立,招生續取 佳續,師生表現優秀,屢奪殊榮,籌款亦超標完成。 T he University invited members of the media to a spring reception with Prof. Lawrence J. Lau ( middle ), Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Kenneth Young ( right 2 ), Prof. Liu Pak-wai ( left 2 ), Prof. Jack Cheng ( left 1 ), and Prof. Ching Pak-chung ( right 1 ), Pro-Vice-Chancellors of CUHK, at the Vice-Chancellor’s Residence on 21 February. Details of the University’s achievements in the past year were recapitulated. These include the establishment of three new Colleges — C.W. Chu College, Wu Yee Sun College and Lee Woo Sing College, the high quality of the student intake, staff’s excellent performance, and our success in fundraising including qualifying for the maximum grant in the fourth round of the UGC’s matching grant scheme. Prof. Lau pointed out that CUHK will celebrate its 45th birthday in October 2008. In the year ahead, the University will continue to focus efforts on the following tasks: prepare for the launch of the 3+3+4 academic structure; help the existing four Colleges upgrade their facilities and, if they so wish, build new hostels and increase their residential ratio; further expand student exchange programmes and increase opportunities for overseas internship; build a green campus that is sustainable, and formulate a campus master plan to guide its overall development. 大學同人聊堪告慰之餘,亦將再接再厲,謀求進步。 今年10月是中大成立45周年,劉教授表示,來年 的工作重點是繼續為回復四年學制做好準備;協 助現有四所書院改善設施,籌建新宿舍,提升宿生 比率;進一步擴展學生交流計劃,增加海外實習機 會;努力建設可持續發展的綠色校園,並為之制訂 總體規劃藍圖。 (接上頁 Continued ) 在醫學院講課,大班教學往往有百餘名學生。在病 房,師生都戴上了口罩,大家面目模糊,總是有那麽 一點的隔閡。儘管這幾年來,沈教授不斷思索如何在 大學擔任一個新的角色,好讓自己更密切地接觸學 生,了解他們,與他們交流,年前程伯中院長初步徵 詢他是否有意出任院長一職時,他還是有點掙扎。他 坦承之前和逸夫的接觸不多,不知道自己是否合適, 學生會否接受一個跟他們素未謀面的醫學院教授。不 過,去年一次「千人宴」,讓他增加了信心。 當教授遇上歌星 「原來那不是吃一頓飯那麽簡單。」席間,他看到 學生的表演,發現他們有不少讀書以外的才華,而 且都很活潑,很有活力。最特別的經驗,是他讓當 晚來表演的歌星請到台上合唱。這段精彩的演出, 還讓人攝錄下來,上載到YouTube,名為「朱咪咪 X 沈祖堯」。 一位是文質彬彬、濟世為懷的高等學府醫學教授,一 位是跑慣碼頭、充滿江湖智慧、以詼諧捉狹見稱的草 根歌星,這個組合本就蘊含了陽春白雪與下里巴人的 矛盾元素。沈教授憶述:「我坐的位置離舞台很近, 眼神與她接觸了,我自忖不妙,正想走,已被她喝令 People Feast hosted by the College last year gave him a shot of confidence. When Professor Meets Singer ‘It turned out to be more than an ordinary dinner.’ The most unforgettable episode was his singing at the request of comic songstress Mimi Chu. The duo’s performance was filmed, dubbed ‘Mimi Chu X Joseph Sung’, and uploaded to YouTube. ‘My seat was very close to the stage. I had an ominous feeling when our eyes met. Then when I was about to leave, she hollered me an invitation to go on stage.’ Their performance brought the house down and Prof. Sung believed he had passed the ‘job interview’ by the students. Two Dreams After taking office, Prof. Sung has two dreams. ‘First of all, I see the College serving as an arena of activities and a platform for liberal education. I hope the students will care about their country, society, and the people around them, instead of being fixated on personal prospects and monetary gains. Secondly, I hope that through non- formal education, we will nurture individuals with vision, charisma and communication skills who will serve and lead.’ Prof. Sung said the Colleges are not just student hostels. A college should be a place where students discover their true selves, make their transition to adulthood, and find their ideals. It is also where students live with roommates, join groups and take part in various activities. The headship of Shaw College may not be something to beef up Prof. Sung’s professional profile. A dedicated professor and doctor, he has kept searching for his mission in life and as an educator. Taking up this new position, he will definitely sow into the minds of the students seeds of wisdom and integrity. Is that not an achievement already? 上台。但我不可以拒絕,那樣會弄得大家都沒趣。」 於是他既來之則安之,沒有崖岸自高地劃地為界,而 是選擇面對,字正腔圓地和朱小姐合唱一闕粵語小調 《分飛燕》,帶點靦腆地輕輕化解了她頗令人尷尬的 捉弄,贏得學生一片喝采之聲。相信就是在那一刻, 他已通過了學生的「面試」。「我發現原來學生是接 受我的,這令我十分感激。而我也很享受和他們一起 『瘋』的感覺。」 兩個夢想 沈教授謙稱比他更積極參與書院事務的同事大有人 在,自己未必是最合適的院長人選。不過,就任後, 他還是提出了兩個夢想,而且指出了發人深省的反思 方向。「首先,我希望藉書院生活創造活動與通識教 育的平台,把價值觀、社會責任感、廣闊的視野帶給 學生,培養他們關心的態度,關心身邊的人、社會和 國家的需要,不只著眼於自己的前途和收入。其次, 希望能藉書院的教育培訓學生成為有遠識的領袖,發 揮個人魅力和溝通技巧,服務和領導群眾。」 沈教授強調,中大既以其獨特的書院制自豪,就必須 確保我們的書院有異於學生宿舍,能成為幫助學生發 現自我、由少年過度至有責任感的成年人、找到人生 理想和意義的地方。透過書院,學 生在大學的生活超越了上課 — 下 課 — 圖書館的框框。在書院的生 活,簡單如與室友相處,有趣如組 織或參加比賽,無論成敗,都像社 會的縮影,是可貴的經驗。 出任書院院長不會為沈教授的專業 錦上添花。然而,一位曾與全港市 民經歷生死關頭,在紛沓而至的百 般榮賞中,仍不失清醒地找尋人生 與教育的核心使命的教育工作者和 醫生,在新的崗位上,必能在學生 心中撒下健康的種子,在日後綻放 燦爛的花朵;這卻肯定是育人事業 的突破。