Newsletter No. 315
第 315 期 2008 年 4 月 4 日 No. 315 4 April 2008 第三一五期 二零零八年四月四日 No. 315 4 April 2008 文武雙全的羅德學人 The Athletic Rhodes Scholar 崇基學院心理學系應屆畢業生吳紹倫獲選為本屆港區羅德學人,獲約 100萬元獎學金,於9月前往英國牛津大學修讀管理研究及金融經濟理學 碩士。他是全港首位循中六生優先錄取計劃入讀大學的尖子取得這項獎學 金,亦是過去十屆以來第八位榮獲此殊榮的中大學生。 Ng Siu-lun Siron, a fresh Chung Chi College psychology graduate, has been awarded Hong Kong Rhodes Scholarship this year. Siron will receive a scholarship of about HK$1 million to further his MSc studies in management research and financial economics at the University of Oxford in September. He is the first-ever Hong Kong Rhodes Scholar to have been admitted to university via the Early Admissions Scheme (EAS), and the eighth CUHK Rhodes Scholar in the past 10 years. 「中大的校園生活,是我智性 發展及個人成長中極為重要的 一部分。」 'My university life in CUHK contributed significantly to my intellectual and personal development.' 獨愛中大心理學系 中學會考取得9A1B的佳績,唸的是理科, 吳紹倫一直對人類的思考和語言感到興 趣,早就計劃在大學主修心理學。「我早 已知悉中大心理學系的師資優越,研究成 果豐碩,更提供不少機會予本科生參與研 究。猶記得唸中六時,與心理學系的Prof. Michael Bond電話交談後,深入了解到學 系的教研實力,由此更堅定了我選擇中大 的決心。」 難於抉擇 回顧這些年來的大學生活,紹倫認為這是 他「智性發展及個人成長中極為重要的一 部分。老師不只教授學術知識,更著重啟 發我們思考。對他們的教導、關心和協助, 我深深感謝。」 有哪位老師給他印象最深刻?紹倫笑打比 方:「要我挑一位印象深刻的老師,就如問 我:『如果母親和女朋友同時墜海,要先 救誰?』同樣難於抉擇。不過,我要特別感 謝Prof. Catherine A. McBride。除了教學 和指導研究之外,她還不時聆聽我訴說困 難,助我分析情勢,指出我的不足,提示補 救方法。」 多元化發展 紹倫認為中大獨有的書院制和通識教 育,給予他多元化發展的機會。「參與 書院活動有助我提升溝通和領導能力, 學習不同崗位的工作和職責。我曾任學 生代表,參與書院事務,了解書院的運 作。我又特別喜歡周會的安排,因每次 的主題都不同,聽眾還可即場向主講嘉 賓提問。『學問』就是要學會怎樣問, 提問過程可促使自己思考,有助提升批 判能力哩。」每次周會,紹倫都踴躍提 問,也因這樣,由院長梁元生教授以至 書院教職員和學生都認識他! 大學通識課程的設計,令對知識有無窮渴 求的紹倫欣賞不已。他選讀了「中國文化 要義」和「氣象學概論」等科目,「接觸其 他學科,可讓我從另一角度審視事物,領 悟不同學科之間的關聯。」 紹倫亦是一名排球和游泳的運動健將,多 次在書院的比賽中奪標。他曾代表崇基學 院的排球隊出戰四院賽,勇奪冠軍;亦曾 六度在崇基水運會中獲獎。 院長的話 From Head of Chung Chi College 恭喜紹倫榮獲本年度羅德獎學金。 紹倫成為中大學生的首日,參加了書院的 優先錄取計劃迎新活動,我便認識這位 傑出的年輕人。 紹倫於周會時經常向講者提問,他有著 無限的好奇心,又充滿創意。為了尋求答 案,不惜翻遍典籍,以實驗求證。 紹倫經常參與書院活動,兩度獲宋常 康創意獎及崇基學院榮譽獎狀。他不 但學術成績優秀,運動表現同樣傑 出,且愛與友人分享。崇基學院為紹倫的 成就感到驕傲。 崇基學院院長梁元生教授 Congratulations to Siron on winning the Rhodes Scholarship this year! I have known Siron since day one, at the Chung Chi College reception of EAS students in 2005. Siron was one of the youngest and brightest. Inquisitive and innovative, Siron was a frequent respondent to Chung Chi Assembly speakers and he liked to ask questions. He would seek options and solutions to problems through extensive reading and doing experiments. Siron often participated in student activities of the College and was twice winner of the College’s S.H. Sung Creativity Award. He was also on the Head’s List twice. Siron is not only an outstanding student academically, but also an all-rounder who excels in sports and enjoys sharing with people. Chung Chi is proud of Siron’s accomplishments. Prof. Leung Yuen Sang Head, Chung Chi College 學以致用 這位深明自己需要、強於前 瞻的年輕人,對完成碩士課 程後的發展已有全盤計劃。 他打算回港從事金融相關行 業,設身處地了解金融從業 員在作出重要投資決定背 後的心理因素,汲取實戰經 驗,然後重返校園攻讀財務 心理學的博士學位。「我希 望透過研究,改善監管系 統,以及優化教育投資者的工作,為鞏 固香港作為國際金融中心的地位出一分 力。」 CUHK Psychology Was First Choice Majoring in science, Siron received 9As and 1B in the HKCEE. He was deeply interested in how human beings think and speak. ‘I decided to study psychology at CUHK because of the excellent faculty members, outstanding research training and ample research opportunities for undergraduates. I still remember a valuable phone conversation I had with Prof. Michael Bond when I was in Secondary 6. He introduced to me the strengths and achievements of the Department of Psychology which confirmed my decision.’ A Difficult Choice Siron said that his university life inCUHK had contributed significantly to his intellectual and personal development. ‘I am thankful that many faculty members and staff inspired and nurtured me throughout my studies.’ When asked who the most impressive teacher was, Siron said, ‘This is as difficult as being asked the question “Would you save your mom or your girlfriend if they were both drowning?”. But I would say Prof. Catherine A. McBride influenced me the most. Not only did she teach me psychology and superviseme in research, she also let me recount my difficulties, analysed problems with me, pointed out my weaknesses and suggested solutions to them.’ An All-rounder Siron was an outstanding athlete who bagged numerous sports awards in collegial sports competitions. He was particularly good at volleyball and swimming, having once led the volleyball team of Chung Chi College to championship in the CUHK Inter-college Volleyball Competition, and won six awards in the College’s Swimming Gala. Siron is a fan of the college system and general education. ‘I have further developed my interpersonal and leadership competencies; learned the rights and responsibilities of different roles by participating in hostel activities, college teams and extra-curricular activities. Particularly notable was my role as a student representative. Such experience allowed me to know more about the decision making process and learn to adopt different perspectives. ‘The General Education curriculum is a good introduction to other disciplines and equips me with a different lens through which to see the world. It is especially interesting to note how knowledge in different disciplines relate and correspond to each other.’ Looking Ahead Upon completion of his studies at Oxford, Siron plans to return to Hong Kong and start his career in the finance industry. ‘After accumulating working experience in the industry, with an understanding of the psychological factors leading investors to make investment decisions, I hope to continue my PhD and to devote myself to research in behavioural finance. By knowing more about investors, we can improve the regulatory system, strengthen investor education, and foster a healthy investment environment in Hong Kong so her position as an international finance centre can be strengthened.’
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